| Generated Classes for libxml2-python |
| |
| # |
| # Global functions of the module |
| # |
| |
| |
| # functions from module HTMLparser |
| htmlCreateMemoryParserCtxt() |
| htmlHandleOmittedElem() |
| htmlIsScriptAttribute() |
| htmlParseDoc() |
| htmlParseFile() |
| htmlReadDoc() |
| htmlReadFd() |
| htmlReadFile() |
| htmlReadMemory() |
| |
| # functions from module HTMLtree |
| htmlIsBooleanAttr() |
| htmlNewDoc() |
| htmlNewDocNoDtD() |
| |
| # functions from module SAX2 |
| SAXDefaultVersion() |
| defaultSAXHandlerInit() |
| docbDefaultSAXHandlerInit() |
| htmlDefaultSAXHandlerInit() |
| |
| # functions from module catalog |
| catalogAdd() |
| catalogCleanup() |
| catalogConvert() |
| catalogDump() |
| catalogGetPublic() |
| catalogGetSystem() |
| catalogRemove() |
| catalogResolve() |
| catalogResolvePublic() |
| catalogResolveSystem() |
| catalogResolveURI() |
| catalogSetDebug() |
| initializeCatalog() |
| loadACatalog() |
| loadCatalog() |
| loadCatalogs() |
| loadSGMLSuperCatalog() |
| newCatalog() |
| parseCatalogFile() |
| |
| # functions from module chvalid |
| isBaseChar() |
| isBlank() |
| isChar() |
| isCombining() |
| isDigit() |
| isExtender() |
| isIdeographic() |
| isPubidChar() |
| |
| # functions from module debugXML |
| boolToText() |
| debugDumpString() |
| shellPrintXPathError() |
| |
| # functions from module encoding |
| UTF8Charcmp() |
| UTF8Size() |
| UTF8Strlen() |
| UTF8Strloc() |
| UTF8Strndup() |
| UTF8Strpos() |
| UTF8Strsize() |
| UTF8Strsub() |
| addEncodingAlias() |
| checkUTF8() |
| cleanupCharEncodingHandlers() |
| cleanupEncodingAliases() |
| delEncodingAlias() |
| encodingAlias() |
| initCharEncodingHandlers() |
| |
| # functions from module entities |
| cleanupPredefinedEntities() |
| initializePredefinedEntities() |
| predefinedEntity() |
| |
| # functions from module globals |
| cleanupGlobals() |
| initGlobals() |
| thrDefDefaultBufferSize() |
| thrDefDoValidityCheckingDefaultValue() |
| thrDefGetWarningsDefaultValue() |
| thrDefIndentTreeOutput() |
| thrDefKeepBlanksDefaultValue() |
| thrDefLineNumbersDefaultValue() |
| thrDefLoadExtDtdDefaultValue() |
| thrDefParserDebugEntities() |
| thrDefPedanticParserDefaultValue() |
| thrDefSaveNoEmptyTags() |
| thrDefSubstituteEntitiesDefaultValue() |
| thrDefTreeIndentString() |
| |
| # functions from module nanoftp |
| nanoFTPCleanup() |
| nanoFTPInit() |
| nanoFTPProxy() |
| nanoFTPScanProxy() |
| |
| # functions from module nanohttp |
| nanoHTTPCleanup() |
| nanoHTTPInit() |
| nanoHTTPScanProxy() |
| |
| # functions from module parser |
| cleanupParser() |
| createDocParserCtxt() |
| initParser() |
| keepBlanksDefault() |
| lineNumbersDefault() |
| newParserCtxt() |
| parseDTD() |
| parseDoc() |
| parseEntity() |
| parseFile() |
| parseMemory() |
| pedanticParserDefault() |
| readDoc() |
| readFd() |
| readFile() |
| readMemory() |
| recoverDoc() |
| recoverFile() |
| recoverMemory() |
| substituteEntitiesDefault() |
| |
| # functions from module parserInternals |
| checkLanguageID() |
| copyChar() |
| copyCharMultiByte() |
| createEntityParserCtxt() |
| createFileParserCtxt() |
| createMemoryParserCtxt() |
| createURLParserCtxt() |
