| //===-------------------------- ios.cpp -----------------------------------===// |
| // |
| // The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure |
| // |
| // This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open |
| // Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details. |
| // |
| //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// |
| |
| #define _LIBCPP_EXTERN_TEMPLATE(...) extern template __VA_ARGS__; |
| |
| #include "ios" |
| #include "streambuf" |
| #include "istream" |
| #include "string" |
| #include "__locale" |
| #include "algorithm" |
| #include "memory" |
| #include "new" |
| #include "limits" |
| #include <stdlib.h> |
| |
| |
| template class basic_ios<char>; |
| template class basic_ios<wchar_t>; |
| |
| template class basic_streambuf<char>; |
| template class basic_streambuf<wchar_t>; |
| |
| template class basic_istream<char>; |
| template class basic_istream<wchar_t>; |
| |
| template class basic_ostream<char>; |
| template class basic_ostream<wchar_t>; |
| |
| template class basic_iostream<char>; |
| |
| class _LIBCPP_HIDDEN __iostream_category |
| : public __do_message |
| { |
| public: |
| virtual const char* name() const _NOEXCEPT; |
| virtual string message(int ev) const; |
| }; |
| |
| const char* |
| __iostream_category::name() const _NOEXCEPT |
| { |
| return "iostream"; |
| } |
| |
| string |
| __iostream_category::message(int ev) const |
| { |
| if (ev != static_cast<int>(io_errc::stream) |
| #ifdef ELAST |
| && ev <= ELAST |
| #endif |
| ) |
| return __do_message::message(ev); |
| return string("unspecified iostream_category error"); |
| } |
| |
| const error_category& |
| iostream_category() _NOEXCEPT |
| { |
| static __iostream_category s; |
| return s; |
| } |
| |
| // ios_base::failure |
| |
| ios_base::failure::failure(const string& msg, const error_code& ec) |
| : system_error(ec, msg) |
| { |
| } |
| |
| ios_base::failure::failure(const char* msg, const error_code& ec) |
| : system_error(ec, msg) |
| { |
| } |
| |
| ios_base::failure::~failure() throw() |
| { |
| } |
| |
| // ios_base locale |
| |
| const ios_base::fmtflags ios_base::boolalpha; |
| const ios_base::fmtflags ios_base::dec; |
| const ios_base::fmtflags ios_base::fixed; |
| const ios_base::fmtflags ios_base::hex; |
| const ios_base::fmtflags ios_base::internal; |
| const ios_base::fmtflags ios_base::left; |
| const ios_base::fmtflags ios_base::oct; |
| const ios_base::fmtflags ios_base::right; |
| const ios_base::fmtflags ios_base::scientific; |
| const ios_base::fmtflags ios_base::showbase; |
| const ios_base::fmtflags ios_base::showpoint; |
| const ios_base::fmtflags ios_base::showpos; |
| const ios_base::fmtflags ios_base::skipws; |
| const ios_base::fmtflags ios_base::unitbuf; |
| const ios_base::fmtflags ios_base::uppercase; |
| const ios_base::fmtflags ios_base::adjustfield; |
| const ios_base::fmtflags ios_base::basefield; |
| const ios_base::fmtflags ios_base::floatfield; |
| |
| const ios_base::iostate ios_base::badbit; |
| const ios_base::iostate ios_base::eofbit; |
| const ios_base::iostate ios_base::failbit; |
| const ios_base::iostate ios_base::goodbit; |
| |
| const ios_base::openmode ios_base::app; |
