blob: f1679bb66fe21dbdb453a3532e512a9c7a2e9c87 [file] [log] [blame]
//===------------------------- cxa_exception.cpp --------------------------===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file implements the "Exception Handling APIs"
#include "cxxabi.h"
#include <exception> // for std::terminate
#include <cstdlib> // for malloc, free
#include <string> // for memset
#include <pthread.h>
#include "cxa_exception.hpp"
namespace __cxxabiv1 {
static const uint64_t kOurExceptionClass = 0x434C4E47432B2B00; // CLNGC++\0
static const uint64_t kOurDependentExceptionClass = 0x434C4E47432B2B01; // CLNGC++\1
// Utility routines
static __cxa_exception *exception_from_thrown_object(void *p) throw() {
return ((__cxa_exception *) p) - 1;
static void * thrown_object_from_exception(void *p) throw() {
return (void *) (((__cxa_exception *) p) + 1 );
static size_t object_size_from_exception_size(size_t size) throw() {
return size + sizeof (__cxa_exception);
// Get the exception object from the unwind pointer.
// Relies on the structure layout, where the unwind pointer is right in
// front of the user's exception object
static __cxa_exception *
exception_from_exception_object(void *ptr) throw() {
_Unwind_Exception *p = reinterpret_cast<_Unwind_Exception *>(ptr);
return exception_from_thrown_object(p + 1 );
static void setExceptionClass(_Unwind_Exception *unwind) throw() {
unwind->exception_class = kOurExceptionClass;
static void setDependentExceptionClass(_Unwind_Exception *unwind) throw() {
unwind->exception_class = kOurDependentExceptionClass;
// Is it one of ours?
static bool isOurExceptionClass(_Unwind_Exception *unwind) throw() {
return(unwind->exception_class == kOurExceptionClass)||
(unwind->exception_class == kOurDependentExceptionClass);
static bool isDependentException(_Unwind_Exception *unwind) throw() {
return (unwind->exception_class & 0xFF) == 0x01;
// TODO: This needs to be atomic
static int incrementHandlerCount(__cxa_exception *exception) throw() {
return ++exception->handlerCount;
// TODO: This needs to be atomic
static int decrementHandlerCount(__cxa_exception *exception) throw() {
return --exception->handlerCount;
#include "fallback_malloc.cpp"
// Allocate some memory from _somewhere_
static void *do_malloc(size_t size) throw() {
void *ptr = std::malloc(size);
if (NULL == ptr) // if malloc fails, fall back to emergency stash
ptr = fallback_malloc(size);
return ptr;
// Didn't know you could "return <expression>" from a void function, did you?
// Well, you can, if the type of the expression is "void" also.
static void do_free(void *ptr) throw() {
return is_fallback_ptr(ptr) ? fallback_free(ptr) : std::free(ptr);
/* Howard says:
If reason isn't _URC_FOREIGN_EXCEPTION_CAUGHT, then the terminateHandler
stored in exc is called. Otherwise the exceptionDestructor stored in
exc is called, and then the memory for the exception is deallocated.
static void exception_cleanup_func(_Unwind_Reason_Code reason, struct _Unwind_Exception* exc) {
__cxa_exception *exception = exception_from_exception_object(exc);
exception->terminateHandler ();
void * thrown_object = thrown_object_from_exception(exception);
if (NULL != exception->exceptionDestructor)
static LIBCXXABI_NORETURN void failed_throw(__cxa_exception *exception) throw() {
// Section 2.5.3 says:
// * For purposes of this ABI, several things are considered exception handlers:
// ** A terminate() call due to a throw.
// and
// * Upon entry, Following initialization of the catch parameter,
// a handler must call:
// * void *__cxa_begin_catch(void *exceptionObject );
(void) __cxa_begin_catch(&exception->unwindHeader);
extern "C" {
// Allocate a __cxa_exception object, and zero-fill it.
// Reserve "thrown_size" bytes on the end for the user's exception
// object. Zero-fill the object. If memory can't be allocated, call
// std::terminate. Return a pointer to the memory to be used for the
// user's exception object.
void * __cxa_allocate_exception (size_t thrown_size) throw() {
size_t actual_size = object_size_from_exception_size(thrown_size);
void *ptr = do_malloc(actual_size);
if (NULL == ptr)
std::memset(ptr, 0, actual_size);
return thrown_object_from_exception(ptr);
// Free a __cxa_exception object allocated with __cxa_allocate_exception.
void __cxa_free_exception (void * thrown_exception) throw() {
// This function shall allocate a __cxa_dependent_exception and
// return a pointer to it. (Really to the object, not past its' end).
// Otherwise, it will work like __cxa_allocate_exception.
void * __cxa_allocate_dependent_exception () throw() {
size_t actual_size = sizeof(__cxa_dependent_exception);
void *ptr = do_malloc(actual_size);
if (NULL == ptr)
std::memset(ptr, 0, actual_size);
// bookkeeping here ?
return ptr;
// This function shall free a dependent_exception.
// It does not affect the reference count of the primary exception.
void __cxa_free_dependent_exception (void * dependent_exception) throw() {
// I'm pretty sure there's no bookkeeping here
// 2.4.3 Throwing the Exception Object
After constructing the exception object with the throw argument value,
the generated code calls the __cxa_throw runtime library routine. This
routine never returns.
