blob: 4aa17826c2b28139fcf7740c51b1d46112184bb7 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- FileSpec.h ----------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#ifndef liblldb_FileSpec_h_
#define liblldb_FileSpec_h_
#if defined(__cplusplus)
#include "lldb/lldb-private.h"
#include "lldb/Core/ConstString.h"
#include "lldb/Core/STLUtils.h"
#include "lldb/Host/TimeValue.h"
namespace lldb_private {
/// @class FileSpec FileSpec.h "lldb/Core/FileSpec.h"
/// @brief A file utility class.
/// A file specification class that divides paths up into a directory
/// and filename. These string values of the paths are put into uniqued
/// string pools for fast comparisons and efficient memory usage.
class FileSpec
typedef enum FileType
eFileTypeInvalid = -1,
eFileTypeUknown = 0,
/// Default constructor.
/// Takes an optional full path to a file. If \a path is valid,
/// this function will call FileSpec::SetFile (\a path).
/// @param[in] path
/// The full or partial path to a file.
/// @see FileSpec::SetFile ()
explicit FileSpec (const char *path);
/// Copy constructor
/// Makes a copy of the uniqued directory and filename strings from
/// \a rhs.
/// @param[in] rhs
/// A const FileSpec object reference to copy.
FileSpec (const FileSpec& rhs);
/// Copy constructor
/// Makes a copy of the uniqued directory and filename strings from
/// \a rhs if it is not NULL.
/// @param[in] rhs
/// A const FileSpec object pointer to copy if non-NULL.
FileSpec (const FileSpec* rhs);
/// Destructor.
/// The destructor is virtual in case this class is subclassed.
~FileSpec ();
/// Assignment operator.
/// Makes a copy of the uniqued directory and filename strings from
/// \a rhs.
/// @param[in] rhs
/// A const FileSpec object reference to assign to this object.
/// @return
/// A const reference to this object.
const FileSpec&
operator= (const FileSpec& rhs);
/// Equal to operator
/// Tests if this object is equal to \a rhs.
/// @param[in] rhs
/// A const FileSpec object reference to compare this object
/// to.
/// @return
/// \b true if this object is equal to \a rhs, \b false
/// otherwise.
operator== (const FileSpec& rhs) const;
/// Not equal to operator
/// Tests if this object is not equal to \a rhs.
/// @param[in] rhs
/// A const FileSpec object reference to compare this object
/// to.
/// @return
/// \b true if this object is equal to \a rhs, \b false
/// otherwise.
operator!= (const FileSpec& rhs) const;
/// Less than to operator
/// Tests if this object is less than \a rhs.
/// @param[in] rhs
/// A const FileSpec object reference to compare this object
/// to.
/// @return
/// \b true if this object is less than \a rhs, \b false
/// otherwise.
operator< (const FileSpec& rhs) const;
/// Convert to pointer operator.
/// This allows code to check a FileSpec object to see if it
/// contains anything valid using code such as:
/// @code
/// FileSpec file_spec(...);
/// if (file_spec)
/// { ...
/// @endcode
/// @return
/// A pointer to this object if either the directory or filename
/// is valid, NULL otherwise.
void* () const;
/// Logical NOT operator.
/// This allows code to check a FileSpec object to see if it is
/// invalid using code such as:
/// @code
/// FileSpec file_spec(...);
/// if (!file_spec)
/// { ...
/// @endcode
/// @return
/// Returns \b true if the object has an empty directory and
/// filename, \b false otherwise.
operator! () const;
/// Clears the object state.
/// Clear this object by releasing both the directory and filename
/// string values and reverting them to empty strings.
Clear ();
/// Compare two FileSpec objects.
/// If \a full is true, then both the directory and the filename
/// must match. If \a full is false, then the directory names for
/// \a lhs and \a rhs are only compared if they are both not empty.
/// This allows a FileSpec object to only contain a filename
/// and it can match FileSpec objects that have matching
/// filenames with different paths.
/// @param[in] lhs
/// A const reference to the Left Hand Side object to compare.
/// @param[in] rhs
/// A const reference to the Right Hand Side object to compare.
/// @param[in] full
/// If true, then both the directory and filenames will have to
/// match for a compare to return zero (equal to). If false
/// and either directory from \a lhs or \a rhs is empty, then
/// only the filename will be compared, else a full comparison
/// is done.
/// @return
/// @li -1 if \a lhs is less than \a rhs
/// @li 0 if \a lhs is equal to \a rhs
/// @li 1 if \a lhs is greater than \a rhs
static int
Compare (const FileSpec& lhs, const FileSpec& rhs, bool full);
static bool
Equal (const FileSpec& a, const FileSpec& b, bool full);
/// Dump this object to a Stream.
