blob: c010417335d1e96e505ea7264e81d69421e30f31 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- Broadcaster.h -------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#ifndef liblldb_Broadcaster_h_
#define liblldb_Broadcaster_h_
// C Includes
// C++ Includes
#include <string>
#include <vector>
// Other libraries and framework includes
// Project includes
#include "lldb/lldb-private.h"
//#include "lldb/Core/Flags.h"
#include "lldb/Core/Listener.h"
namespace lldb_private {
/// @class Broadcaster Broadcaster.h "lldb/Core/Broadcaster.h"
/// @brief An event broadcasting class.
/// The Broadcaster class is designed to be subclassed by objects that
/// wish to vend events in a multi-threaded environment. Broadcaster
/// objects can each vend 32 events. Each event is represented by a bit
/// in a 32 bit value and these bits can be set:
/// @see Broadcaster::SetEventBits(uint32_t)
/// or cleared:
/// @see Broadcaster::ResetEventBits(uint32_t)
/// When an event gets set the Broadcaster object will notify the
/// Listener object that is listening for the event (if there is one).
/// Subclasses should provide broadcast bit definitions for any events
/// they vend, typically using an enumeration:
/// \code
/// class Foo : public Broadcaster
/// {
/// public:
/// //----------------------------------------------------------
/// // Broadcaster event bits definitions.
/// //----------------------------------------------------------
/// enum
/// {
/// eBroadcastBitStateChanged = (1 << 0),
/// eBroadcastBitInterrupt = (1 << 1),
/// eBroadcastBitSTDOUT = (1 << 2),
/// eBroadcastBitSTDERR = (1 << 3)
/// };
/// \endcode
class Broadcaster
/// Construct with a broadcaster with a name.
/// @param[in] name
/// A NULL terminated C string that contains the name of the
/// broadcaster object.
Broadcaster (const char *name);
/// Destructor.
/// The destructor is virtual since this class gets subclassed.
/// Broadcast an event which has no associated data.
/// @param[in] event_type
/// The element from the enum defining this broadcaster's events
/// that is being broadcast.
/// @param[in] event_data
/// User event data that will be owned by the lldb::Event that
/// is created internally.
/// @param[in] unique
/// If true, then only add an event of this type if there isn't
/// one already in the queue.
BroadcastEvent (lldb::EventSP &event_sp);
BroadcastEventIfUnique (lldb::EventSP &event_sp);
BroadcastEvent (uint32_t event_type, EventData *event_data = NULL);
BroadcastEventIfUnique (uint32_t event_type, EventData *event_data = NULL);
virtual void
AddInitialEventsToListener (Listener *listener, uint32_t requested_events);
/// Listen for any events specified by \a event_mask.
/// Only one listener can listen to each event bit in a given
/// Broadcaster. Once a listener has acquired an event bit, no
/// other broadcaster will have access to it until it is
/// relinquished by the first listener that gets it. The actual
/// event bits that get acquired by \a listener may be different
/// from what is requested in \a event_mask, and to track this the
/// actual event bits that are acquired get returned.
/// @param[in] listener
/// The Listener object that wants to monitor the events that
/// get broadcast by this object.
/// @param[in] event_mask
/// A bit mask that indicates which events the listener is
/// asking to monitor.
/// @return
/// The actual event bits that were acquired by \a listener.
AddListener (Listener* listener, uint32_t event_mask);
/// Get the NULL terminated C string name of this Broadcaster
/// object.
/// @return
/// The NULL terminated C string name of this Broadcaster.
const ConstString &
GetBroadcasterName ();
EventTypeHasListeners (uint32_t event_type);
/// Removes a Listener from this broadcasters list and frees the
/// event bits specified by \a event_mask that were previously
/// acquired by \a listener (assuming \a listener was listening to
/// this object) for other listener objects to use.
/// @param[in] listener
/// A Listener object that previously called AddListener.
/// @param[in] event_mask
/// The event bits \a listener wishes to relinquish.
/// @return
/// \b True if the listener was listening to this broadcaster
/// and was removed, \b false otherwise.
/// @see uint32_t Broadcaster::AddListener (Listener*, uint32_t)
RemoveListener (Listener* listener, uint32_t event_mask = UINT32_MAX);
PrivateBroadcastEvent (lldb::EventSP &event_sp, bool unique);
// Classes that inherit from Broadcaster can see and modify these
typedef std::vector< std::pair<Listener*,uint32_t> > collection;
// Prefix the name of our member variables with "m_broadcaster_"
// since this is a class that gets subclassed.
const ConstString m_broadcaster_name; ///< The name of this broadcaster object.
collection m_broadcaster_listeners; ///< A list of Listener / event_mask pairs that are listening to this broadcaster.
Mutex m_broadcaster_listeners_mutex; ///< A mutex that protects \a m_broadcaster_listeners.
// For Broadcaster only
} // namespace lldb_private
#endif // liblldb_Broadcaster_h_