| htmlCreateFileParserCtxt() |
| htmlInitAutoClose() |
| isLetter() |
| namePop() |
| namePush() |
| nodePop() |
| nodePush() |
| |
| # functions from module python |
| SAXParseFile() |
| createInputBuffer() |
| createOutputBuffer() |
| createPushParser() |
| debugMemory() |
| dumpMemory() |
| htmlCreatePushParser() |
| htmlSAXParseFile() |
| newNode() |
| setEntityLoader() |
| |
| # functions from module relaxng |
| relaxNGCleanupTypes() |
| relaxNGNewMemParserCtxt() |
| relaxNGNewParserCtxt() |
| |
| # functions from module tree |
| buildQName() |
| compressMode() |
| isXHTML() |
| newComment() |
| newDoc() |
| newPI() |
| newText() |
| newTextLen() |
| setCompressMode() |
| validateNCName() |
| validateNMToken() |
| validateName() |
| validateQName() |
| |
| # functions from module uri |
| URIEscape() |
| URIEscapeStr() |
| URIUnescapeString() |
| buildURI() |
| canonicPath() |
| createURI() |
| normalizeURIPath() |
| parseURI() |
| |
| # functions from module valid |
| validateNameValue() |
| validateNamesValue() |
| validateNmtokenValue() |
| validateNmtokensValue() |
| |
| # functions from module xmlIO |
| checkFilename() |
| cleanupInputCallbacks() |
| cleanupOutputCallbacks() |
| fileMatch() |
| iOFTPMatch() |
| iOHTTPMatch() |
| normalizeWindowsPath() |
| parserGetDirectory() |
| registerDefaultInputCallbacks() |
| registerDefaultOutputCallbacks() |
| registerHTTPPostCallbacks() |
| |
| # functions from module xmlerror |
| resetLastError() |
| |
| # functions from module xmlreader |
| newTextReaderFilename() |
| readerForDoc() |
| readerForFd() |
| readerForFile() |
| readerForMemory() |
| |
| # functions from module xmlregexp |
| regexpCompile() |
| |
| # functions from module xmlschemastypes |
| schemaCleanupTypes() |
| schemaInitTypes() |
| |
| # functions from module xmlunicode |
| uCSIsAegeanNumbers() |
| uCSIsAlphabeticPresentationForms() |
| uCSIsArabic() |
| uCSIsArabicPresentationFormsA() |
| uCSIsArabicPresentationFormsB() |
| uCSIsArmenian() |
| uCSIsArrows() |
| uCSIsBasicLatin() |
| uCSIsBengali() |
| uCSIsBlock() |
| uCSIsBlockElements() |
| uCSIsBopomofo() |
| uCSIsBopomofoExtended() |
| uCSIsBoxDrawing() |
| uCSIsBraillePatterns() |
| uCSIsBuhid() |
| uCSIsByzantineMusicalSymbols() |
| uCSIsCJKCompatibility() |
| uCSIsCJKCompatibilityForms() |
| uCSIsCJKCompatibilityIdeographs() |
| uCSIsCJKCompatibilityIdeographsSupplement() |
| uCSIsCJKRadicalsSupplement() |
| uCSIsCJKSymbolsandPunctuation() |
| uCSIsCJKUnifiedIdeographs() |
| uCSIsCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionA() |
| uCSIsCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionB() |
| uCSIsCat() |
| uCSIsCatC() |
| uCSIsCatCc() |
| uCSIsCatCf() |
| uCSIsCatCo() |
| uCSIsCatCs() |
| uCSIsCatL() |
| uCSIsCatLl() |
| uCSIsCatLm() |
| uCSIsCatLo() |
| uCSIsCatLt() |
| uCSIsCatLu() |
| uCSIsCatM() |
| uCSIsCatMc() |
| uCSIsCatMe() |
| uCSIsCatMn() |
| uCSIsCatN() |
| uCSIsCatNd() |
| uCSIsCatNl() |
| uCSIsCatNo() |
| uCSIsCatP() |
| uCSIsCatPc() |
| uCSIsCatPd() |
| uCSIsCatPe() |
| uCSIsCatPf() |
| uCSIsCatPi() |
| uCSIsCatPo() |
| uCSIsCatPs() |
| uCSIsCatS() |
| uCSIsCatSc() |
| uCSIsCatSk() |
| uCSIsCatSm() |
| uCSIsCatSo() |
