blob: 3a5d1bf701ebbbf027f31eb435619ce130b63724 [file] [log] [blame]
* function: kernel_denoise
* bi-laterial filter for denoise usage
* input: image2d_t as read only
* output: image2d_t as write only
* sigma_r: the parameter to set sigma_r in the Gaussian filtering
* imw: image width, used for edge detect
* imh: image height, used for edge detect
"__constant float gausssingle[25]={0.6411,0.7574,0.8007,0.7574,0.6411,0.7574,0.8948,0.9459,0.8948,0.7574,0.8007,0.94595945,1,0.9459,0.8007,0.7574,0.8948,0.9459,0.8948,0.7574,0.6411,0.7574,0.8007,0.7574,0.6411}; "
"__constant int fw=5; "
"__constant int fwh=2; "
"void dotmultiply (__local float *pFilter, int fw ,__local float *pInput,__local float *pOutput,int offset1, int offset2, int offset3) "
"{ "
" for(int yOut =0;yOut <fw;yOut++) "
" { "
" int yInTopLeft = yOut*fw; "
" for (int xOut =0; xOut<fw;xOut ++) "
" { "
" float msum=0; "
" msum+=pFilter[offset1+yInTopLeft+xOut]*pInput[offset2+yInTopLeft+xOut]; "
" pOutput[offset3+yOut*fw+xOut]=msum; "
" } "
" } "
"} "
" "
"void dotmultiplygauss (__local float *pFilter, int fw , __constant float *pInput, __local float *pOutput,int offset1, int offset2, int offset3) "
"{ "
" for(int yOut =0;yOut <fw;yOut++) "
" { "
" int yInTopLeft = yOut*fw; "
" for (int xOut =0; xOut<fw;xOut ++) "
" { "
" float msum=0; "
" msum+=pFilter[offset1+yInTopLeft+xOut]*pInput[offset2+yInTopLeft+xOut]; "
" pOutput[offset3+yOut*fw+xOut]=msum; "
" } "
" } "
"} "
" "
"float matrixsum(__local float *pIn, int length,int offset) "
"{ "
" float ssum=0; "
" for(int i=0;i<length;i++) "
" ssum+=pIn[offset+i]; "
" "
" return ssum; "
"} "
" "
" __kernel void kernel_denoise(__read_only image2d_t srcRGB, __write_only image2d_t dstRGB, float sigma_r, unsigned int imw, unsigned int imh) "
"{ "
" int gidX = get_global_id(1); "
" int gidY = get_global_id(0); "
" int localX = get_local_id(1); "
" int localY = get_local_id(0); "
" float R=0; "
" float G=0; "
" float B=0; "
" float normF=0; "
" float dR,dG,dB; "
" __local float F[25*30*4*5]; "
" int offset=localY*(30*25*5)+localX*25*5; "
" int offsetH,offsetF,offsetR,offsetG,offsetB; "
" offsetH= offset + 3*25; "
" offsetF= offset + 4*25; "
" offsetR= offset; "
" offsetG= offset + 1*25; "
" offsetB= offset + 2*25; "
" "
" int x = gidX*4; "
" int y = gidY; "
" float4 line[4]; "
" float4 tmp; "
" int k=0; "
" "
" line[0] = read_imagef(srcRGB, sampler, (int2)(x,y)); "
" line[1] = read_imagef(srcRGB, sampler, (int2)(x+1,y)); "
" line[2] = read_imagef(srcRGB, sampler, (int2)(x+2,y)); "
" line[3] = read_imagef(srcRGB, sampler, (int2)(x+3,y)); "
" "
" if (x > fwh && "
" x <(imw-fwh) && "
" y >fwh && "
" y <(imh-fwh)) "
" { "
" for(k=0;k<4;k++) "
" { "
" int i = 0; "
" int j = 0; "
" for(i=0;i<fw;i++) "
" { "
" for(j=0;j<fw;j++) "
" { "
" tmp=read_imagef(srcRGB, sampler, (int2)(x+k-fwh+i,y+j-fwh)); "
" F[offsetR+i*fw+j]=tmp.x; "
" F[offsetG+i*fw+j]=tmp.y; "
" F[offsetB+i*fw+j]=tmp.z; "
" dR=tmp.x-line[k].x; "
" dG=tmp.y-line[k].y; "
" dB=tmp.z-line[k].z; "
" F[offsetH+i*fw+j]=exp(-(dR*dR+dG*dG+dB*dB)/(2*pow(sigma_r,2))); "
" } "
" } "
" dotmultiplygauss(F, fw ,gausssingle ,F,offsetH,0,offsetF); "
" normF=matrixsum(F,25,offsetF); "
" dotmultiply(F,fw,F,F,offsetF,offsetR,offsetH); "
" line[k].x=matrixsum(F,25,offsetH)/normF; "
" dotmultiply(F,fw,F,F,offsetF,offsetG,offsetH); "
" line[k].y=matrixsum(F,25,offsetH)/normF; "
" dotmultiply(F,fw,F,F,offsetF,offsetB,offsetH); "
" line[k].z=matrixsum(F,25,offsetH)/normF; "
" line[k].w=1.0; "
" } "
" } "
" "
" write_imagef(dstRGB,(int2)(x,y),line[0]); "
" write_imagef(dstRGB,(int2)(x+1,y),line[1]); "
" write_imagef(dstRGB,(int2)(x+2,y),line[2]); "
" write_imagef(dstRGB,(int2)(x+3,y),line[3]); "
"} "