blob: 56e583c128054dc463e9417078cdb9362087037a [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- ClangASTContext.h ---------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#ifndef liblldb_ClangASTContext_h_
#define liblldb_ClangASTContext_h_
// C Includes
// C++ Includes
#include <string>
#include <vector>
// Other libraries and framework includes
// Project includes
#include "lldb/lldb-enumerations.h"
#include "lldb/Core/ClangForward.h"
namespace lldb_private {
class Declaration;
class ClangASTContext
// Constructors and Destructors
// ClangASTContext(Module *module);
ClangASTContext(const char *target_triple);
// ClangASTContext(const ConstString &target_triple);
clang::ASTContext *
clang::Builtin::Context *
clang::IdentifierTable *
clang::LangOptions *
clang::SelectorTable *
clang::SourceManager *
clang::Diagnostic *
clang::TargetOptions *
clang::TargetInfo *
const char *
GetTargetTriple ();
SetTargetTriple (const char *target_triple);
// Basic Types
void *
GetBuiltinTypeForEncodingAndBitSize (lldb::Encoding encoding,
uint32_t bit_size);
static void *
GetBuiltinTypeForEncodingAndBitSize (clang::ASTContext *ast_context,
lldb::Encoding encoding,
uint32_t bit_size);
void *
GetBuiltinTypeForDWARFEncodingAndBitSize (
const char *type_name,
uint32_t dw_ate,
uint32_t bit_size);
void *
void *
GetCStringType(bool is_const);
void *
GetVoidPtrType(bool is_const);
static void *
GetVoidPtrType(clang::ASTContext *ast_context, bool is_const);
static void *
CopyType(clang::ASTContext *dest_context,
clang::ASTContext *source_context,
void * clang_type);
// CVR modifiers
static void *
AddConstModifier (void * clang_type);
static void *
AddRestrictModifier (void * clang_type);
static void *
AddVolatileModifier (void * clang_type);
// Structure, Unions, Classes
void *
CreateRecordType (
const char *name,
int kind,
clang::DeclContext *decl_ctx);
AddFieldToRecordType (
void * record_qual_type,
const char *name,
void * field_type,
int access,
uint32_t bitfield_bit_size);
FieldIsBitfield (
clang::FieldDecl* field,
uint32_t& bitfield_bit_size);
static bool
FieldIsBitfield (
clang::ASTContext *ast_context,
clang::FieldDecl* field,
uint32_t& bitfield_bit_size);
static bool
RecordHasFields (const clang::RecordDecl *record_decl);
SetDefaultAccessForRecordFields (
void * clang_qual_type,
int default_accessibility,
int *assigned_accessibilities,
size_t num_assigned_accessibilities);
// Aggregate Types
static bool
IsAggregateType (void * clang_type);
static uint32_t
GetNumChildren (
void * clang_type,
bool omit_empty_base_classes);
void *
GetChildClangTypeAtIndex (
const char *parent_name,
void * parent_clang_type,
uint32_t idx,
bool transparent_pointers,
bool omit_empty_base_classes,
std::string& child_name,
uint32_t &child_byte_size,
int32_t &child_byte_offset,
uint32_t &child_bitfield_bit_size,
uint32_t &child_bitfield_bit_offset);
static void *
GetChildClangTypeAtIndex (
clang::ASTContext *ast_context,
const char *parent_name,
void * parent_clang_type,
uint32_t idx,
bool transparent_pointers,
bool omit_empty_base_classes,
std::string& child_name,
uint32_t &child_byte_size,
int32_t &child_byte_offset,
uint32_t &child_bitfield_bit_size,
uint32_t &child_bitfield_bit_offset);
// Lookup a child given a name. This function will match base class names
// and member member names in "clang_type" only, not descendants.
static uint32_t
GetIndexOfChildWithName (clang::ASTContext *ast_context,
void *clang_type,
const char *name,
bool omit_empty_base_classes);
// Lookup a child member given a name. This function will match member names
// only and will descend into "clang_type" children in search for the first
// member in this class, or any base class that matches "name".
