blob: be07e2105aa49ee751a39a466d8005d3ae536105 [file] [log] [blame]
* \file unicode.c
* This file contains general Unicode string manipulation functions.
* It mainly consist of functions for converting between UCS-2 (used on
* the devices), UTF-8 (used by several applications) and
* ISO 8859-1 / Codepage 1252 (fallback).
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "libmtp.h"
#include "unicode.h"
#include "util.h"
* The size of the buffer (in characters) used for creating string copies.
* Gets the length (in characters, not bytes) of a unicode
* UCS-2 string, eg a string which physically is 0x00 0x41 0x00 0x00
* will return a value of 1.
* @param unicstr a UCS-2 Unicode string
* @return the length of the string, in number of characters. If you
* want to know the length in bytes, multiply this by two and
* add two (for zero terminator).
int ucs2_strlen(const uint16_t *unicstr)
int length;
/* Unicode strings are terminated with 2 * 0x00 */
for(length = 0; unicstr[length] != 0x0000U; length ++);
return length;
* This routine returns the length in bytes that this
* UCS-2 string would occupy if encoded as UTF-8
* @param unicstr the Unicode UCS-2 string to analyze
* @return the number of bytes this string would occupy
* in UTF-8
static int ucs2utf8len(const uint16_t *unicstr){
int length=0;
int i;
uint8_t *locstr = (uint8_t *) unicstr;
for(i = 0; (locstr[i] | locstr[i+1]) != '\0'; i+=2) {
if (locstr[i] == 0x00 && locstr[i+1] < 0x80)
length ++;
else if (locstr[i] < 0x08)
length += 2;
length += 3;
return length;
* Create a new, allocated UCS-2 string that is a copy
* of the parameter
* @param unicstr the UCS-2 string to copy
* @return a newly allocated copy of the string
static uint16_t *ucs2strdup(const uint16_t *unicstr) {
int length = ucs2_strlen(unicstr);
uint8_t *data;
data = (uint8_t *) malloc(length*2+2);
if ( data == NULL ) {
return NULL;
memcpy(data, unicstr, length*2+2);
return (uint16_t *) data;
* Converts a Unicode UCS-2 2-byte string to a UTF-8
* string.
* @param unicstr the UCS-2 unicode string to convert
* @return a UTF-8 string.
char *ucs2_to_utf8(const uint16_t *unicstr){
char *data = NULL;
int i = 0;
int l = 0;
int length8;
uint8_t *locstr = (uint8_t *) unicstr;
length8 = ucs2utf8len(unicstr);
data = (char *) malloc(length8+1);
if ( data == NULL ) {
return NULL;
for(l = 0; (locstr[l] | locstr[l+1]) != '\0'; l += 2) {
if (locstr[l+1] == 0x00 && locstr[l] < 0x80U) {
data[i] = locstr[l];
i ++;
} else if (locstr[l+1] < 0x08) {
data[i] = 0xc0 | (locstr[l+1]<<2 & 0x1C) | (locstr[l]>>6 & 0x03);
data[i+1] = 0x80 | (locstr[l] & 0x3F);
} else {
data[i] = 0xe0 | (locstr[l+1]>>4 & 0x0F);
data[i+1] = 0x80 | (locstr[l+1]<<2 & 0x3C) | (locstr[l]>>6 & 0x03);
data[i+2] = 0x80 | (locstr[l] & 0x3F);
/* Terminate string */
data[i] = 0x00;
return data;
* Convert a UTF-8 string to a unicode UCS-2 string.
* @param str the UTF-8 string to convert.
* @return a pointer to a newly allocated UCS-2 string.
uint16_t *utf8_to_ucs2(const unsigned char *str) {
uint16_t *retval;
int i;
unsigned char buffer[STRING_BUFFER_LENGTH*2];
int length=0;
for(i = 0; str[i] != '\0';) {
if (str[i] < 0x80) {
buffer[length+1] = 0x00;
buffer[length] = str[i];
length += 2;
} else {
unsigned char numbytes = 0;
unsigned char lenbyte = 0;
/* Read the number of encoded bytes */
lenbyte = str[i];
while (lenbyte & 0x80) {
lenbyte = lenbyte<<1;
/* UCS-2 can handle no more than 3 UTF-8 encoded bytes */
if (numbytes <= 3) {
if (numbytes == 2 && str[i+1] > 0x80) {
/* This character can always be handled correctly */
buffer[length+1] = (str[i]>>2 & 0x07);
buffer[length] = (str[i]<<6 & 0xC0) | (str[i+1] & 0x3F);
i += 2;
length += 2;
} else if (numbytes == 3 && str[i+1] > 0x80 && str[i+2] > 0x80) {
buffer[length+1] = (str[i]<<4 & 0xF0) | (str[i+1]>>2 & 0x0F);
buffer[length]= (str[i+1]<<6 & 0xC0) | (str[i+2] & 0x3F);
i += 3;
length += 2;
} else {
/* Abnormal string character, just skip */
i += numbytes;
} else {
/* Just skip that character */
i += numbytes;
/* Copy the buffer contents */
buffer[length+1] = 0x00;
buffer[length] = 0x00;
retval = ucs2strdup((uint16_t *) buffer);
return retval;