blob: 14991085ec8a9dff446c2f2fa3cf4072b57b47fd [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- Address.h -----------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#ifndef liblldb_Address_h_
#define liblldb_Address_h_
// C Includes
// C++ Includes
// Other libraries and framework includes
// Project includes
#include "lldb/lldb-private.h"
#include "lldb/Symbol/SymbolContextScope.h"
namespace lldb_private {
/// @class Address Address.h "lldb/Core/Address.h"
/// @brief A section + offset based address class.
/// The Address class allows addresses to be relative to a section
/// that can move during runtime due to images (executables, shared
/// libraries, bundles, frameworks) being loaded at different
/// addresses than the addresses found in the object file that
/// represents them on disk. There are currently two types of addresses
/// for a section:
/// @li file addresses
/// @li load addresses
/// File addresses represent the virtual addresses that are in the "on
/// disk" object files. These virtual addresses are converted to be
/// relative to unique sections scoped to the object file so that
/// when/if the addresses slide when the images are loaded/unloaded
/// in memory, we can easily track these changes without having to
/// update every object (compile unit ranges, line tables, function
/// address ranges, lexical block and inlined subroutine address
/// ranges, global and static variables) each time an image is loaded or
/// unloaded.
/// Load addresses represent the virtual addresses where each section
/// ends up getting loaded at runtime. Before executing a program, it
/// is common for all of the load addresses to be unresolved. When a
/// DynamicLoader plug-in receives notification that shared libraries
/// have been loaded/unloaded, the load addresses of the main executable
/// and any images (shared libraries) will be resolved/unresolved. When
/// this happens, breakpoints that are in one of these sections can be
/// set/cleared.
class Address :
public SymbolContextScope
/// Dump styles allow the Address::Dump(Stream *,DumpStyle) const
/// function to display Address contents in a variety of ways.
typedef enum {
DumpStyleInvalid, ///< Invalid dump style
DumpStyleSectionNameOffset, ///< Display as the section name + offset.
///< \code
/// // address for printf in libSystem.B.dylib as a section name + offset
/// libSystem.B.dylib.__TEXT.__text + 0x0005cfdf
/// \endcode
DumpStyleSectionPointerOffset, ///< Display as the section pointer + offset (debug output).
///< \code
/// // address for printf in libSystem.B.dylib as a section pointer + offset
/// (lldb::Section *)0x35cc50 + 0x000000000005cfdf \endcode
DumpStyleFileAddress, ///< Display as the file address (if any).
///< \code
/// // address for printf in libSystem.B.dylib as a file address
/// 0x000000000005dcff \endcode
DumpStyleModuleWithFileAddress, ///< Display as the file address with the module name prepended (if any).
///< \code
/// // address for printf in libSystem.B.dylib as a file address
/// libSystem.B.dylib[0x000000000005dcff] \endcode
DumpStyleLoadAddress, ///< Display as the load address (if resolved).
///< \code
/// // address for printf in libSystem.B.dylib as a load address
/// 0x00007fff8306bcff \endcode
DumpStyleResolvedDescription ///< Display the name that an address resolves to
} DumpStyle;
/// Default constructor.
/// Initialize with a invalid section (NULL) and an invalid
Address ();
/// Copy constructor
/// Makes a copy of the another Address object \a rhs.
/// @param[in] rhs
/// A const Address object reference to copy.
Address (const Address& rhs);
/// Construct with a section pointer and offset.
/// Initialize the address with the supplied \a section and \a
/// offset.
/// @param[in] section
/// A section pointer to a valid lldb::Section, or NULL if the
/// address doesn't have a section or will get resolved later.
/// @param[in] offset
/// The offset in bytes into \a section.
Address (const Section* section, lldb::addr_t offset);
/// Construct with a virtual address and section list.
/// Initialize and resolve the address with the supplied virtual
/// address \a file_addr.
/// @param[in] file_addr
/// A virtual file address.
/// @param[in] section_list
/// A list of sections, one of which may contain the \a file_addr.
Address (lldb::addr_t file_addr, const SectionList * section_list);
/// Destructor.
~Address ();
/// Assignment operator.
/// Copies the address value from another Address object \a rhs
/// into \a this object.
/// @param[in] rhs
/// A const Address object reference to copy.
/// @return
/// A const Address object reference to \a this.
#ifndef SWIG
const Address&
operator= (const Address& rhs);
/// Clear the object's state.
/// Sets the section to an invalid value (NULL) and an invalid
Clear ();
/// Compare two Address objects.
/// @param[in] lhs
/// The Left Hand Side const Address object reference.
/// @param[in] rhs
/// The Right Hand Side const Address object reference.
/// @return
/// @li -1 if lhs < rhs
/// @li 0 if lhs == rhs
/// @li 1 if lhs > rhs
static int
CompareFileAddress (const Address& lhs, const Address& rhs);
static int
CompareLoadAddress (const Address& lhs, const Address& rhs, Process *process);
static int
CompareModulePointerAndOffset (const Address& lhs, const Address& rhs);
// For use with std::map, std::multi_map
class ModulePointerAndOffsetLessThanFunctionObject
ModulePointerAndOffsetLessThanFunctionObject () {}
operator() (const Address& a, const Address& b) const
return Address::CompareModulePointerAndOffset(a, b) < 0;
/// Dump a description of this object to a Stream.