| uCSIsCatZ() |
| uCSIsCatZl() |
| uCSIsCatZp() |
| uCSIsCatZs() |
| uCSIsCherokee() |
| uCSIsCombiningDiacriticalMarks() |
| uCSIsCombiningDiacriticalMarksforSymbols() |
| uCSIsCombiningHalfMarks() |
| uCSIsCombiningMarksforSymbols() |
| uCSIsControlPictures() |
| uCSIsCurrencySymbols() |
| uCSIsCypriotSyllabary() |
| uCSIsCyrillic() |
| uCSIsCyrillicSupplement() |
| uCSIsDeseret() |
| uCSIsDevanagari() |
| uCSIsDingbats() |
| uCSIsEnclosedAlphanumerics() |
| uCSIsEnclosedCJKLettersandMonths() |
| uCSIsEthiopic() |
| uCSIsGeneralPunctuation() |
| uCSIsGeometricShapes() |
| uCSIsGeorgian() |
| uCSIsGothic() |
| uCSIsGreek() |
| uCSIsGreekExtended() |
| uCSIsGreekandCoptic() |
| uCSIsGujarati() |
| uCSIsGurmukhi() |
| uCSIsHalfwidthandFullwidthForms() |
| uCSIsHangulCompatibilityJamo() |
| uCSIsHangulJamo() |
| uCSIsHangulSyllables() |
| uCSIsHanunoo() |
| uCSIsHebrew() |
| uCSIsHighPrivateUseSurrogates() |
| uCSIsHighSurrogates() |
| uCSIsHiragana() |
| uCSIsIPAExtensions() |
| uCSIsIdeographicDescriptionCharacters() |
| uCSIsKanbun() |
| uCSIsKangxiRadicals() |
| uCSIsKannada() |
| uCSIsKatakana() |
| uCSIsKatakanaPhoneticExtensions() |
| uCSIsKhmer() |
| uCSIsKhmerSymbols() |
| uCSIsLao() |
| uCSIsLatin1Supplement() |
| uCSIsLatinExtendedA() |
| uCSIsLatinExtendedAdditional() |
| uCSIsLatinExtendedB() |
| uCSIsLetterlikeSymbols() |
| uCSIsLimbu() |
| uCSIsLinearBIdeograms() |
| uCSIsLinearBSyllabary() |
| uCSIsLowSurrogates() |
| uCSIsMalayalam() |
| uCSIsMathematicalAlphanumericSymbols() |
| uCSIsMathematicalOperators() |
| uCSIsMiscellaneousMathematicalSymbolsA() |
| uCSIsMiscellaneousMathematicalSymbolsB() |
| uCSIsMiscellaneousSymbols() |
| uCSIsMiscellaneousSymbolsandArrows() |
| uCSIsMiscellaneousTechnical() |
| uCSIsMongolian() |
| uCSIsMusicalSymbols() |
| uCSIsMyanmar() |
| uCSIsNumberForms() |
| uCSIsOgham() |
| uCSIsOldItalic() |
| uCSIsOpticalCharacterRecognition() |
| uCSIsOriya() |
| uCSIsOsmanya() |
| uCSIsPhoneticExtensions() |
| uCSIsPrivateUse() |
| uCSIsPrivateUseArea() |
| uCSIsRunic() |
| uCSIsShavian() |
| uCSIsSinhala() |
| uCSIsSmallFormVariants() |
| uCSIsSpacingModifierLetters() |
| uCSIsSpecials() |
| uCSIsSuperscriptsandSubscripts() |
| uCSIsSupplementalArrowsA() |
| uCSIsSupplementalArrowsB() |
| uCSIsSupplementalMathematicalOperators() |
| uCSIsSupplementaryPrivateUseAreaA() |
| uCSIsSupplementaryPrivateUseAreaB() |
| uCSIsSyriac() |
| uCSIsTagalog() |
| uCSIsTagbanwa() |
| uCSIsTags() |
| uCSIsTaiLe() |
| uCSIsTaiXuanJingSymbols() |
| uCSIsTamil() |
| uCSIsTelugu() |
| uCSIsThaana() |
| uCSIsThai() |
| uCSIsTibetan() |
| uCSIsUgaritic() |
| uCSIsUnifiedCanadianAboriginalSyllabics() |
| uCSIsVariationSelectors() |
| uCSIsVariationSelectorsSupplement() |
| uCSIsYiRadicals() |
| uCSIsYiSyllables() |
| uCSIsYijingHexagramSymbols() |
| |
| # functions from module xmlversion |
| checkVersion() |
| |
| # functions from module xpathInternals |
| valuePop() |
| |
| |
| # |
| # Set of classes of the module |
| # |
| |
| |
| |
| Class xmlNode(xmlCore) |
| # accessors |
| ns() |
| nsDefs() |
| |
| # functions from module debugXML |
| debugDumpNode() |
| debugDumpNodeList() |
| debugDumpOneNode() |
