blob: e5725a196728805e463a8b6304da17fff57940c0 [file] [log] [blame]
** Background
libjpeg-turbo is a high-speed version of libjpeg for x86 and x86-64 processors
which uses SIMD instructions (MMX, SSE2, etc.) to accelerate baseline JPEG
compression and decompression. libjpeg-turbo is generally 2-4x as fast
as the unmodified version of libjpeg, all else being equal.
libjpeg-turbo was originally based on libjpeg/SIMD by Miyasaka Masaru, but
the TigerVNC and VirtualGL projects made numerous enhancements to the codec,
including improved support for Mac OS X, 64-bit support, support for 32-bit
and big endian pixel formats, accelerated Huffman encoding/decoding, and
various bug fixes. The goal was to produce a fully open source codec that
could replace the partially closed source TurboJPEG/IPP codec used by VirtualGL
and TurboVNC. libjpeg-turbo generally performs in the range of 80-120% of
TurboJPEG/IPP. It is faster in some areas but slower in others.
It was decided to split libjpeg-turbo into a separate SDK so that other
projects could take advantage of this technology. The shared libraries
built from the libjpeg-turbo source can be used as drop-in replacements for
libjpeg on most systems.
** License
Some of the optimizations to the Huffman encoder/decoder were borrowed from
VirtualGL, and thus libjpeg-turbo, as a whole, falls under the wxWindows
Library Licence, Version 3.1. A copy of this license can be found in this
directory under LICENSE.txt. The rest of the source code, apart from these
modifications, falls under a less restrictive license (see README.)
** Building on Unix Platforms, Cygwin, and MinGW
Build Requirements
-- autoconf 2.56 or later
* If using MinGW, this can be obtained by installing the MSYS DTK
-- automake 1.7 or later
* If using MinGW, this can be obtained by installing the MSYS DTK
-- libtool 1.4 or later
* If using MinGW, this can be obtained by installing the MSYS DTK
* 0.98 or later is required for a 32-bit build
* NASM 2.05 or later is required for a 64-bit build
* NASM 2.07 or later is required for a 64-bit build on OS/X (10.6 "Snow
Leopard" or later.) This can be obtained from MacPorts
The NASM 2.05 RPMs do not work on older Linux systems, such as Enterprise
Linux 4. On such systems, you can easily build and install NASM 2.05
from the source RPM by executing the following as root:
ARCH=`uname -m`
rpmbuild --rebuild nasm-2.05.01-1.src.rpm
rpm -Uvh /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/$ARCH/nasm-2.05.01-1.$ARCH.rpm
-- GCC v4 or later recommended for best performance
Building libjpeg-turbo
The following procedure will build libjpeg-turbo on Linux, 32-bit OS X, and
Solaris/x86 systems (on Solaris, this generates a 32-bit library. See below
for 64-bit build instructions.)
cd libjpeg-turbo
autoreconf -fiv
sh ./configure
NOTE: Running autoreconf is only necessary if building libjpeg-turbo from the
SVN repository.
This will generate the following files under .libs/
Static link library for libjpeg-turbo (Linux, Solaris)
libjpeg.62.dylib (OS X)
libjpeg-62.dll (MinGW)
cygjpeg-62.dll (Cygwin)
Shared library for libjpeg-turbo (Linux, Solaris)
libjpeg.dylib (OS X)
libjpeg.dll.a (Cygwin, MinGW)
Development stub for libjpeg-turbo shared library
Static link library for TurboJPEG/OSS (Linux, Solaris)
libturbojpeg.dylib (OS X)
Shared library and development stub for TurboJPEG/OSS
libturbojpeg.dll (MinGW)
cygturbojpeg.dll (Cygwin)
Shared library for TurboJPEG/OSS
libturbojpeg.dll.a (Cygwin, MinGW)
Development stub for TurboJPEG/OSS shared library
Installing libjpeg-turbo
If you intend to install these libraries and the associated header files, then
replace 'make' in the instructions above with
make install prefix={base dir} libdir={library directory}
For example,
make install prefix=/usr libdir=/usr/lib64
will overwrite the system version of libjpeg on a 64-bit RedHat-based Linux
machine, causing any 64-bit applications that use libjpeg to be instantly
The same can be done for 32-bit applications by building libjpeg-turbo as a
32-bit library (see below) and installing with a libdir of /usr/lib. On
Debian-based systems, 64-bit libraries are stored in /usr/lib and 32-bit
libraries in /usr/lib32. On Solaris, 64-bit libraries are stored in
/usr/lib/amd64 and 32-bit libraries in /usr/lib.
Mac applications typically bundle their own copies of libjpeg.62.dylib, so it
is not possible to globally replace libjpeg on OS X systems. However, libjpeg
can be replaced on an application-by-application basis, for those applications
which use a shared library version of it. This would generally involve copying
libjpeg.62.dylib into the appropriate place in the application's Contents and
using install_name_tool to repoint the dylib to the new directory. This
requires an advanced knowledge of OS X and is not recommended for most users.
Build Recipes
32-bit Library Build on 64-bit Linux
Same instructions as above, but add
--host i686-pc-linux-gnu CFLAGS='-O3 -m32' CXXFLAGS='-O3 -m32'
to the configure command line.
64-bit Library Build on 64-bit OS/X
Same instructions as above, but add
--host x86_64-apple-darwin10.0.0 NASM=/opt/local/bin/nasm
to the configure command line. NASM 2.07 from MacPorts must be installed.
32-bit Library Build on 64-bit OS/X
Same instructions as above, but add
CFLAGS='-O3 -m32' CXXFLAGS='-O3 -m32' LDFLAGS=-m32
to the configure command line.
64-bit Library Build on 64-bit Solaris
Same instructions as above, but add
--host x86_64-pc-solaris CFLAGS='-O3 -m64' CXXFLAGS='-O3 -m64' LDFLAGS=-m64
to the configure command line.
MinGW Build on Cygwin
Same instructions as above, but add
--host mingw32
to the configure command line. This will produce libraries which do not
depend on cygwin1.dll or other Cygwin DLL's.
** Windows (Visual C++)
Build Requirements
-- GNU Make v3.7 or later
* Can be found in MSYS ( or
Cygwin (
-- Microsoft Visual C++ 2003 or later
* Tested with Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition (free download):
* Add the compiler binary directories (for instance,
c:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\BIN;
c:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE)
to the system or user PATH environment variable prior to building
* Add the compiler include directory (for instance,
c:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\INCLUDE)
to the system or user INCLUDE environment variable prior to building
* Add the compiler library directory (for instance,
c:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\LIB)
to the system or user LIB environment variable prior to building
-- Microsoft Windows SDK
* This is included with Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition, but users
of prior editions of Visual C++ can download the SDK from:
* Add the SDK binary directory (for instance,
c:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0A\bin)
to the system or user PATH environment variable prior to building
* Add the SDK include directory (for instance,
c:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0A\include)
to the system or user INCLUDE environment variable prior to building
* Add the SDK library directory (for instance,
c:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0A\lib)
to the system or user LIB environment variable prior to building
-- NASM ( 0.98 or later
Building libjpeg-turbo
cd libjpeg-turbo
make -f win/Makefile
This will generate the following files:
jpeg-static.lib Static link library for libjpeg-turbo
jpeg62.dll Shared library for libjpeg-turbo
jpeg.lib Development stub for libjpeg-turbo shared library
turbojpeg-static.lib Static link library for TurboJPEG/OSS
turbojpeg.dll Shared library for TurboJPEG/OSS
turbojpeg.lib Development stub for TurboJPEG/OSS shared library