/// Dump a description of the contents of this object to the
/// supplied stream \a s. There are many ways to display a section
/// offset based address, and \a style lets the user choose.
/// @param[in] s
/// The stream to which to dump the object descripton.
/// @param[in] style
/// The display style for the address.
/// @param[in] fallback_style
/// The display style for the address.
/// @return
/// Returns \b true if the address was able to be displayed.
/// File and load addresses may be unresolved and it may not be
/// possible to display a valid value, \b false will be returned
/// in such cases.
/// @see Address::DumpStyle
Dump (Stream *s,
ExecutionContextScope *exe_scope,
DumpStyle style,
DumpStyle fallback_style = DumpStyleInvalid) const;
/// Dump a debug description of this object to a Stream.
/// Dump a debug description of the contents of this object to the
/// supplied stream \a s.
/// The debug description contains verbose internal state such
/// and pointer values, reference counts, etc.
/// @param[in] s
/// The stream to which to dump the object descripton.
DumpDebug (Stream *s) const;
/// Get the file address.
/// If an address comes from a file on disk that has section
/// relative addresses, then it has a virtual address that is
/// relative to unique section in the object file.
/// @return
/// The valid file virtual address, or LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS if
/// the address doesn't have a file virtual address (image is
/// from memory only with no representation on disk).
GetFileAddress () const;
/// Get the load address.
/// If an address comes from a file on disk that has section
/// relative addresses, then it has a virtual address that is
/// relative to unique section in the object file. Sections get
/// resolved at runtime by DynamicLoader plug-ins as images
/// (executables and shared libraries) get loaded/unloaded. If a
/// section is loaded, then the load address can be resolved.
/// @return
/// The valid load virtual address, or LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS if
/// the address is currently not loaded.
GetLoadAddress (Process *process) const;
/// Get the section relative offset value.
/// @return
/// The current offset, or LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS if this address
/// doesn't contain a valid offset.
GetOffset () const;
/// Check if an address is section offset.
/// When converting a virtual file or load address into a section
/// offset based address, we often need to know if, given a section
/// list, if the address was able to be converted to section offset.
/// This function returns true if the current value contained in
/// this object is section offset based.
/// @return
/// Returns \b true if the address has a valid section and
/// offset, \b false otherwise.
IsSectionOffset() const;
/// Check if the object state is valid.
/// A valid Address object contains either a section pointer and
/// and offset (for section offset based addresses), or just a valid
/// offset (for absolute addresses that have no section).
/// @return
/// Returns \b true if the the offset is valid, \b false
/// otherwise.
IsValid() const;
/// Get the memory cost of this object.
/// @return
/// The number of bytes that this object occupies in memory.
MemorySize () const;
/// Resolve a file virtual address using a section list.
/// Given a list of sections, attempt to resolve \a addr as a
/// an offset into one of the file sections.
/// @return
/// Returns \b true if \a addr was able to be resolved, \b false
/// otherwise.
ResolveAddressUsingFileSections (lldb::addr_t addr, const SectionList *sections);
IsLinkedAddress () const;
ResolveLinkedAddress ();
/// Get accessor for the module for this address.
/// @return
/// Returns the Module pointer that this address is an offset
/// in, or NULL if this address doesn't belong in a module, or
/// isn't resolved yet.
Module *
GetModule () const;
/// Get const accessor for the section.
/// @return
/// Returns the const lldb::Section pointer that this address is an
/// offset in, or NULL if this address is absolute.
const Section*
GetSection() const;
/// Set accessor for the offset.
/// @param[in] offset
/// A new offset value for this object.
/// @return
/// Returns \b true if the offset changed, \b false otherwise.
SetOffset (lldb::addr_t offset);
/// Set accessor for the section.
/// @param[in] section
/// A new lldb::Section pointer to use as the section base. Can
/// be NULL for absolute addresses that are not relative to
/// any section.
SetSection (const Section* section);
/// @copydoc SymbolContextScope::CalculateSymbolContext(SymbolContext*)
/// @see SymbolContextScope
CalculateSymbolContext (SymbolContext *sc);
/// @copydoc SymbolContextScope::DumpSymbolContext(Stream*)
/// @see SymbolContextScope
DumpSymbolContext (Stream *s);
// Member variables.
const Section* m_section; ///< The section for the address, can be NULL.
lldb::addr_t m_offset; ///< Offset into section if \a m_section != NULL, else the absolute address value.
//bool operator< (const Address& lhs, const Address& rhs);
//bool operator<= (const Address& lhs, const Address& rhs);
//bool operator> (const Address& lhs, const Address& rhs);
//bool operator>= (const Address& lhs, const Address& rhs);
bool operator== (const Address& lhs, const Address& rhs);
bool operator!= (const Address& lhs, const Address& rhs);
//Stream& operator << (Stream& strm, const Address& so_addr);
} // namespace lldb_private
#endif // liblldb_Address_h_