blob: 71b63f6b5b78d9413402f86df5c94cacb05fd73b [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- ArchSpec.h ----------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#ifndef liblldb_ArchSpec_h_
#define liblldb_ArchSpec_h_
#if defined(__cplusplus)
#include "lldb/lldb-private.h"
namespace lldb_private {
/// @class ArchSpec ArchSpec.h "lldb/Core/ArchSpec.h"
/// @brief An architecture specification class.
/// A class designed to be created from a cpu type and subtype, or a
/// string representation. Keeping all of the conversions of strings
/// to architecture enumeration values confined to this class allows
/// new architecture support to be added easily.
class ArchSpec
/// Default constructor.
/// Default constructor that initializes the object with invalid
/// cpu type and subtype values.
ArchSpec ();
/// Constructor with cpu type and subtype.
/// Constructor that initializes the object with supplied cpu and
/// subtypes.
ArchSpec (uint32_t cpu, uint32_t sub);
/// Construct with architecture name.
/// Constructor that initializes the object with supplied
/// architecture name. There are also predefined values in
/// Defines.h:
/// The arch the current system defaults to when a program is
/// launched without any extra attributes or settings.
/// The 32 bit arch the current system defaults to (if any)
/// The 64 bit arch the current system defaults to (if any)
ArchSpec (const char *arch_name);
/// Destructor.
/// The destructor is virtual in case this class is subclassed.
~ArchSpec ();
/// Assignment operator.
/// @param[in] rhs another ArchSpec object to copy.
/// @return a const reference to this object
const ArchSpec&
operator= (const ArchSpec& rhs);
/// Get a string representation of the contained architecture.
/// Gets a C string representation of the current architecture.
/// If the returned string is a valid architecture name, the string
/// came from a constant string values that do not need to be freed.
/// If the returned string uses the "N.M" format, the string comes
/// from a static buffer that should be copied.
/// @return a NULL terminated C string that does not need to be
/// freed.
const char *
AsCString () const;
/// Returns a string representation of the supplied architecture.
/// Class function to get a C string representation given a CPU type
/// and subtype.
/// @param[in] cpu The cpu type of the architecture.
/// @param[in] subtype The cpu subtype of the architecture.
/// @return a NULL terminated C string that does not need to be
/// freed.
static const char *
AsCString (uint32_t cpu, uint32_t subtype);
/// Clears the object state.
/// Clears the object state back to a default invalid state.
Clear ();
/// Returns the size in bytes of an address of the current
/// architecture.
/// @return The byte size of an address of the current architecture.
GetAddressByteSize () const;
/// CPU subtype get accessor.
/// @return The current value of the CPU subtype.
GetCPUSubtype () const;
/// CPU type get accessor.
/// @return The current value of the CPU type.
GetCPUType () const;
/// Feature flags get accessor.
/// @return The current value of the CPU feature flags.
GetFeatureFlags () const;
/// Get register names of the current architecture.
/// Get register names of the current architecture given
/// a register number, and a flavor for that register number.
/// There are many different register numbering schemes used
/// on a host:
/// @li \c eRegisterKindGCC - gcc compiler register numbering
/// @li \c eRegisterKindDWARF - DWARF register numbering
/// @param[in] reg_num The register number to decode.
/// @param[in] flavor The flavor of the \a reg_num.
/// @return the name of the register as a NULL terminated C string,
/// or /c NULL if the \a reg_num is invalid for \a flavor.
/// String values that are returned do not need to be freed.
const char *
GetRegisterName (uint32_t reg_num, uint32_t flavor) const;
/// Get register names for a specified architecture.
/// Get register names of the specified architecture given
/// a register number, and a flavor for that register number.
/// There are many different register numbering schemes used
/// on a host:
/// @li compiler register numbers (@see eRegisterKindGCC)
/// @li DWARF register numbers (@see eRegisterKindDWARF)
/// @param[in] cpu The cpu type of the architecture specific
/// register
/// @param[in] subtype The cpu subtype of the architecture specific
/// register
/// @param[in] reg_num The register number to decode.
