blob: f3072228d1b8ae0d41812f09c47edbbd0cbd98ad [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "protobuf_mutator.h"
#include "google/protobuf/text_format.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "protobuf_mutator.pb.h"
using google::protobuf::TextFormat;
using protobuf_mutator::Msg;
using testing::Test;
using testing::TestWithParam;
using testing::ValuesIn;
using testing::WithParamInterface;
namespace protobuf_mutator {
const char kMessages[] = R"(
required_msg {}
optional_msg {}
repeated_msg {}
repeated_msg {required_sint32: 56}
repeated_msg {}
repeated_msg {
required_msg {}
optional_msg {}
repeated_msg {}
repeated_msg { required_int32: 67 }
repeated_msg {}
const char kRequiredFields[] = R"(
required_double: 1.26685288449177e-313
required_float: 5.9808638e-39
required_int32: 67
required_int64: 5285068
required_uint32: 14486213
required_uint64: 520229415
required_sint32: 56
required_sint64: -6057486163525532641
required_fixed32: 8812173
required_fixed64: 273731277756
required_sfixed32: 43142
required_sfixed64: 132
required_bool: false
required_string: "qwert"
required_bytes: "asdf"
const char kOptionalFields[] = R"(
optional_double: 1.93177850152856e-314
optional_float: 4.7397519e-41
optional_int32: 40020
optional_int64: 10
optional_uint32: 40
optional_uint64: 159
optional_sint32: 44015
optional_sint64: 17493625000076
optional_fixed32: 193
optional_fixed64: 8542688694448488723
optional_sfixed32: 4926
optional_sfixed64: 60
optional_bool: false
optional_string: "QWERT"
optional_bytes: "ASDF"
optional_enum: ENUM_5
const char kRepeatedFields[] = R"(
repeated_double: 1.93177850152856e-314
repeated_double: 1.26685288449177e-313
repeated_float: 4.7397519e-41
repeated_float: 5.9808638e-39
repeated_int32: 40020
repeated_int32: 67
repeated_int64: 10
repeated_int64: 5285068
repeated_uint32: 40
repeated_uint32: 14486213
repeated_uint64: 159
repeated_uint64: 520229415
repeated_sint32: 44015
repeated_sint32: 56
repeated_sint64: 17493625000076
repeated_sint64: -6057486163525532641
repeated_fixed32: 193
repeated_fixed32: 8812173
repeated_fixed64: 8542688694448488723
repeated_fixed64: 273731277756
repeated_sfixed32: 4926
repeated_sfixed32: 43142
repeated_sfixed64: 60
repeated_sfixed64: 132
repeated_bool: false
repeated_bool: true
repeated_string: "QWERT"
repeated_string: "qwert"
repeated_bytes: "ASDF"
repeated_bytes: "asdf"
repeated_enum: ENUM_5
repeated_enum: ENUM_4
const char kRequiredNestedFields[] = R"(
required_int32: 123
optional_msg {
required_double: 1.26685288449177e-313
required_float: 5.9808638e-39
required_int32: 67
required_int64: 5285068
required_uint32: 14486213
required_uint64: 520229415
required_sint32: 56
required_sint64: -6057486163525532641
required_fixed32: 8812173
required_fixed64: 273731277756
required_sfixed32: 43142
required_sfixed64: 132
required_bool: false
required_string: "qwert"
required_bytes: "asdf"
const char kOptionalNestedFields[] = R"(
required_int32: 123
optional_msg {
optional_double: 1.93177850152856e-314
optional_float: 4.7397519e-41
optional_int32: 40020
optional_int64: 10
optional_uint32: 40
optional_uint64: 159
optional_sint32: 44015
optional_sint64: 17493625000076
optional_fixed32: 193
optional_fixed64: 8542688694448488723
optional_sfixed32: 4926
optional_sfixed64: 60
optional_bool: false
optional_string: "QWERT"
optional_bytes: "ASDF"
optional_enum: ENUM_5
const char kRepeatedNestedFields[] = R"(
required_int32: 123
optional_msg {
repeated_double: 1.93177850152856e-314
repeated_double: 1.26685288449177e-313
repeated_float: 4.7397519e-41
repeated_float: 5.9808638e-39
repeated_int32: 40020
repeated_int32: 67
repeated_int64: 10
repeated_int64: 5285068
repeated_uint32: 40
repeated_uint32: 14486213
repeated_uint64: 159
repeated_uint64: 520229415
repeated_sint32: 44015
repeated_sint32: 56
repeated_sint64: 17493625000076
repeated_sint64: -6057486163525532641
repeated_fixed32: 193
repeated_fixed32: 8812173
repeated_fixed64: 8542688694448488723
repeated_fixed64: 273731277756
repeated_sfixed32: 4926
repeated_sfixed32: 43142
repeated_sfixed64: 60
repeated_sfixed64: 132
repeated_bool: false
repeated_bool: true
repeated_string: "QWERT"
repeated_string: "qwert"
repeated_bytes: "ASDF"
repeated_bytes: "asdf"
repeated_enum: ENUM_5
repeated_enum: ENUM_4
class TestProtobufMutator : public ProtobufMutator {
explicit TestProtobufMutator(bool keep_initialized)
: ProtobufMutator(17, keep_initialized), random_(13) {}
float MutateFloat(float value) override {
// Hack for tests. It's hard compare reals generated using random mutations.