The __cxa_throw routine will do the following:
* Obtain the __cxa_exception header from the thrown exception object address,
which can be computed as follows:
__cxa_exception *header = ((__cxa_exception *) thrown_exception - 1);
* Save the current unexpected_handler and terminate_handler in the __cxa_exception header.
* Save the tinfo and dest arguments in the __cxa_exception header.
* Set the exception_class field in the unwind header. This is a 64-bit value
representing the ASCII string "XXXXC++\0", where "XXXX" is a
vendor-dependent string. That is, for implementations conforming to this
ABI, the low-order 4 bytes of this 64-bit value will be "C++\0".
* Increment the uncaught_exception flag.
* Call _Unwind_RaiseException in the system unwind library, Its argument is the
pointer to the thrown exception, which __cxa_throw itself received as an argument.
__Unwind_RaiseException begins the process of stack unwinding, described
in Section 2.5. In special cases, such as an inability to find a
handler, _Unwind_RaiseException may return. In that case, __cxa_throw
will call terminate, assuming that there was no handler for the
__cxa_throw(void * thrown_exception, std::type_info * tinfo, void (*dest)(void *)) {
__cxa_eh_globals *globals = __cxa_get_globals();
__cxa_exception *exception = exception_from_thrown_object(thrown_exception);
exception->unexpectedHandler = __cxxabiapple::__cxa_unexpected_handler;
exception->terminateHandler = __cxxabiapple::__cxa_terminate_handler;
exception->exceptionType = tinfo;
exception->exceptionDestructor = dest;
exception->referenceCount = 1; // This is a newly allocated exception, no need for thread safety.
globals->uncaughtExceptions += 1; // Not atomically, since globals are thread-local
exception->unwindHeader.exception_cleanup = exception_cleanup_func;
// If we get here, some kind of unwinding error has occurred.
// 2.5.3 Exception Handlers
extern void * __cxa_get_exception_ptr(void * exceptionObject) throw() {
return exception_from_exception_object(exceptionObject);
This routine:
* Increment's the exception's handler count.
* Places the exception on the stack of currently-caught exceptions if it is not
already there, linking the exception to the previous top of the stack.
* Decrements the uncaught_exception count.
* Returns the adjusted pointer to the exception object.
void * __cxa_begin_catch(void * exceptionObject) throw() {
__cxa_eh_globals *globals = __cxa_get_globals();
__cxa_exception *exception = exception_from_exception_object(exceptionObject);
// TODO add stuff for dependent exceptions.
// TODO - should this be atomic?
// Increment the handler count, removing the flag about being rethrown
// assert(exception->handlerCount != 0);
exception->handlerCount = exception->handlerCount < 0 ?
-exception->handlerCount + 1 : exception->handlerCount + 1;
// place the exception on the top of the stack if it's not there.
if (exception != globals->caughtExceptions) {
exception->nextException = globals->caughtExceptions;
globals->caughtExceptions = exception;
globals->uncaughtExceptions -= 1; // Not atomically, since globals are thread-local
return thrown_object_from_exception(exception);
Upon exit for any reason, a handler must call:
void __cxa_end_catch ();
This routine:
* Locates the most recently caught exception and decrements its handler count.
* Removes the exception from the caught exception stack, if the handler count goes to zero.
* Destroys the exception if the handler count goes to zero, and the exception was not re-thrown by throw.
void __cxa_end_catch() {
__cxa_eh_globals *globals = __cxa_get_globals();
__cxa_exception *current_exception = globals->caughtExceptions;
if (NULL != current_exception) {
if (current_exception->handlerCount < 0) {
// The exception has been rethrown
if (0 == incrementHandlerCount(current_exception)) {
globals->caughtExceptions = current_exception->nextException;
// Howard says: If the exception has been rethrown, don't destroy.
else {
if (0 == decrementHandlerCount(current_exception)) {
// Remove from the chain of uncaught exceptions
globals->caughtExceptions = current_exception->nextException;
if (!isDependentException(&current_exception->unwindHeader))
else {
// TODO: deal with a dependent exception
std::type_info * __cxa_current_exception_type() {
// get the current exception
__cxa_eh_globals *globals = __cxa_get_globals();
__cxa_exception *current_exception = globals->caughtExceptions;
if (NULL == current_exception)
return NULL; // No current exception
// TODO add stuff for dependent exceptions.
return current_exception->exceptionType;
// 2.5.4 Rethrowing Exceptions
/* This routine
* marks the exception object on top of the caughtExceptions stack
(in an implementation-defined way) as being rethrown.
* If the caughtExceptions stack is empty, it calls terminate()
(see [C++FDIS] [except.throw], 15.1.8).
* It then returns to the handler that called it, which must call
__cxa_end_catch(), perform any necessary cleanup, and finally
call _Unwind_Resume() to continue unwinding.
extern LIBCXXABI_NORETURN void __cxa_rethrow() {
__cxa_eh_globals *globals = __cxa_get_globals();
__cxa_exception *exception = exception_from_exception_object(globals->caughtExceptions );
if (NULL == exception) // there's no current exception!
std::terminate ();
// Mark the exception as being rethrown
exception->handlerCount = -exception->handlerCount ; // TODO: Atomic
#if __arm__
(void) _Unwind_SjLj_Resume_or_Rethrow(&exception->unwindHeader);
(void) _Unwind_Resume_or_Rethrow (&exception->unwindHeader);
// If we get here, some kind of unwinding error has occurred.
} // extern "C"
} // abi