blob: bd0eb9d3b47f4a369dd8a536d0702ea720d5aecf [file] [log] [blame]
# Makefile for libxml2, specific for Windows, MSVC and NMAKE.
# Take a look at the beginning and modify the variables to suit your
# environment. Having done that, you can do a
# nmake [all] to build the libxml and the accompanying utilities.
# nmake clean to remove all compiler output files and return to a
# clean state.
# nmake rebuild to rebuild everything from scratch. This basically does
# a 'nmake clean' and then a 'nmake all'.
# nmake install to install the library and its header files.
# March 2002, Igor Zlatkovic <>
# There should never be a need to modify anything below this line.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
AUTOCONF = .\config.msvc
!include $(AUTOCONF)
# Names of various input and output components.
XML_NAME = xml2
XML_A_DLL = $(XML_BASENAME)_a_dll.lib
# Place where we let the compiler put its output.
BINDIR = bin.msvc
XML_INTDIR = int.msvc
XML_INTDIR_A = int.a.msvc
XML_INTDIR_A_DLL = int.a.dll.msvc
UTILS_INTDIR = int.utils.msvc
# The preprocessor and its options.
CPP = cl.exe /EP
CPPFLAGS = /nologo /I$(XML_SRCDIR)\include /D "NOLIBTOOL"
!if "$(WITH_THREADS)" != "no"
# The compiler and its options.
CC = cl.exe
!if "$(WITH_THREADS)" != "no"
!if "$(WITH_THREADS)" == "yes" || "$(WITH_THREADS)" == "ctls"
!else if "$(WITH_THREADS)" == "native"
!else if "$(WITH_THREADS)" == "posix"
!if "$(WITH_ZLIB)" == "1"
# The linker and its options.
LD = link.exe
!if "$(WITH_FTP)" == "1" || "$(WITH_HTTP)" == "1"
LIBS = $(LIBS) wsock32.lib ws2_32.lib
!if "$(WITH_ICONV)" == "1"
LIBS = $(LIBS) iconv.lib
+!if "$(WITH_ICU)" == "1"
+LIBS = $(LIBS) icu.lib
!if "$(WITH_ZLIB)" == "1"
LIBS = $(LIBS) zdll.lib
!if "$(WITH_THREADS)" == "posix"
LIBS = $(LIBS) pthreadVC.lib
!if "$(WITH_MODULES)" == "1"
LIBS = $(LIBS) kernel32.lib
# The archiver and its options.
AR = lib.exe
ARFLAGS = /nologo
# Optimisation and debug symbols.
!if "$(DEBUG)" == "1"
# Libxml object files.
XML_OBJS = $(XML_INTDIR)\c14n.obj\
# Static libxml object files.
XML_OBJS_A = $(XML_INTDIR_A)\c14n.obj\
# Static libxml object files.
# Xmllint and friends executables.
UTILS = $(BINDIR)\xmllint.exe\
!if "$(WITH_THREADS)" == "yes" || "$(WITH_THREADS)" == "ctls" || "$(WITH_THREADS)" == "native"
UTILS = $(UTILS) $(BINDIR)\testThreadsWin32.exe
!else if "$(WITH_THREADS)" == "posix"
UTILS = $(UTILS) $(BINDIR)\testThreads.exe
!if "$(VCMANIFEST)" == "1"
_VC_MANIFEST_EMBED_EXE= if exist $@.manifest mt.exe -nologo -manifest $@.manifest -outputresource:$@;1
_VC_MANIFEST_EMBED_DLL= if exist $@.manifest mt.exe -nologo -manifest $@.manifest -outputresource:$@;2
all : libxml libxmla libxmladll utils
libxml : $(BINDIR)\$(XML_SO)
libxmla : $(BINDIR)\$(XML_A)
libxmladll : $(BINDIR)\$(XML_A_DLL)
utils : $(UTILS)
clean :
if exist $(XML_INTDIR) rmdir /S /Q $(XML_INTDIR)
if exist $(XML_INTDIR_A) rmdir /S /Q $(XML_INTDIR_A)
if exist $(XML_INTDIR_A_DLL) rmdir /S /Q $(XML_INTDIR_A_DLL)
if exist $(UTILS_INTDIR) rmdir /S /Q $(UTILS_INTDIR)
if exist $(BINDIR) rmdir /S /Q $(BINDIR)
distclean : clean
if exist config.* del config.*
if exist Makefile del Makefile
rebuild : clean all
install-libs : all
if not exist $(INCPREFIX)\libxml mkdir $(INCPREFIX)\libxml
if not exist $(BINPREFIX) mkdir $(BINPREFIX)
if not exist $(LIBPREFIX) mkdir $(LIBPREFIX)
if not exist $(SOPREFIX) mkdir $(SOPREFIX)
copy $(XML_SRCDIR)\include\libxml\*.h $(INCPREFIX)\libxml
install : install-libs
copy $(BINDIR)\*.exe $(BINPREFIX)
-copy $(BINDIR)\*.pdb $(BINPREFIX)
install-dist : install-libs
copy $(BINDIR)\xml*.exe $(BINPREFIX)
-copy $(BINDIR)\xml*.pdb $(BINPREFIX)
# This is a target for me, to make a binary distribution. Not for the public use,
# keep your hands off :-)
bindist : all
$(MAKE) /nologo PREFIX=$(BDPREFIX) SOPREFIX=$(BDPREFIX)\bin install-dist
cscript //NoLogo configure.js genreadme $(XML_BASENAME) $(BDVERSION) $(BDPREFIX)\readme.txt
# Makes the output directory.
if not exist $(BINDIR) mkdir $(BINDIR)
# Makes the libxml intermediate directory.
if not exist $(XML_INTDIR) mkdir $(XML_INTDIR)
# Makes the static libxml intermediate directory.
if not exist $(XML_INTDIR_A) mkdir $(XML_INTDIR_A)
# Makes the static for dll libxml intermediate directory.
if not exist $(XML_INTDIR_A_DLL) mkdir $(XML_INTDIR_A_DLL)