| lsCountNode() |
| lsOneNode() |
| shellPrintNode() |
| |
| # functions from module tree |
| addChild() |
| addChildList() |
| addContent() |
| addContentLen() |
| addNextSibling() |
| addPrevSibling() |
| addSibling() |
| copyNode() |
| copyNodeList() |
| copyProp() |
| copyPropList() |
| docCopyNode() |
| docSetRootElement() |
| freeNode() |
| freeNodeList() |
| getBase() |
| getContent() |
| getLang() |
| getSpacePreserve() |
| hasNsProp() |
| hasProp() |
| isBlankNode() |
| isText() |
| lastChild() |
| lineNo() |
| listGetRawString() |
| listGetString() |
| newChild() |
| newNs() |
| newNsProp() |
| newNsPropEatName() |
| newProp() |
| newTextChild() |
| noNsProp() |
| nodePath() |
| nsProp() |
| prop() |
| reconciliateNs() |
| replaceNode() |
| searchNs() |
| searchNsByHref() |
| setBase() |
| setContent() |
| setContentLen() |
| setLang() |
| setListDoc() |
| setName() |
| setNs() |
| setNsProp() |
| setProp() |
| setSpacePreserve() |
| setTreeDoc() |
| textConcat() |
| textMerge() |
| unlinkNode() |
| unsetNsProp() |
| unsetProp() |
| |
| # functions from module valid |
| isID() |
| isRef() |
| validNormalizeAttributeValue() |
| |
| # functions from module xinclude |
| xincludeProcessTree() |
| xincludeProcessTreeFlags() |
| |
| # functions from module xpath |
| xpathCastNodeToNumber() |
| xpathCastNodeToString() |
| xpathCmpNodes() |
| |
| # functions from module xpathInternals |
| xpathNewNodeSet() |
| xpathNewValueTree() |
| xpathNextAncestor() |
| xpathNextAncestorOrSelf() |
| xpathNextAttribute() |
| xpathNextChild() |
| xpathNextDescendant() |
| xpathNextDescendantOrSelf() |
| xpathNextFollowing() |
| xpathNextFollowingSibling() |
| xpathNextNamespace() |
| xpathNextParent() |
| xpathNextPreceding() |
| xpathNextPrecedingSibling() |
| xpathNextSelf() |
| |
| # functions from module xpointer |
| xpointerNewCollapsedRange() |
| xpointerNewContext() |
| xpointerNewLocationSetNodes() |
| xpointerNewRange() |
| xpointerNewRangeNodes() |
| |
| |
| Class xmlDoc(xmlNode) |
| |
| # functions from module HTMLparser |
| htmlAutoCloseTag() |
| htmlIsAutoClosed() |
| |
| # functions from module HTMLtree |
| htmlDocContentDumpFormatOutput() |
| htmlDocContentDumpOutput() |
| htmlDocDump() |
| htmlGetMetaEncoding() |
| htmlNodeDumpFile() |
| htmlNodeDumpFileFormat() |
| htmlNodeDumpFormatOutput() |
| htmlNodeDumpOutput() |
| htmlSaveFile() |
| htmlSaveFileEnc() |
| htmlSaveFileFormat() |
| htmlSetMetaEncoding() |
| |
| # functions from module debugXML |
| debugDumpDocument() |
| debugDumpDocumentHead() |
| debugDumpEntities() |
| |
| # functions from module entities |
| addDocEntity() |
| addDtdEntity() |
| docEntity() |
| dtdEntity() |
| encodeEntities() |
| encodeEntitiesReentrant() |
| encodeSpecialChars() |
| parameterEntity() |
| |
| # functions from module relaxng |
| relaxNGNewDocParserCtxt() |
| relaxNGValidateDoc() |
| relaxNGValidateFullElement() |
| relaxNGValidatePopElement() |
| relaxNGValidatePushElement() |
| |
| # functions from module tree |
| copyDoc() |
| copyNode() |
| createIntSubset() |
| docCompressMode() |
| dump() |
| elemDump() |
| formatDump() |
| freeDoc() |
| getRootElement() |
| intSubset() |
| newCDataBlock() |