/// @param[in] flavor The flavor of the \a reg_num.
/// @return the name of the register as a NULL terminated C string,
/// or /c NULL if the \a reg_num is invalid for \a flavor.
/// String values that are returned do not need to be freed.
static const char *
GetRegisterName (uint32_t cpu, uint32_t subtype, uint32_t reg_num, uint32_t flavor);
/// Test if the contained architecture is valid.
/// @return true if the current architecture is valid, false
/// otherwise.
IsValid () const;
/// Get the memory cost of this object.
/// @return
/// The number of bytes that this object occupies in memory.
MemorySize() const;
/// Change the CPU type and subtype given an architecture name.
/// The architecture name supplied can also by one of the generic
/// system default values:
/// @li \c LLDB_ARCH_DEFAULT - The arch the current system defaults
/// to when a program is launched without any extra
/// attributes or settings.
/// @li \c LLDB_ARCH_DEFAULT_32BIT - The default host architecture
/// for 32 bit (if any).
/// @li \c LLDB_ARCH_DEFAULT_64BIT - The default host architecture
/// for 64 bit (if any).
/// @param[in] arch_name The name of an architecture.
/// @return true if \a arch_name was successfully transformed into
/// a valid cpu type and subtype.
SetArch (const char *arch_name);
SetArchFromTargetTriple (const char *arch_name);
/// Change the CPU type and subtype given new values of the cpu
/// type and subtype.
/// @param[in] cpu The new CPU type
/// @param[in] subtype The new CPU subtype
SetArch (uint32_t cpu, uint32_t subtype);
/// Change the CPU subtype given a new value of the CPU subtype.
/// @param[in] subtype The new CPU subtype.
SetCPUSubtype (uint32_t subtype);
/// Change the CPU type given a new value of the CPU type.
/// @param[in] cpu The new CPU type.
SetCPUType (uint32_t cpu);
/// Returns the default endianness of the architecture.
/// @return The endian enumeration for the default endianness of
/// the architecture.
GetDefaultEndian () const;
// Member variables
uint32_t m_cpu; ///< The cpu type of the architecture
uint32_t m_sub; ///< The cpu subtype of the architecture
/// @fn bool operator== (const ArchSpec& lhs, const ArchSpec& rhs)
/// @brief Equal to operator.
/// Tests two ArchSpec objects to see if they are equal.
/// @param[in] lhs The Left Hand Side ArchSpec object to compare.
/// @param[in] rhs The Left Hand Side ArchSpec object to compare.
/// @return true if \a lhs is equal to \a rhs
bool operator==(const ArchSpec& lhs, const ArchSpec& rhs);
/// @fn bool operator!= (const ArchSpec& lhs, const ArchSpec& rhs)
/// @brief Not equal to operator.
/// Tests two ArchSpec objects to see if they are not equal.
/// @param[in] lhs The Left Hand Side ArchSpec object to compare.
/// @param[in] rhs The Left Hand Side ArchSpec object to compare.
/// @return true if \a lhs is not equal to \a rhs
bool operator!=(const ArchSpec& lhs, const ArchSpec& rhs);
/// @fn bool operator< (const ArchSpec& lhs, const ArchSpec& rhs)
/// @brief Less than operator.
/// Tests two ArchSpec objects to see if \a lhs is less than \a
/// rhs.
/// @param[in] lhs The Left Hand Side ArchSpec object to compare.
/// @param[in] rhs The Left Hand Side ArchSpec object to compare.
/// @return true if \a lhs is less than \a rhs
bool operator< (const ArchSpec& lhs, const ArchSpec& rhs);
} // namespace lldb_private
#endif // #if defined(__cplusplus)
#endif // #ifndef liblldb_ArchSpec_h_