blob: 94d8f846e9515faceaa2831d0925a903ac6aa1d6 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<api name='libxml2-python'>
<file name='python'>
<exports symbol='libxml_registerXPathFunction'/>
<function name='xmlRegisterXPathFunction' file='python'>
<info>Register a Python written function to the XPath interpreter</info>
<return type='int' info="1 in case of success, 0 or -1 in case of error"/>
<arg name='ctx' type='xmlXPathContextPtr' info='the xpathContext'/>
<arg name='name' type='xmlChar *' info='the function name'/>
<arg name='ns_uri' type='xmlChar *' info='the namespace or NULL'/>
<arg name='f' type='pythonObject' info='the python function'/>
<function name='xmlRegisterErrorHandler' file='python'>
<info>Register a Python written function to for error reporting. The function is called back as f(ctx, error).</info>
<return type='int' info="1 in case of success, 0 or -1 in case of error"/>
<arg name='f' type='pythonObject' info='the python function'/>
<arg name='ctx' type='pythonObject' info='a context for the callback'/>
<function name='xmlCreatePushParser' file='python'>
<info>Create a progressive XML parser context to build either an event flow if the SAX object is not None, or a DOM tree otherwise.</info>
<return type='xmlParserCtxtPtr' info="the parser context or None in case of error"/>
<arg name='SAX' type='pythonObject' info='the SAX callback object or None'/>
<arg name='chunk' type='xmlChar *' info='the initial data'/>
<arg name='size' type='int' info='the size of the initial data'/>
<arg name='URI' type='xmlChar *' info='The URI used for base computations'/>
<function name='htmlCreatePushParser' file='python'>
<info>Create a progressive HTML parser context to build either an event flow if the SAX object is not None, or a DOM tree otherwise.</info>
<return type='xmlParserCtxtPtr' info="the parser context or None in case of error"/>
<arg name='SAX' type='pythonObject' info='the SAX callback object or None'/>
<arg name='chunk' type='xmlChar *' info='the initial data'/>
<arg name='size' type='int' info='the size of the initial data'/>
<arg name='URI' type='xmlChar *' info='The URI used for base computations'/>
<function name='xmlParserGetDoc' file='python_accessor'>
<info>Get the document tree from a parser context.</info>
<return type='xmlDocPtr' info="the document tree" field="myDoc"/>
<arg name='ctxt' type='xmlParserCtxtPtr' info='the parser context'/>
<function name='xmlParserGetWellFormed' file='python_accessor'>
<info>Get the well formed information from a parser context.</info>
<return type='int' info="the wellFormed field" field="wellFormed"/>
<arg name='ctxt' type='xmlParserCtxtPtr' info='the parser context'/>
<function name='xmlParserGetIsValid' file='python_accessor'>
<info>Get the validity information from a parser context.</info>
<return type='int' info="the valid field" field="valid"/>
<arg name='ctxt' type='xmlParserCtxtPtr' info='the parser context'/>
<function name='xmlParserSetValidate' file='python_accessor'>
<info>Switch the parser to validation mode.</info>
<return type='void'/>
<arg name='ctxt' type='xmlParserCtxtPtr' info='the parser context'/>
<arg name='validate' type='int' info='1 to activate validation'/>
<function name='xmlParserSetReplaceEntities' file='python_accessor'>
<info>Switch the parser to replace entities.</info>
<return type='void'/>
<arg name='ctxt' type='xmlParserCtxtPtr' info='the parser context'/>
<arg name='replaceEntities' type='int' info='1 to replace entities'/>
<function name='xmlParserSetPedantic' file='python_accessor'>
<info>Switch the parser to be pedantic.</info>
<return type='void'/>
<arg name='ctxt' type='xmlParserCtxtPtr' info='the parser context'/>
<arg name='pedantic' type='int' info='1 to run in pedantic mode'/>
<function name='xmlParserSetLoadSubset' file='python_accessor'>
<info>Switch the parser to load the DTD without validating.</info>
<return type='void'/>
<arg name='ctxt' type='xmlParserCtxtPtr' info='the parser context'/>
<arg name='loadsubset' type='int' info='1 to load the DTD'/>
<function name='xmlParserSetLineNumbers' file='python_accessor'>
<info>Switch on the generation of line number for elements nodes.</info>
<return type='void'/>
<arg name='ctxt' type='xmlParserCtxtPtr' info='the parser context'/>
<arg name='linenumbers' type='int' info='1 to save line numbers'/>
<function name='xmlDebugMemory' file='python'>
<info>Switch on the generation of line number for elements nodes. Also returns the number of bytes allocated and not freed by libxml2 since memory debugging was switched on.</info>
<return type='int' info="returns the number of bytes allocated and not freed"/>
<arg name='activate' type='int' info='1 switch on memory debugging 0 switch it off'/>
<function name='xmlDumpMemory' file='python'>
<info>dump the memory allocated in the file .memdump</info>
<return type='void'/>
<function name='xmlNodeGetNs' file='python_accessor'>
<info>Get the namespace of a node</info>
<return type='xmlNsPtr' info="The namespace or None"/>
<arg name='node' type='xmlNodePtr' info='the node'/>
<function name='xmlNodeGetNsDefs' file='python_accessor'>
<info>Get the namespace of a node</info>
<return type='xmlNsPtr' info="The namespace or None"/>
<arg name='node' type='xmlNodePtr' info='the node'/>