blob: ce090d0c51c212df523ada044068680a7037bf1b [file] [log] [blame]
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Copyright (C) 2016, ARM Limited and contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from math import isnan
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from bart.common.Utils import area_under_curve
from energy_model import EnergyModel, EnergyModelCapacityError
from perf_analysis import PerfAnalysis
from test import LisaTest, experiment_test
from trace import Trace
from unittest import SkipTest
class _EnergyModelTest(LisaTest):
"Abstract" base class for generic EAS tests using the EnergyModel class
Subclasses should provide a .workloads member to populate the 'wloads' field
of the experiments_conf for the Executor. A set of helper methods are
provided for making assertions about behaviour, most importantly the _test*
methods which make assertions in a generic way.
test_conf = {
"ftrace" : {
"events" : [
"modules": ["cgroups"],
negative_slack_allowed_pct = 15
"""Percentage of RT-App task activations with negative slack allowed"""
energy_est_threshold_pct = 5
Allowed margin for error in estimated energy cost for task placement,
compared to optimal placment.
def setUpClass(cls, *args, **kwargs):
super(_EnergyModelTest, cls).runExperiments(*args, **kwargs)
def _getExperimentsConf(cls, test_env):
if not test_env.nrg_model:
test_env.nrg_model = EnergyModel.from_target(
except Exception as e:
raise SkipTest(
'This test requires an EnergyModel for the platform. '
'Either provide one manually or ensure it can be read '
'from the filesystem: {}'.format(e))
conf = {
'tag' : 'energy_aware',
'flags' : ['ftrace', 'freeze_userspace'],
'sched_features' : 'ENERGY_AWARE',
if 'cpufreq' in
available_govs =
if 'schedutil' in available_govs:
conf['cpufreq'] = {'governor' : 'schedutil'}
elif 'sched' in available_govs:
conf['cpufreq'] = {'governor' : 'sched'}
return {
'wloads' : cls.workloads,
'confs' : [conf],
def _experimentsInit(cls, *args, **kwargs):
super(_EnergyModelTest, cls)._experimentsInit(*args, **kwargs)
# This flag doesn't exist on mainline-integration kernels, so
# don't worry if the file isn't present (hence verify=False)
"/proc/sys/kernel/sched_is_big_little", 1, verify=False)
# This flag doesn't exist on all kernels, so don't worry if the file
# isn't present (hence verify=False)
"/proc/sys/kernel/sched_initial_task_util", 1024, verify=False)
def get_task_utils_df(self, experiment):
Get a DataFrame with the *expected* utilization of each task over time
:param experiment: The :class:Experiment to examine
:returns: A Pandas DataFrame with a column for each task, showing how
the utilization of that task varies over time
util_scale = self.te.nrg_model.capacity_scale
transitions = {}
def add_transition(time, task, util):
if time not in transitions:
transitions[time] = {task: util}
transitions[time][task] = util
# First we'll build a dict D {time: {task_name: util}} where D[t][n] is
# the expected utilization of task n from time t.
for task, params in experiment.wload.params['profile'].iteritems():
time = self.get_start_time(experiment) + params['delay']
add_transition(time, task, 0)
for _ in range(params.get('loops', 1)):
for phase in params['phases']:
util = (phase.duty_cycle_pct * util_scale / 100.)
add_transition(time, task, util)
time += phase.duration_s
add_transition(time, task, 0)
index = sorted(transitions.keys())
df = pd.DataFrame([transitions[k] for k in index], index=index)
return df.fillna(method='ffill')
def get_task_cpu_df(self, experiment):
Get a DataFrame mapping task names to the CPU they ran on
Use the sched_switch trace event to find which CPU each task ran
on. Does not reflect idleness - tasks not running are shown as running
on the last CPU they woke on.
:param experiment: The :class:Experiment to examine
:returns: A Pandas DataFrame with a column for each task, showing the
CPU that the task was "on" at each moment in time
tasks = experiment.wload.tasks.keys()
trace = self.get_trace(experiment)
df = trace.ftrace.sched_switch.data_frame[['next_comm', '__cpu']]
df = df[df['next_comm'].isin(tasks)]
df = df.pivot(index=df.index, columns='next_comm').fillna(method='ffill')
cpu_df = df['__cpu']
# Drop consecutive duplicates
cpu_df = cpu_df[(cpu_df.shift(+1) != cpu_df).any(axis=1)]
return cpu_df
def _sort_power_df_columns(self, df):
Helper method to re-order the columns of a power DataFrame
This has no significance for code, but when examining DataFrames by hand
they are easier to understand if the columns are in a logical order.
node_cpus = [node.cpus for node in self.te.nrg_model.root.iter_nodes()]
return pd.DataFrame(df, columns=[c for c in node_cpus if c in df])
def get_power_df(self, experiment):
Considering only the task placement, estimate power usage over time
Examine a trace and use :meth:EnergyModel.estimate_from_cpu_util to get
a DataFrame showing the estimated power usage over time. This assumes
perfect cpuidle and cpufreq behaviour.