return std::uniform_int_distribution<uint8_t>(-10, 10)(random_);
double MutateDouble(double value) override { return MutateFloat(value); }
RandomEngine random_;
std::vector<std::string> Split(const std::string& str) {
std::istringstream iss(str);
std::vector<std::string> result;
for (std::string line; std::getline(iss, line, '\n');) result.push_back(line);
return result;
std::vector<std::pair<const char*, size_t>> GetFieldTestParams(
const std::vector<const char*>& tests) {
std::vector<std::pair<const char*, size_t>> results;
for (auto t : tests) {
auto lines = Split(t);
for (size_t i = 0; i != lines.size(); ++i) {
if (lines[i].find(':') != std::string::npos) results.push_back({t, i});
return results;
std::vector<std::pair<const char*, size_t>> GetMessageTestParams(
const std::vector<const char*>& tests) {
std::vector<std::pair<const char*, size_t>> results;
for (auto t : tests) {
auto lines = Split(t);
for (size_t i = 0; i != lines.size(); ++i) {
if (lines[i].find("{}") != std::string::npos) results.push_back({t, i});
return results;
void LoadMessage(const std::string& text_message, Msg* message) {
TextFormat::Parser parser;
EXPECT_TRUE(parser.ParseFromString(text_message, message));
bool LoadWithoutLine(const std::string& text_message, size_t line,
Msg* message) {
std::ostringstream oss;
auto lines = Split(text_message);
for (size_t i = 0; i != lines.size(); ++i) {
if (i != line) oss << lines[i] << '\n';
TextFormat::Parser parser;
return parser.ParseFromString(oss.str(), message);
bool LoadWithChangedLine(const std::string& text_message, size_t line,
Msg* message, bool non_default) {
auto lines = Split(text_message);
std::ostringstream oss;
for (size_t i = 0; i != lines.size(); ++i) {
if (i != line) {
oss << lines[i] << '\n';
} else {
std::string s = lines[i];
s.resize(s.find(':') + 2);
if (lines[i].back() == '\"') {
s += non_default ? "\"\\1\"" : "\"\"";
} else {
s += non_default ? "1" : "0";
oss << s << '\n';
TextFormat::Parser parser;
return parser.ParseFromString(oss.str(), message);
bool Mutate(const Msg& from, const Msg& to) {
std::string from_str;
EXPECT_TRUE(TextFormat::PrintToString(from, &from_str));
std::string to_str;
EXPECT_TRUE(TextFormat::PrintToString(to, &to_str));
EXPECT_NE(from_str, to_str);
TestProtobufMutator mutator(false);
for (int j = 0; j < 1000000; ++j) {
Msg message;
mutator.Mutate(&message, from_str.size(), from_str.size() + 100);
std::string after;
EXPECT_TRUE(TextFormat::PrintToString(message, &after));
if (after == to_str) return true;
return false;
class ProtobufMutatorTest {
std::string test_message_;
size_t field_;
Msg from_;
Msg to_;
class ProtobufMutatorFieldTest
: public ProtobufMutatorTest,
public TestWithParam<std::pair<const char*, size_t>> {
void SetUp() override {
test_message_ = GetParam().first;
field_ = GetParam().second;
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(AllTest, ProtobufMutatorFieldTest,
{kRequiredFields, kOptionalFields, kRepeatedFields,
kRequiredNestedFields, kOptionalNestedFields,
TEST_P(ProtobufMutatorFieldTest, DeletedField) {
LoadMessage(test_message_, &from_);
LoadWithoutLine(test_message_, field_, &to_);
EXPECT_TRUE(Mutate(from_, to_));
TEST_P(ProtobufMutatorFieldTest, InsertField) {
LoadWithoutLine(test_message_, field_, &from_);
LoadWithChangedLine(test_message_, field_, &to_, false);
EXPECT_TRUE(Mutate(from_, to_));
TEST_P(ProtobufMutatorFieldTest, ChangeFrom0to1) {
LoadWithChangedLine(test_message_, field_, &from_, false);
LoadWithChangedLine(test_message_, field_, &to_, true);
EXPECT_TRUE(Mutate(from_, to_));
TEST_P(ProtobufMutatorFieldTest, ChangeFrom1to0) {
LoadWithChangedLine(test_message_, field_, &from_, true);
LoadWithChangedLine(test_message_, field_, &to_, false);
EXPECT_TRUE(Mutate(from_, to_));
TEST_P(ProtobufMutatorFieldTest, Initialized) {
LoadWithoutLine(test_message_, field_, &from_);
TestProtobufMutator mutator(true);
mutator.Mutate(&from_, test_message_.size(), test_message_.size() + 100);
class ProtobufMutatorMessagesTest
: public ProtobufMutatorTest,
public TestWithParam<std::pair<const char*, size_t>> {
void SetUp() override {
test_message_ = GetParam().first;
field_ = GetParam().second;
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(AllTest, ProtobufMutatorMessagesTest,
TEST_P(ProtobufMutatorMessagesTest, DeletedMessage) {
LoadMessage(test_message_, &from_);
LoadWithoutLine(test_message_, field_, &to_);
EXPECT_TRUE(Mutate(from_, to_));
TEST_P(ProtobufMutatorMessagesTest, InsertMessage) {
LoadWithoutLine(test_message_, field_, &from_);
LoadMessage(test_message_, &to_);
EXPECT_TRUE(Mutate(from_, to_));
TEST(ProtobufMutatorMessagesTest, SmallBenchmark) {
TestProtobufMutator mutator(false);
for (int i = 0; i < 100000; ++i) {
Msg message;
for (int j = 0; j < 20; ++j) {
mutator.Mutate(&message, 500, 1000);
// TODO(vitalybuka): Better benchmark.
// TODO(vitalybuka): Special tests for oneof.
} // namespace protobuf_mutator