| const ios_base::openmode ios_base::ate; |
| const ios_base::openmode ios_base::binary; |
| const ios_base::openmode ios_base::in; |
| const ios_base::openmode ios_base::out; |
| const ios_base::openmode ios_base::trunc; |
| |
| void |
| ios_base::__call_callbacks(event ev) |
| { |
| for (size_t i = __event_size_; i;) |
| { |
| --i; |
| __fn_[i](ev, *this, __index_[i]); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // locale |
| |
| locale |
| ios_base::imbue(const locale& newloc) |
| { |
| static_assert(sizeof(locale) == sizeof(__loc_), ""); |
| locale& loc_storage = *reinterpret_cast<locale*>(&__loc_); |
| locale oldloc = loc_storage; |
| loc_storage = newloc; |
| __call_callbacks(imbue_event); |
| return oldloc; |
| } |
| |
| locale |
| ios_base::getloc() const |
| { |
| const locale& loc_storage = *reinterpret_cast<const locale*>(&__loc_); |
| return loc_storage; |
| } |
| |
| // xalloc |
| #if __has_feature(cxx_atomic) |
| atomic<int> ios_base::__xindex_ = ATOMIC_VAR_INIT(0); |
| #else |
| int ios_base::__xindex_ = 0; |
| #endif |
| |
| int |
| ios_base::xalloc() |
| { |
| return __xindex_++; |
| } |
| |
| long& |
| ios_base::iword(int index) |
| { |
| size_t req_size = static_cast<size_t>(index)+1; |
| if (req_size > __iarray_cap_) |
| { |
| size_t newcap; |
| const size_t mx = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max(); |
| if (req_size < mx/2) |
| newcap = _VSTD::max(2 * __iarray_cap_, req_size); |
| else |
| newcap = mx; |
| size_t newsize = newcap * sizeof(long); |
| long* iarray = static_cast<long*>(realloc(__iarray_, newsize)); |
| if (iarray == 0) |
| { |
| setstate(badbit); |
| static long error; |
| error = 0; |
| return error; |
| } |
| __iarray_ = iarray; |
| for (long* p = __iarray_ + __iarray_size_; __iarray_cap_ < newcap; ++__iarray_cap_, ++p) |
| *p = 0; |
| } |
| __iarray_size_ = max<size_t>(__iarray_size_, req_size); |
| return __iarray_[index]; |
| } |
| |
| void*& |
| ios_base::pword(int index) |
| { |
| size_t req_size = static_cast<size_t>(index)+1; |
| if (req_size > __parray_cap_) |
| { |
| size_t newcap; |
| const size_t mx = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max(); |
| if (req_size < mx/2) |
| newcap = _VSTD::max(2 * __parray_cap_, req_size); |
| else |
| newcap = mx; |
| size_t newsize = newcap * sizeof(void*); |
| void** parray = static_cast<void**>(realloc(__parray_, newsize)); |
| if (parray == 0) |
| { |
| setstate(badbit); |
| static void* error; |
| error = 0; |
| return error; |
| } |
| __parray_ = parray; |
| for (void** p = __parray_ + __parray_size_; __parray_cap_ < newcap; ++__parray_cap_, ++p) |
| *p = 0; |
| } |
| __parray_size_ = max<size_t>(__parray_size_, req_size); |
| return __parray_[index]; |
| } |
| |
| // register_callback |
| |
| void |
| ios_base::register_callback(event_callback fn, int index) |
| { |
| size_t req_size = __event_size_ + 1; |
| if (req_size > __event_cap_) |
| { |
| size_t newcap; |
| const size_t mx = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max(); |
| if (req_size < mx/2) |
| newcap = _VSTD::max(2 * __event_cap_, req_size); |
| else |
| newcap = mx; |
| size_t newesize = newcap * sizeof(event_callback); |