:param experiment: The :class:Experiment to examine
:returns: A Pandas DataFrame with a column node in the energy model
(keyed with a tuple of the CPUs contained by that node) Shows
the estimated power over time.
task_cpu_df = self.get_task_cpu_df(experiment)
task_utils_df = self.get_task_utils_df(experiment)
tasks = experiment.wload.tasks.keys()
# Create a combined DataFrame with the utilization of a task and the CPU
# it was running on at each moment. Looks like:
# utils cpus
# task_wmig0 task_wmig1 task_wmig0 task_wmig1
# 2.375056 102.4 102.4 NaN NaN
# 2.375105 102.4 102.4 2.0 NaN
df = pd.concat([task_utils_df, task_cpu_df],
axis=1, keys=['utils', 'cpus'])
df = df.sort_index().fillna(method='ffill')
nrg_model = self.executor.te.nrg_model
# Now make a DataFrame with the estimated power at each moment.
def est_power(row):
cpu_utils = [0 for cpu in nrg_model.cpus]
for task in tasks:
cpu = row['cpus'][task]
util = row['utils'][task]
if not isnan(cpu):
cpu_utils[int(cpu)] += util
power = nrg_model.estimate_from_cpu_util(cpu_utils)
columns = power.keys()
return pd.Series([power[c] for c in columns], index=columns)
return self._sort_power_df_columns(df.apply(est_power, axis=1))
def get_expected_power_df(self, experiment):
Estimate *optimal* power usage over time
Examine a trace and use :meth:get_optimal_placements and
:meth:EnergyModel.estimate_from_cpu_util to get a DataFrame showing the
estimated power usage over time under ideal EAS behaviour.
:param experiment: The :class:Experiment to examine
:returns: A Pandas DataFrame with a column each node in the energy model
(keyed with a tuple of the CPUs contained by that node) and a
"power" column with the sum of other columns. Shows the
estimated *optimal* power over time.
task_utils_df = self.get_task_utils_df(experiment)
nrg_model = self.te.nrg_model
def exp_power(row):
task_utils = row.to_dict()
expected_utils = nrg_model.get_optimal_placements(task_utils)
power = nrg_model.estimate_from_cpu_util(expected_utils[0])
columns = power.keys()
return pd.Series([power[c] for c in columns], index=columns)
return self._sort_power_df_columns(
task_utils_df.apply(exp_power, axis=1))
def _test_slack(self, experiment, tasks):
Assert that the RTApp workload was given enough performance
Use :class:PerfAnalysis to find instances where the experiment's RT-App
workload wasn't able to complete its activations (i.e. its reported
"slack" was negative). Assert that this happened less that
``negative_slack_allowed_pct`` percent of the time.
:meth:_test_task_placement asserts that estimated energy usage was
low. That will pass for runs where too *little* energy was used,
compromising performance. This method provides a separate test to
counteract that problem.
pa = PerfAnalysis(experiment.out_dir)
for task in tasks:
slack = pa.df(task)["Slack"]
bad_activations_pct = len(slack[slack < 0]) * 100. / len(slack)
if bad_activations_pct > self.negative_slack_allowed_pct:
raise AssertionError("task {} missed {}% of activations".format(
task, bad_activations_pct))
def _test_task_placement(self, experiment, tasks):
Test that task placement was energy-efficient
Use :meth:get_expected_power_df and :meth:get_power_df to estimate
optimal and observed power usage for task placements of the experiment's
workload. Assert that the observed power does not exceed the optimal
power by more than 20%.
exp_power = self.get_expected_power_df(experiment)
est_power = self.get_power_df(experiment)
exp_energy = area_under_curve(exp_power.sum(axis=1), method='rect')
est_energy = area_under_curve(est_power.sum(axis=1), method='rect')
msg = 'Estimated {} bogo-Joules to run workload, expected {}'.format(
est_energy, exp_energy)
threshold = exp_energy * (1 + (self.energy_est_threshold_pct / 100.))
