blob: 23dabef1443468186d6ed4142436eb94c27b9cd9 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- RegularExpression.h -------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#ifndef liblldb_DBRegex_h_
#define liblldb_DBRegex_h_
#if defined(__cplusplus)
#include <regex.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace lldb_private {
/// @class RegularExpression RegularExpression.h "lldb/Core/RegularExpression.h"
/// @brief A C++ wrapper class for regex.
/// This regular expression class wraps the posix regex functions
/// \c regcomp(), \c regerror(), \c regexec(), and \c regfree() from
/// the header file in \c /usr/include/regex\.h.
class RegularExpression
/// Default constructor.
/// The default constructor that initializes the object state such
/// that it contains no compiled regular expression.
RegularExpression ();
/// Constructor that takes a regulare expression with flags.
/// Constructor that compiles \a re using \a flags and stores the
/// resulting compiled regular expression into this object.
/// @param[in] re
/// A c string that represents the regular expression to
/// compile.
/// @param[in] flags
/// Flags that are passed the the \c regcomp() function.
RegularExpression (const char* re, int flags = REG_EXTENDED);
/// Destructor.
/// Any previosuly compiled regular expression contained in this
/// object will be freed.
~RegularExpression ();
/// Compile a regular expression.
/// Compile a regular expression using the supplied regular
/// expression text and flags. The compied regular expression lives
/// in this object so that it can be readily used for regular
/// expression matches. Execute() can be called after the regular
/// expression is compiled. Any previosuly compiled regular
/// expression contained in this object will be freed.
/// @param[in] re
/// A NULL terminated C string that represents the regular
/// expression to compile.
/// @param[in] flags
/// Flags that are passed the the \c regcomp() function.
/// @return
/// \b true if the regular expression compiles successfully,
/// \b false otherwise.
Compile (const char* re, int flags = REG_EXTENDED);
/// Executes a regular expression.
/// Execute a regular expression match using the compiled regular
/// expression that is already in this object against the match
/// string \a s. If any parens are used for regular expression
/// matches \a match_count should indicate the number of regmatch_t
/// values that are present in \a match_ptr. The regular expression
/// will be executed using the \a execute_flags
/// @param[in] string
/// The string to match against the compile regular expression.
/// @param[in] match_count
/// The number of regmatch_t objects in \a match_ptr
/// @param[out] match_ptr
/// A pointer to at least \a match_count regmatch_t objects
/// if \a match_count is non-zero.
/// @param[in] execute_flags
/// Flags to pass to the \c regexec() function.
/// @return
/// \b true if \a string matches the compiled regular
/// expression, \b false otherwise.
Execute (const char* string, size_t match_count = 0, int execute_flags = 0) const;
GetMatchAtIndex (const char* s, uint32_t idx, std::string& match_str) const;
/// Free the compiled regular expression.
/// If this object contains a valid compiled regular expression,
/// this function will free any resources it was consuming.
Free ();
/// Access the regular expression text.
/// Returns the text that was used to compile the current regular
/// expression.
/// @return
/// The NULL terminated C string that was used to compile the
/// current regular expression
const char*
GetText () const;
/// Test if valid.
/// Test if this object contains a valid regular expression.
/// @return
/// \b true if the regular expression compiled and is ready
/// for execution, \b false otherwise.
IsValid () const;
// Member variables
std::string m_re; ///< A copy of the original regular expression text
int m_comp_err; ///< Error code for the regular expression compilation
regex_t m_preg; ///< The compiled regular expression
mutable std::vector<regmatch_t> m_matches; ///< Where parenthesized subexpressions results are stored
} // namespace lldb_private
#endif // #if defined(__cplusplus)
#endif // liblldb_DBRegex_h_