| event_callback* fns = static_cast<event_callback*>(realloc(__fn_, newesize)); |
| if (fns == 0) |
| setstate(badbit); |
| __fn_ = fns; |
| size_t newisize = newcap * sizeof(int); |
| int* indxs = static_cast<int *>(realloc(__index_, newisize)); |
| if (indxs == 0) |
| setstate(badbit); |
| __index_ = indxs; |
| } |
| __fn_[__event_size_] = fn; |
| __index_[__event_size_] = index; |
| ++__event_size_; |
| } |
| |
| ios_base::~ios_base() |
| { |
| __call_callbacks(erase_event); |
| locale& loc_storage = *reinterpret_cast<locale*>(&__loc_); |
| loc_storage.~locale(); |
| free(__fn_); |
| free(__index_); |
| free(__iarray_); |
| free(__parray_); |
| } |
| |
| // iostate |
| |
| void |
| ios_base::clear(iostate state) |
| { |
| if (__rdbuf_) |
| __rdstate_ = state; |
| else |
| __rdstate_ = state | badbit; |
| if (((state | (__rdbuf_ ? goodbit : badbit)) & __exceptions_) != 0) |
| throw failure("ios_base::clear"); |
| } |
| |
| // init |
| |
| void |
| ios_base::init(void* sb) |
| { |
| __rdbuf_ = sb; |
| __rdstate_ = __rdbuf_ ? goodbit : badbit; |
| __exceptions_ = goodbit; |
| __fmtflags_ = skipws | dec; |
| __width_ = 0; |
| __precision_ = 6; |
| __fn_ = 0; |
| __index_ = 0; |
| __event_size_ = 0; |
| __event_cap_ = 0; |
| __iarray_ = 0; |
| __iarray_size_ = 0; |
| __iarray_cap_ = 0; |
| __parray_ = 0; |
| __parray_size_ = 0; |
| __parray_cap_ = 0; |
| ::new(&__loc_) locale; |
| } |
| |
| void |
| ios_base::copyfmt(const ios_base& rhs) |
| { |
| // If we can't acquire the needed resources, throw bad_alloc (can't set badbit) |
| // Don't alter *this until all needed resources are acquired |
| unique_ptr<event_callback, void (*)(void*)> new_callbacks(0, free); |
| unique_ptr<int, void (*)(void*)> new_ints(0, free); |
| unique_ptr<long, void (*)(void*)> new_longs(0, free); |
| unique_ptr<void*, void (*)(void*)> new_pointers(0, free); |
| if (__event_cap_ < rhs.__event_size_) |
| { |
| size_t newesize = sizeof(event_callback) * rhs.__event_size_; |
| new_callbacks.reset(static_cast<event_callback*>(malloc(newesize))); |
| if (!new_callbacks) |
| throw bad_alloc(); |
| |
| size_t newisize = sizeof(int) * rhs.__event_size_; |
| new_ints.reset(static_cast<int *>(malloc(newisize))); |
| if (!new_ints) |
| throw bad_alloc(); |
| } |
| if (__iarray_cap_ < rhs.__iarray_size_) |
| { |
| size_t newsize = sizeof(long) * rhs.__iarray_size_; |
| new_longs.reset(static_cast<long*>(malloc(newsize))); |
| if (!new_longs) |
| throw bad_alloc(); |
| } |
| if (__parray_cap_ < rhs.__parray_size_) |
| { |
| size_t newsize = sizeof(void*) * rhs.__parray_size_; |
| new_pointers.reset(static_cast<void**>(malloc(newsize))); |
| if (!new_pointers) |
| throw bad_alloc(); |
| } |
| // Got everything we need. Copy everything but __rdstate_, __rdbuf_ and __exceptions_ |
| __fmtflags_ = rhs.__fmtflags_; |
| __precision_ = rhs.__precision_; |
| __width_ = rhs.__width_; |
| locale& lhs_loc = *reinterpret_cast<locale*>(&__loc_); |
| const locale& rhs_loc = *reinterpret_cast<const locale*>(&rhs.__loc_); |
| lhs_loc = rhs_loc; |
| if (__event_cap_ < rhs.__event_size_) |
| { |
| free(__fn_); |
| __fn_ = new_callbacks.release(); |
| free(__index_); |
| __index_ = new_ints.release(); |
| __event_cap_ = rhs.__event_size_; |