self.assertLess(est_energy, threshold, msg=msg)
class OneSmallTask(_EnergyModelTest):
Test EAS for a single 20% task over 2 seconds
workloads = {
'one_small' : {
'type' : 'rt-app',
'conf' : {
'class' : 'periodic',
'params' : {
'duty_cycle_pct': 20,
'duration_s': 2,
'period_ms': WORKLOAD_PERIOD_MS,
'tasks' : 1,
'prefix' : 'many',
def test_slack(self, experiment, tasks):
self._test_slack(experiment, tasks)
def test_task_placement(self, experiment, tasks):
self._test_task_placement(experiment, tasks)
class ThreeSmallTasks(_EnergyModelTest):
Test EAS for 3 20% tasks over 2 seconds
# The energy estimation for this test is probably not very accurate and this
# isn't a very realistic workload. It doesn't really matter if we pick an
# "ideal" task placement for this workload, we just want to avoid using big
# CPUs in a big.LITTLE system. So use a larger energy threshold that
# hopefully prevents too much use of big CPUs but otherwise is flexible in
# allocation of LITTLEs.
energy_est_threshold_pct = 20
workloads = {
'three_small' : {
'type' : 'rt-app',
'conf' : {
'class' : 'periodic',
'params' : {
'duty_cycle_pct': 20,
'duration_s': 2,
'period_ms': WORKLOAD_PERIOD_MS,
'tasks' : 3,
'prefix' : 'many',
def test_slack(self, experiment, tasks):
self._test_slack(experiment, tasks)
def test_task_placement(self, experiment, tasks):
self._test_task_placement(experiment, tasks)
class TwoBigTasks(_EnergyModelTest):
Test EAS for 2 80% tasks over 2 seconds
workloads = {
'two_big' : {
'type' : 'rt-app',
'conf' : {
'class' : 'periodic',
'params' : {
'duty_cycle_pct': 80,
'duration_s': 2,
'period_ms': WORKLOAD_PERIOD_MS,
'tasks' : 2,
'prefix' : 'many',
def test_slack(self, experiment, tasks):
self._test_slack(experiment, tasks)
def test_task_placement(self, experiment, tasks):
self._test_task_placement(experiment, tasks)
class TwoBigThreeSmall(_EnergyModelTest):
Test EAS for 2 70% tasks and 3 10% tasks over 2 seconds
workloads = {
'two_big_three_small' : {
'type' : 'rt-app',
'conf' : {
'class' : 'profile',
'params' : {
'large' : {
'kind' : 'Periodic',
'params' : {
'duty_cycle_pct': 70,
'duration_s': 2,
'period_ms': WORKLOAD_PERIOD_MS,
'tasks' : 2,
'small' : {
'kind' : 'Periodic',
'params' : {
'duty_cycle_pct': 10,
'duration_s': 2,
'period_ms': WORKLOAD_PERIOD_MS,
'tasks' : 3,
def test_slack(self, experiment, tasks):
self._test_slack(experiment, tasks)
def test_task_placement(self, experiment, tasks):
self._test_task_placement(experiment, tasks)
class RampUp(_EnergyModelTest):
Test EAS for a task ramping from 5% up to 70% over 2 seconds
workloads = {
"ramp_up" : {
"type": "rt-app",
"conf" : {
"class" : "profile",
"params" : {
"r5_10-60" : {
"kind" : "Ramp",
"params" : {
'period_ms': WORKLOAD_PERIOD_MS,
"start_pct" : 5,
"end_pct" : 70,
"delta_pct" : 5,
"time_s" : 2,
def test_slack(self, experiment, tasks):
self._test_slack(experiment, tasks)
def test_task_placement(self, experiment, tasks):
self._test_task_placement(experiment, tasks)
class RampDown(_EnergyModelTest):
Test EAS for a task ramping from 70% down to 5% over 2 seconds
# The main purpose of this test is to ensure that as it reduces in load, a
# task is migrated from big to LITTLE CPUs on a big.LITTLE system.
# This migration naturally happens some time _after_ it could possibly be
# done, since there must be some hysteresis to avoid a performance cost.
# Therefore allow a larger energy usage threshold
energy_est_threshold_pct = 15
workloads = {
"ramp_down" : {
"type": "rt-app",
"conf" : {
"class" : "profile",
"params" : {
"r5_10-60" : {
"kind" : "Ramp",
"params" : {
'period_ms': WORKLOAD_PERIOD_MS,
"start_pct" : 70,
"end_pct" : 5,
"delta_pct" : 5,
"time_s" : 2,
def test_slack(self, experiment, tasks):
self._test_slack(experiment, tasks)
def test_task_placement(self, experiment, tasks):
self._test_task_placement(experiment, tasks)
class EnergyModelWakeMigration(_EnergyModelTest):
Test EAS for tasks alternating beetween 10% and 50%
workloads = {
'em_wake_migration' : {
'type' : 'rt-app',
'conf' : {
'class' : 'profile',
'params' : {
'wmig' : {
'kind' : 'Step',
'params' : {
"period_ms" : WORKLOAD_PERIOD_MS,
'start_pct': 10,
'end_pct': 50,
'time_s': 2,
'loops': 2
# Create one task for each big cpu
'tasks' : 'big',
def test_slack(self, experiment, tasks):
self._test_slack(experiment, tasks)
def test_task_placement(self, experiment, tasks):
self._test_task_placement(experiment, tasks)