| newCharRef() |
| newDocComment() |
| newDocFragment() |
| newDocNode() |
| newDocNodeEatName() |
| newDocProp() |
| newDocRawNode() |
| newDocText() |
| newDocTextLen() |
| newDtd() |
| newGlobalNs() |
| newReference() |
| nodeDumpOutput() |
| nodeGetBase() |
| nodeListGetRawString() |
| nodeListGetString() |
| reconciliateNs() |
| saveFile() |
| saveFileEnc() |
| saveFileTo() |
| saveFormatFile() |
| saveFormatFileEnc() |
| saveFormatFileTo() |
| searchNs() |
| searchNsByHref() |
| setDocCompressMode() |
| setListDoc() |
| setRootElement() |
| setTreeDoc() |
| stringGetNodeList() |
| stringLenGetNodeList() |
| |
| # functions from module valid |
| ID() |
| isID() |
| isMixedElement() |
| isRef() |
| removeID() |
| removeRef() |
| validNormalizeAttributeValue() |
| |
| # functions from module xinclude |
| xincludeProcess() |
| xincludeProcessFlags() |
| |
| # functions from module xmlreader |
| NewWalker() |
| readerWalker() |
| |
| # functions from module xpath |
| xpathNewContext() |
| xpathOrderDocElems() |
| |
| # functions from module xpointer |
| xpointerNewContext() |
| Class xpathContext() |
| # accessors |
| contextDoc() |
| contextNode() |
| contextPosition() |
| contextSize() |
| function() |
| functionURI() |
| setContextDoc() |
| setContextNode() |
| |
| # functions from module python |
| registerXPathFunction() |
| |
| # functions from module xpath |
| xpathEval() |
| xpathEvalExpression() |
| xpathFreeContext() |
| |
| # functions from module xpathInternals |
| xpathNewParserContext() |
| xpathNsLookup() |
| xpathRegisterAllFunctions() |
| xpathRegisterNs() |
| xpathRegisteredFuncsCleanup() |
| xpathRegisteredNsCleanup() |
| xpathRegisteredVariablesCleanup() |
| xpathVariableLookup() |
| xpathVariableLookupNS() |
| |
| # functions from module xpointer |
| xpointerEval() |
| |
| |
| Class xmlAttribute(xmlNode) |
| Class catalog() |
| |
| # functions from module catalog |
| add() |
| catalogIsEmpty() |
| convertSGMLCatalog() |
| dump() |
| freeCatalog() |
| remove() |
| resolve() |
| resolvePublic() |
| resolveSystem() |
| resolveURI() |
| |
| |
| Class xmlElement(xmlNode) |
| |
| |
| Class xmlAttr(xmlNode) |
| |
| # functions from module debugXML |
| debugDumpAttr() |
| debugDumpAttrList() |
| |
| # functions from module tree |
| copyProp() |
| copyPropList() |
| freeProp() |
| freePropList() |
| removeProp() |
| |
| # functions from module valid |
| removeID() |
| removeRef() |
| |
| |
| Class xmlTextReader(xmlTextReaderCore) |
| |
| # functions from module xmlreader |
| AttributeCount() |
| BaseUri() |
| Close() |
| CurrentDoc() |
| CurrentNode() |
| Depth() |
| Expand() |
| GetAttribute() |
| GetAttributeNo() |
| GetAttributeNs() |
| GetParserProp() |
| GetRemainder() |
| HasAttributes() |
| HasValue() |
| IsDefault() |
| IsEmptyElement() |
| IsValid() |
| LocalName() |
| LookupNamespace() |
| MoveToAttribute() |
| MoveToAttributeNo() |
| MoveToAttributeNs() |
| MoveToElement() |
| MoveToFirstAttribute() |
| MoveToNextAttribute() |
| Name() |
| NamespaceUri() |
| NewDoc() |
| NewFd() |
| NewFile() |
| NewMemory() |
| NewWalker() |
| Next() |
| NextSibling() |
| NodeType() |
| Normalization() |