/// Dump the object to the supplied stream \a s. If the object
/// contains a valid directory name, it will be displayed followed
/// by a directory delimiter, and the filename.
/// @param[in] s
/// The stream to which to dump the object descripton.
Dump (Stream *s) const;
/// Existence test.
/// @return
/// \b true if the file exists on disk, \b false otherwise.
Exists () const;
GetByteSize() const;
/// Directory string get accessor.
/// @return
/// A reference to the directory string object.
ConstString &
GetDirectory ();
/// Directory string const get accessor.
/// @return
/// A const reference to the directory string object.
const ConstString &
GetDirectory () const;
/// Filename string get accessor.
/// @return
/// A reference to the filename string object.
ConstString &
GetFilename ();
/// Filename string const get accessor.
/// @return
/// A const reference to the filename string object.
const ConstString &
GetFilename () const;
GetModificationTime () const;
/// Extract the full path to the file.
/// Extract the directory and path into a fixed buffer. This is
/// needed as the directory and path are stored in separate string
/// values.
/// @param[out] path
/// The buffer in which to place the extracted full path.
/// @param[in] max_path_length
/// The maximum length or \a path.
/// @return
/// \b true if the extracted fullpath fits into \a path, \b
/// false otherwise.
GetPath (char *path, size_t max_path_length) const;
GetFileType () const;
/// Get the memory cost of this object.
/// Return the size in bytes that this object takes in memory. This
/// returns the size in bytes of this object, not any shared string
/// values it may refer to.
/// @return
/// The number of bytes that this object occupies in memory.
/// @see ConstString::StaticMemorySize ()
MemorySize () const;
/// Memory map part of, or the entire contents of, a file.
/// Returns a shared pointer to a data buffer that contains all or
/// part of the contents of a file. The data is memory mapped and
/// will lazily page in data from the file as memory is accessed.
/// The data that is mappped will start \a offset bytes into the
/// file, and \a length bytes will be mapped. If \a length is
/// greater than the number of bytes available in the file starting
/// at \a offset, the number of bytes will be appropriately
/// truncated. The final number of bytes that get mapped can be
/// verified using the DataBuffer::GetByteSize() function on the return
/// shared data pointer object contents.
/// @param[in] offset
/// The offset in bytes from the beginning of the file where
/// memory mapping should begin.
/// @param[in] length
/// The size in bytes that should be mapped starting \a offset
/// bytes into the file. If \a length is \c SIZE_T_MAX, map
/// as many bytes as possible.
/// @return
/// A shared pointer to the memeory mapped data. This shared
/// pointer can contain a NULL DataBuffer pointer, so the contained
/// pointer must be checked prior to using it.
MemoryMapFileContents (off_t offset = 0, size_t length = SIZE_T_MAX) const;
/// Read part of, or the entire contents of, a file into a heap based data buffer.
/// Returns a shared pointer to a data buffer that contains all or
/// part of the contents of a file. The data copies into a heap based
/// buffer that lives in the DataBuffer shared pointer object returned.
/// The data that is cached will start \a offset bytes into the
/// file, and \a length bytes will be mapped. If \a length is
/// greater than the number of bytes available in the file starting
/// at \a offset, the number of bytes will be appropriately
/// truncated. The final number of bytes that get mapped can be
/// verified using the DataBuffer::GetByteSize() function.
/// @param[in] offset
/// The offset in bytes from the beginning of the file where
/// memory mapping should begin.
/// @param[in] length
/// The size in bytes that should be mapped starting \a offset
/// bytes into the file. If \a length is \c SIZE_T_MAX, map
/// as many bytes as possible.
/// @return
/// A shared pointer to the memeory mapped data. This shared
/// pointer can contain a NULL DataBuffer pointer, so the contained
/// pointer must be checked prior to using it.
ReadFileContents (off_t offset = 0, size_t length = SIZE_T_MAX) const;
/// Change the file specificed with a new path.
/// Update the contents of this object with a new path. The path will
/// be split up into a directory and filename and stored as uniqued
/// string values for quick comparison and efficient memory usage.
/// @param[in] path
/// A full, partial, or relative path to a file.
SetFile (const char *path);
/// Read the file into an array of strings, one per line.
/// Opens and reads the file in this object into an array of strings,
/// one string per line of the file. Returns a boolean indicating
/// success or failure.
/// @param[out] lines
/// The string array into which to read the file.
ReadFileLines (STLStringArray &lines);
static int
Resolve (const char *src_path, char *dst_path, size_t dst_len);
// Member variables
ConstString m_directory; ///< The uniqued directory path
ConstString m_filename; ///< The uniqued filename path
/// Dump a FileSpec object to a stream
Stream& operator << (Stream& s, const FileSpec& f);
} // namespace lldb_private
#endif // #if defined(__cplusplus)
#endif // liblldb_FileSpec_h_