blob: c112c1e41b34968cdd326c5c7448794e896ee76c [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# This file is not used when use_system_libjpeg==1. Settings for building with
# the system libjpeg is in third_party/libjpeg/libjpeg.gyp.
'variables': {
'shared_generated_dir': '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/third_party/libjpeg_turbo',
'conditions': [
[ 'OS=="win"', {
'object_suffix': 'obj',
}, {
'object_suffix': 'o',
'targets': [
'target_name': 'libjpeg',
'type': 'static_library',
'include_dirs': [
'defines': [
'sources': [
'direct_dependent_settings': {
'include_dirs': [
'msvs_disabled_warnings': [4018, 4101],
# VS2010 does not correctly incrementally link obj files generated
# from asm files. This flag disables UseLibraryDependencyInputs to
# avoid this problem.
'msvs_2010_disable_uldi_when_referenced': 1,
'conditions': [
[ 'OS!="win"', {'product_name': 'jpeg_turbo'}],
# Add target-specific source files.
[ 'target_arch=="ia32"', {
'sources': [
[ 'target_arch=="x64" and msan!=1', {
'sources': [
# MemorySanitizer doesn't support assembly code, so keep it disabled in
# MSan builds for now.
[ 'msan==1', {
'sources': [
# The ARM SIMD implementation can be used for devices that support
# the NEON instruction set. This can safely be done dynamically by
# probing CPU features at runtime, if you wish.
[ 'target_arch=="arm"', {
'conditions': [
[ 'arm_version >= 7 and (arm_neon == 1 or arm_neon_optional == 1)', {
'sources': [
}, {
'sources': [
[ 'target_arch=="arm64"', {
'sources': [
[ 'target_arch=="mipsel"', {
'sources': [
# Build rules for an asm file.
# On Windows, we use the precompiled yasm binary. On Linux, we build
# our patched yasm and use it except when use_system_yasm is 1. On
# Mac, we always build our patched yasm and use it because of
# <>.
[ 'OS=="win"', {
'variables': {
'yasm_path': '../yasm/binaries/win/yasm<(EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX)',
'conditions': [
[ 'target_arch=="ia32"', {
'yasm_format': '-fwin32',
'yasm_flags': [
}, {
'yasm_format': '-fwin64',
'yasm_flags': [
[ 'OS=="mac"', {
'dependencies': [
'variables': {
'yasm_path': '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/yasm',
'conditions': [
[ 'target_arch=="ia32"', {
'yasm_format': '-fmacho',
'yasm_flags': [
}, {
'yasm_format': '-fmacho64',
'yasm_flags': [
[ 'OS=="linux" or OS=="freebsd" or (OS=="android" and target_arch!="arm")', {
'conditions': [
[ 'use_system_yasm==0', {
'dependencies': [
'variables': {
'conditions': [
[ 'use_system_yasm==1', {
'yasm_path': '<!(which yasm)',
}, {
'yasm_path': '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/yasm',
[ 'target_arch=="ia32"', {
'yasm_format': '-felf',
'yasm_flags': [
}, {
'yasm_format': '-felf64',
'yasm_flags': [
'rules': [
'rule_name': 'assemble',
'extension': 'asm',
'conditions': [
[ 'target_arch!="arm"', {
'inputs': [ '<(yasm_path)', ],
'outputs': [
'action': [
'-o', '<(shared_generated_dir)/<(RULE_INPUT_ROOT).<(object_suffix)',
'process_outputs_as_sources': 1,
'message': 'Building <(RULE_INPUT_ROOT).<(object_suffix)',
# Local Variables:
# tab-width:2
# indent-tabs-mode:nil
# End:
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