| Prefix() |
| Preserve() |
| QuoteChar() |
| Read() |
| ReadAttributeValue() |
| ReadInnerXml() |
| ReadOuterXml() |
| ReadState() |
| ReadString() |
| RelaxNGSetSchema() |
| RelaxNGValidate() |
| SetParserProp() |
| String() |
| Value() |
| XmlLang() |
| Class xmlReg() |
| |
| # functions from module xmlregexp |
| regexpExec() |
| regexpFreeRegexp() |
| regexpIsDeterminist() |
| regexpPrint() |
| |
| |
| Class xmlEntity(xmlNode) |
| |
| # functions from module parserInternals |
| handleEntity() |
| Class relaxNgSchema() |
| |
| # functions from module relaxng |
| relaxNGDump() |
| relaxNGDumpTree() |
| relaxNGFree() |
| relaxNGNewValidCtxt() |
| |
| # functions from module xmlreader |
| RelaxNGSetSchema() |
| Class relaxNgValidCtxt() |
| |
| # functions from module relaxng |
| relaxNGValidateDoc() |
| relaxNGValidateFullElement() |
| relaxNGValidatePopElement() |
| relaxNGValidatePushCData() |
| relaxNGValidatePushElement() |
| Class xpathParserContext() |
| # accessors |
| context() |
| |
| # functions from module xpathInternals |
| xpathAddValues() |
| xpathBooleanFunction() |
| xpathCeilingFunction() |
| xpathCompareValues() |
| xpathConcatFunction() |
| xpathContainsFunction() |
| xpathCountFunction() |
| xpathDivValues() |
| xpathEqualValues() |
| xpathErr() |
| xpathEvalExpr() |
| xpathFalseFunction() |
| xpathFloorFunction() |
| xpathFreeParserContext() |
| xpathIdFunction() |
| xpathLangFunction() |
| xpathLastFunction() |
| xpathLocalNameFunction() |
| xpathModValues() |
| xpathMultValues() |
| xpathNamespaceURIFunction() |
| xpathNextAncestor() |
| xpathNextAncestorOrSelf() |
| xpathNextAttribute() |
| xpathNextChild() |
| xpathNextDescendant() |
| xpathNextDescendantOrSelf() |
| xpathNextFollowing() |
| xpathNextFollowingSibling() |
| xpathNextNamespace() |
| xpathNextParent() |
| xpathNextPreceding() |
| xpathNextPrecedingSibling() |
| xpathNextSelf() |
| xpathNormalizeFunction() |
| xpathNotEqualValues() |
| xpathNotFunction() |
| xpathNumberFunction() |
| xpathParseNCName() |
| xpathParseName() |
| xpathPopBoolean() |
| xpathPopNumber() |
| xpathPopString() |
| xpathPositionFunction() |
| xpathRoot() |
| xpathRoundFunction() |
| xpathStartsWithFunction() |
| xpathStringFunction() |
| xpathStringLengthFunction() |
| xpathSubValues() |
| xpathSubstringAfterFunction() |
| xpathSubstringBeforeFunction() |
| xpathSubstringFunction() |
| xpathSumFunction() |
| xpathTranslateFunction() |
| xpathTrueFunction() |
| xpathValueFlipSign() |
| xpatherror() |
| |
| # functions from module xpointer |
| xpointerEvalRangePredicate() |
| xpointerRangeToFunction() |
| |
| |
| Class parserCtxt(parserCtxtCore) |
| # accessors |
| doc() |
| isValid() |
| lineNumbers() |
| loadSubset() |
| pedantic() |
| replaceEntities() |
| validate() |
| wellFormed() |
| |
| # functions from module HTMLparser |
| htmlCtxtReadDoc() |
| htmlCtxtReadFd() |
| htmlCtxtReadFile() |
| htmlCtxtReadMemory() |
| htmlCtxtReset() |
| htmlCtxtUseOptions() |
| htmlFreeParserCtxt() |
| htmlParseCharRef() |
| htmlParseChunk() |
| htmlParseDocument() |
| htmlParseElement() |
| |
| # functions from module parser |
| clearParserCtxt() |
| ctxtReadDoc() |
| ctxtReadFd() |