# An implicit rule for libxml compilation.
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) /Fo$(XML_INTDIR)\ /c $<
# An implicit rule for static libxml compilation.
# An implicit rule for static for dll libxml compilation.
# Compiles libxml source. Uses the implicit rule for commands.
# Compiles static libxml source. Uses the implicit rule for commands.
# Compiles static for dll libxml source. Uses the implicit rule for commands.
# Creates the export definition file (DEF) for libxml.
# Creates the libxml shared object.
# Creates the libxml archive.
# Creates the libxml static for dll archive.
# Makes the utils intermediate directory.
if not exist $(UTILS_INTDIR) mkdir $(UTILS_INTDIR)
# An implicit rule for xmllint and friends.
!if "$(STATIC)" == "1"
$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) /OUT:$@ $(XML_A) $(LIBS) $(UTILS_INTDIR)\$(<B).obj
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) /Fo$(UTILS_INTDIR)\ /c $<
$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) /OUT:$@ $(XML_IMP) $(LIBS) $(UTILS_INTDIR)\$(<B).obj
# Builds xmllint and friends. Uses the implicit rule for commands.
$(UTILS) : $(UTILS_INTDIR) $(BINDIR) libxml libxmla libxmladll
# Source dependences should be autogenerated somehow here, but how to
# do it? I have no clue.
tests : XPathtests
XPathtests : $(BINDIR)\testXPath.exe
@echo. 2> .memdump
@echo ## XPath regression tests
@-$(BINDIR)\testXPath.exe | find /C "support not compiled in" 1>nul
@if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 @( \
echo Skipping debug not compiled in\
@exit 0 \
@for %%I in ($(XML_SRCDIR)\test\XPath\expr\*.*) do @( \
@IF NOT EXIST $(XML_SRCDIR)\result\XPath\expr\%%~nxI ( \
@echo New test %%~nxI &&\
@echo %%~nxI &&\
$(BINDIR)\testXPath.exe -f --expr %%I > $(XML_SRCDIR)/result/XPath/expr/%%~nxI &&\
findstr /C:"MEMORY ALLOCATED : 0" \
) ELSE ( \
$(BINDIR)\testXPath.exe -f --expr %%I 2>&1 > result.%%~nxI &&\
fc $(XML_SRCDIR)\result\XPath\expr\%%~nxI result.%%~nxI >nul &\
iF ERRORLEVEL 1 exit 1 & \
findstr "MEMORY ALLOCATED" .memdump | findstr /C:"MEMORY ALLOCATED : 0" >nul &&\
del result.%%~nxI \
) \
@for %%I in ($(XML_SRCDIR)\test\XPath\docs\*.*) do @( \
for %%J in ($(XML_SRCDIR)\test\XPath\tests\%%~nxI*.*) do @( \
if not exist $(XML_SRCDIR)\result\XPath\tests\%%~nxJ ( \
$(BINDIR)\testXPath.exe -f -i %%I %%J > $(XML_SRCDIR)\result\XPath\tests\%%~nxJ &&\
findstr /C:"MEMORY ALLOCATED" .memdump | findstr /C:"MEMORY ALLOCATED : 0" > nul \
) ELSE ( \
$(BINDIR)\testXPAth.exe -f -i %%I %%J 2>&1 > result.%%~nxJ &&\
findstr /C:"MEMORY ALLOCATED" .memdump | findstr /C:"MEMORY ALLOCATED : 0">null &&\
fc $(XML_SRCDIR)\result\XPath\tests\%%~nxJ result.%%~nxJ >null & \
IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (echo Error: %%I %%J & exit 1) & \
del result.%%~nxJ \
XMLtests : $(BINDIR)\xmllint.exe
@echo. 2> .memdump
@echo ## XML regression tests
-@for %%I in ($(XML_SRCDIR)\test\*) do @( \
if not exist $(XML_SRCDIR)\result\%%~nxI ( \
echo New test file %%~nxI &\
$(BINDIR)\xmllint.exe %%I > $(XML_SRCDIR)\result\%%~nxI && \
findstr /C:"MEMORY ALLOCATED" .memdump | findstr /C:"MEMORY ALLOCATED : 0" > null \
) ELSE ( \
$(BINDIR)\xmllint.exe %%I 2>&1 > result.%%~nxI && \
findstr /C:"MEMORY ALLOC" .memdump | findstr /C:"MEMORY ALLOCATED : 0" > null && \
fc $(XML_SRCDIR)\result\%%~nxI result.%%~nxI > null && \
$(BINDIR)\xmllint.exe result.%%~nxI 2>&1 > result2.%%~nxI | findstr /V /C:"failed to load external entity" && \
fc result.%%~nxI result2.%%~nxI & \
del result.%%~nxI result2.%%~nxI\
) \