blob: 013db271d9fb82e14d5c84a7ac8cac314050856d [file] [log] [blame]
/* target.config */
/* */
/* Configuration file to specify target parameters such as: the */
/* kind of platform/board, and login credentials. */
/* */
/* NOTE: all commented parameters are optional and report their */
/* default value. */
/* Platform */
/* - linux : accessed via SSH connection */
/* - android : accessed via ADB connection */
/* - host : run on the local host */
"platform" : "linux",
/* Board */
/* Currently supported boards are: */
/* juno : target is a JUNO board */
/* juno2 : target is a JUNO board, with mainline Hwmon */
/* tc2 : target is a TC2 board */
/* If your Juno board /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/energy?_name is */
/* of the form BOARD_*_ENERGY, then you need 'juno2'. */
/* Otherwise 'juno' is sufficient. In either case, lisa uses */
/* devlib's 'juno' target definition to talk to the board. */
/* Leave commented if your board is not listed above */
"board" : "juno",
/* Target IP or MAC address */
"host" : "",
/* Target Android device ID */
//"device" : "00b1346f0878ccb1",
/* Login username (has to be sudo enabled) */
"username" : "root",
/* Login credentials */
/* You can specify either a password or keyfile */
"password" : "",
// "keyfile" : "/complete/path/of/your/keyfile",
/* RT-App Calibration */
/* Keep commented to do calibration at first run on a target. */
/* Then, replace the values with the ones reported for your */
/* specific target in the console logging messages */
// "rtapp-calib" : {
// "0": 354, "1": 138, "2": 138, "3": 363, "4": 355, "5": 357
// },
/* FTFP Image server */
/* This is the folder from where the target gets kernel/DTB */
/* images at each boot. */
/* The path of images to be deployed are specified by the */
/* experiments configuration (e.g. tests/eas/rfc_eas.json) */
"tftp" : {
"folder" : "/var/lib/tftpboot",
"kernel" : "kern.bin",
"dtb" : "dtb.bin"
/* Devlib modules to enable/disbale for all the experiments */
"modules" : [],
"exclude_modules" : [],
/* Binary tools to install by default for all experiments */
/* Currently available tools: */
/* - binaries under ./tools/<ARCH>/ */
/* where <ARCH> is one of the supported target */
/* architectures */
/* - shell scripts under './tools/scripts/ */
"tools" : [],
/* Wait time before trying to access the target after reboot */
// "ping_time" : "15",
/* Maximum time to wait after rebooting the target */
// "reboot_time" : "120",
/* List of test environment features to enable */
/* no-kernel : do not deploy kernel/dtb images */
/* no-reboot : do not force reboot the target at each */
/* configuration change */
/* debug : enable debugging messages */
"__features__" : "no-kernel no-reboot"