| } |
| for (__event_size_ = 0; __event_size_ < rhs.__event_size_; ++__event_size_) |
| { |
| __fn_[__event_size_] = rhs.__fn_[__event_size_]; |
| __index_[__event_size_] = rhs.__index_[__event_size_]; |
| } |
| if (__iarray_cap_ < rhs.__iarray_size_) |
| { |
| free(__iarray_); |
| __iarray_ = new_longs.release(); |
| __iarray_cap_ = rhs.__iarray_size_; |
| } |
| for (__iarray_size_ = 0; __iarray_size_ < rhs.__iarray_size_; ++__iarray_size_) |
| __iarray_[__iarray_size_] = rhs.__iarray_[__iarray_size_]; |
| if (__parray_cap_ < rhs.__parray_size_) |
| { |
| free(__parray_); |
| __parray_ = new_pointers.release(); |
| __parray_cap_ = rhs.__parray_size_; |
| } |
| for (__parray_size_ = 0; __parray_size_ < rhs.__parray_size_; ++__parray_size_) |
| __parray_[__parray_size_] = rhs.__parray_[__parray_size_]; |
| } |
| |
| void |
| ios_base::move(ios_base& rhs) |
| { |
| // *this is uninitialized |
| __fmtflags_ = rhs.__fmtflags_; |
| __precision_ = rhs.__precision_; |
| __width_ = rhs.__width_; |
| __rdstate_ = rhs.__rdstate_; |
| __exceptions_ = rhs.__exceptions_; |
| __rdbuf_ = 0; |
| locale& rhs_loc = *reinterpret_cast<locale*>(&rhs.__loc_); |
| ::new(&__loc_) locale(rhs_loc); |
| __fn_ = rhs.__fn_; |
| rhs.__fn_ = 0; |
| __index_ = rhs.__index_; |
| rhs.__index_ = 0; |
| __event_size_ = rhs.__event_size_; |
| rhs.__event_size_ = 0; |
| __event_cap_ = rhs.__event_cap_; |
| rhs.__event_cap_ = 0; |
| __iarray_ = rhs.__iarray_; |
| rhs.__iarray_ = 0; |
| __iarray_size_ = rhs.__iarray_size_; |
| rhs.__iarray_size_ = 0; |
| __iarray_cap_ = rhs.__iarray_cap_; |
| rhs.__iarray_cap_ = 0; |
| __parray_ = rhs.__parray_; |
| rhs.__parray_ = 0; |
| __parray_size_ = rhs.__parray_size_; |
| rhs.__parray_size_ = 0; |
| __parray_cap_ = rhs.__parray_cap_; |
| rhs.__parray_cap_ = 0; |
| } |
| |
| void |
| ios_base::swap(ios_base& rhs) _NOEXCEPT |
| { |
| _VSTD::swap(__fmtflags_, rhs.__fmtflags_); |
| _VSTD::swap(__precision_, rhs.__precision_); |
| _VSTD::swap(__width_, rhs.__width_); |
| _VSTD::swap(__rdstate_, rhs.__rdstate_); |
| _VSTD::swap(__exceptions_, rhs.__exceptions_); |
| locale& lhs_loc = *reinterpret_cast<locale*>(&__loc_); |
| locale& rhs_loc = *reinterpret_cast<locale*>(&rhs.__loc_); |
| _VSTD::swap(lhs_loc, rhs_loc); |
| _VSTD::swap(__fn_, rhs.__fn_); |
| _VSTD::swap(__index_, rhs.__index_); |
| _VSTD::swap(__event_size_, rhs.__event_size_); |
| _VSTD::swap(__event_cap_, rhs.__event_cap_); |
| _VSTD::swap(__iarray_, rhs.__iarray_); |
| _VSTD::swap(__iarray_size_, rhs.__iarray_size_); |
| _VSTD::swap(__iarray_cap_, rhs.__iarray_cap_); |
| _VSTD::swap(__parray_, rhs.__parray_); |
| _VSTD::swap(__parray_size_, rhs.__parray_size_); |
| _VSTD::swap(__parray_cap_, rhs.__parray_cap_); |
| } |
| |
| void |
| ios_base::__set_badbit_and_consider_rethrow() |
| { |
| __rdstate_ |= badbit; |
| if (__exceptions_ & badbit) |
| throw; |
| } |
| |
| void |
| ios_base::__set_failbit_and_consider_rethrow() |
| { |
| __rdstate_ |= failbit; |
| if (__exceptions_ & failbit) |
| throw; |
| } |
| |
| bool |
| ios_base::sync_with_stdio(bool sync) |
| { |
| static bool previous_state = true; |
| bool r = previous_state; |
| previous_state = sync; |
| return r; |
| } |
| |