| ctxtReadFile() |
| ctxtReadMemory() |
| ctxtReset() |
| ctxtResetPush() |
| ctxtUseOptions() |
| initParserCtxt() |
| parseChunk() |
| parseDocument() |
| parseExtParsedEnt() |
| setupParserForBuffer() |
| stopParser() |
| |
| # functions from module parserInternals |
| decodeEntities() |
| errMemory() |
| handleEntity() |
| namespaceParseNCName() |
| namespaceParseNSDef() |
| nextChar() |
| parseAttValue() |
| parseAttributeListDecl() |
| parseCDSect() |
| parseCharData() |
| parseCharRef() |
| parseComment() |
| parseContent() |
| parseDocTypeDecl() |
| parseElement() |
| parseElementDecl() |
| parseEncName() |
| parseEncodingDecl() |
| parseEndTag() |
| parseEntityDecl() |
| parseEntityRef() |
| parseExternalSubset() |
| parseMarkupDecl() |
| parseMisc() |
| parseName() |
| parseNamespace() |
| parseNmtoken() |
| parseNotationDecl() |
| parsePEReference() |
| parsePI() |
| parsePITarget() |
| parsePubidLiteral() |
| parseQuotedString() |
| parseReference() |
| parseSDDecl() |
| parseStartTag() |
| parseSystemLiteral() |
| parseTextDecl() |
| parseVersionInfo() |
| parseVersionNum() |
| parseXMLDecl() |
| parserHandlePEReference() |
| parserHandleReference() |
| popInput() |
| scanName() |
| skipBlankChars() |
| stringDecodeEntities() |
| stringLenDecodeEntities() |
| |
| |
| Class xmlDtd(xmlNode) |
| |
| # functions from module debugXML |
| debugDumpDTD() |
| |
| # functions from module tree |
| copyDtd() |
| freeDtd() |
| |
| # functions from module valid |
| dtdAttrDesc() |
| dtdElementDesc() |
| dtdQAttrDesc() |
| dtdQElementDesc() |
| |
| |
| Class xmlNs(xmlNode) |
| |
| # functions from module tree |
| copyNamespace() |
| copyNamespaceList() |
| freeNs() |
| freeNsList() |
| newChild() |
| newDocNode() |
| newDocNodeEatName() |
| newDocRawNode() |
| newNodeEatName() |
| newNsProp() |
| newNsPropEatName() |
| newTextChild() |
| setNs() |
| setNsProp() |
| unsetNsProp() |
| |
| # functions from module xpathInternals |
| xpathNodeSetFreeNs() |
| |
| |
| Class inputBuffer(ioReadWrapper) |
| |
| # functions from module xmlIO |
| freeParserInputBuffer() |
| grow() |
| push() |
| read() |
| |
| # functions from module xmlreader |
| newTextReader() |
| Class relaxNgParserCtxt() |
| |
| # functions from module relaxng |
| relaxNGFreeParserCtxt() |
| relaxNGParse() |
| |
| |
| Class outputBuffer(ioWriteWrapper) |
| |
| # functions from module HTMLtree |
| htmlDocContentDumpFormatOutput() |
| htmlDocContentDumpOutput() |
| htmlNodeDumpFormatOutput() |
| htmlNodeDumpOutput() |
| |
| # functions from module tree |
| nodeDumpOutput() |
| saveFileTo() |
| saveFormatFileTo() |
| |
| # functions from module xmlIO |
| write() |
| writeString() |
| Class xmlTextReaderLocator() |
| |
| # functions from module xmlreader |
| BaseURI() |
| LineNumber() |
| Class URI() |
| # accessors |
| authority() |
| fragment() |
| opaque() |
| path() |
| port() |
| query() |
| scheme() |
| server() |
| setAuthority() |
| setFragment() |
| setOpaque() |
| setPath() |
| setPort() |
| setQuery() |
| setScheme() |
| setServer() |
| setUser() |
| user() |
| |
| # functions from module uri |
| freeURI() |
| parseURIReference() |
| printURI() |
| saveUri() |