// TODO: Return all matches for a given name by returning a vector<vector<uint32_t>>
// so we catch all names that match a given child name, not just the first.
static size_t
GetIndexOfChildMemberWithName (clang::ASTContext *ast_context,
void *clang_type,
const char *name,
bool omit_empty_base_classes,
std::vector<uint32_t>& child_indexes);
// clang::TagType
SetTagTypeKind (
void * tag_qual_type,
int kind);
// C++ Base Classes
clang::CXXBaseSpecifier *
CreateBaseClassSpecifier (
void * base_class_type,
int access,
bool is_virtual,
bool base_of_class);
SetBaseClassesForClassType (
void * class_clang_type,
clang::CXXBaseSpecifier const * const *base_classes,
unsigned num_base_classes);
// DeclContext Functions
static clang::DeclContext *
GetDeclContextForType (void * qual_type);
// Namespace Declarations
clang::NamespaceDecl *
GetUniqueNamespaceDeclaration (
const char *name,
const Declaration &decl,
clang::DeclContext *decl_ctx);
// Function Types
clang::FunctionDecl *
CreateFunctionDeclaration (
const char *name,
void * function_Type,
int storage,
bool is_inline);
void *
CreateFunctionType (
void * result_type,
void **args,
unsigned num_args,
bool isVariadic,
unsigned TypeQuals);
clang::ParmVarDecl *
CreateParmeterDeclaration (
const char *name,
void * return_type,
int storage);
SetFunctionParameters (
clang::FunctionDecl *function_decl,
clang::ParmVarDecl **params,
unsigned num_params);
// Array Types
void *
CreateArrayType (
void * element_type,
size_t element_count,
uint32_t bit_stride);
// Tag Declarations
StartTagDeclarationDefinition (void * qual_type);
CompleteTagDeclarationDefinition (void * qual_type);
// Enumeration Types
void *
CreateEnumerationType (const Declaration &decl, const char *name);
AddEnumerationValueToEnumerationType (
void * enum_qual_type,
void * enumerator_qual_type,
const Declaration &decl,
const char *name,
int64_t enum_value,
uint32_t enum_value_bit_size);
// Pointers & References
void *
CreatePointerType (void * clang_type);
void *
CreateLValueReferenceType (void * clang_type);
void *
CreateRValueReferenceType (void * clang_type);
GetPointerBitSize ();
static size_t
GetTypeBitSize (clang::ASTContext *ast_context, void * clang_type);
static size_t
GetTypeBitAlign (clang::ASTContext *ast_context, void * clang_type);
static bool
IsIntegerType (void * clang_type, bool &is_signed);
static bool
IsPointerType (void * clang_type, void **target_type = NULL);
static bool
IsPointerOrReferenceType (void * clang_type, void **target_type = NULL);
static bool
IsCStringType (void * clang_type, uint32_t &length);
static bool
IsArrayType (void * clang_type, void **member_type = NULL, uint64_t *size = NULL);
// Typedefs
void *
CreateTypedefType (
const char *name,
void * clang_type,
clang::DeclContext *decl_ctx);
// Type names
static std::string
GetTypeName(void *clang_type);
static bool
IsFloatingPointType (void * clang_type, uint32_t &count, bool &is_complex);
//static bool
//ConvertFloatValueToString (clang::ASTContext *ast_context, void * clang_type, const uint8_t* bytes, size_t byte_size, int apint_byte_order, std::string &float_str);
static size_t
ConvertStringToFloatValue (clang::ASTContext *ast_context, void * clang_type, const char *s, uint8_t *dst, size_t dst_size);
// Classes that inherit from ClangASTContext can see and modify these
std::string m_target_triple;
std::auto_ptr<clang::ASTContext> m_ast_context_ap;
std::auto_ptr<clang::LangOptions> m_language_options_ap;
std::auto_ptr<clang::SourceManager> m_source_manager_ap;
std::auto_ptr<clang::Diagnostic> m_diagnostic_ap;
std::auto_ptr<clang::TargetOptions> m_target_options_ap;
std::auto_ptr<clang::TargetInfo> m_target_info_ap;
std::auto_ptr<clang::IdentifierTable> m_identifier_table_ap;
std::auto_ptr<clang::SelectorTable> m_selector_table_ap;
std::auto_ptr<clang::Builtin::Context> m_builtins_ap;
// For ClangASTContext only
ClangASTContext(const ClangASTContext&);
const ClangASTContext& operator=(const ClangASTContext&);
} // namespace lldb_private
#endif // liblldb_ClangASTContext_h_