blob: 53f94d7eec04252a8abea172122de9cb3b67bec6 [file] [log] [blame]
2015/12/30: release libxcam version 0.4.0
* improve performance on OCL pipeline.
- design new formats and pipeline to save memory IO.
- improve bayer noise reduction with bilateral filter.
- support edge enhancement into bayer pipe.
- make gpu/cpu working together for 3a-statistics calculation.
- move tonemapping kernel from RBG to bayer format.
* improve WDR-tonemapping algorithm for quality.
- utilize an new adaptive local tone mapping algorithm.
- provide the mapping between 16-bit wide dynamic range images to
8-bit images to have nice looking”.
- preserve more information on luminance values of the scene
especially for high contrast images.
* tonemapping parameters calculated to increase the contrast between
high light and low light.
- tone mapping regularization parameters are calculated according
to the distribution of brightness histogram.
- the local adaptive parameter are calculated by weighting the
neighbor pixels with a Gaussian blur filter.
* add bayer raw video input to simulate camera sensor.
2015/10/19: release libxcam version 0.3.0
* improved OCL pipeline on basic and advanced/extreme pipeline
- add new bayer noise-reduction into demosaic
- merged yuv-tnr into yuv-pipe kernel
- merged TNR-yuv and TNR-rgb together
* support WDR(wide dynamic range) feature
* add 3a analysis tuner framework for more features tunning, e.g TNR
* add hybrid 3a analysis framework
- support partial customized 3a algorith, e.g AWB/AE
* add smart analysis framework
- generate small scaled picture
- support customized to analyze small picture and feedback results
- support loading user-defined method on smart analysis
2015/07/31: release libxcam version 0.2.1
* improved OCL pipeline on basic 3a image processing
- merged bayer kernels with blc, wb, gamma, demosaic and 3a stats.
- merged yuv kernerls with rgb2yuv color conversion and macc.
- support async framework as option on cl features
- support OCL buffer allocation which can choose tiling mode.
* support different AIQ versions.
* fix capture of dead-loop and sensor format setting.
2015/07/02: release libxcam version 0.2.0
* add gstreamer plugin 'xcamsrc' for Linux media framework support
* support loading user-defined 3a algorithm lib dynamically
* support more manual 3a features on ISP, e.g multiple-ae-window, ae/awb speed...
* add OpenCL pipeline for 3a image processing
- bayer format features, black level correction, defect pixel
correction, whitebalance, 3a statistics calculation,
demosaic, gamma correction, HDR(high dynamic range)
- RGBA format features, bilateral NR(noise reduction), simple NR,
temporal NR, macc, color correction
- YUV format features, temporal NR, edge enhancement, color conversion
- support any user-defined 3a algorithms(e.g AIQ)
* rich test cases, e.g. test-device-manager, test-cl-image
2015/01/15: Initial xcam version 0.1