blob: 169dc89c79153de526b9187857ae6e103bf8eac4 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- ObjCTrampolineHandler.cpp ----------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include "ObjCTrampolineHandler.h"
// C Includes
// C++ Includes
// Other libraries and framework includes
// Project includes
#include "lldb/Core/Module.h"
#include "lldb/Core/ConstString.h"
#include "lldb/Core/FileSpec.h"
#include "lldb/Target/Thread.h"
#include "lldb/Target/RegisterContext.h"
#include "lldb/Target/Target.h"
#include "lldb/Target/Process.h"
#include "lldb/Core/Value.h"
#include "lldb/Symbol/ClangASTContext.h"
#include "lldb/Expression/ClangFunction.h"
#include "lldb/Core/Log.h"
#include "lldb/Target/ExecutionContext.h"
#include "ThreadPlanStepThroughObjCTrampoline.h"
#include "lldb/Target/ThreadPlanRunToAddress.h"
using namespace lldb;
using namespace lldb_private;
const ObjCTrampolineHandler::DispatchFunction
ObjCTrampolineHandler::g_dispatch_functions[] =
{"objc_msgSend", false, false, ObjCTrampolineHandler::DispatchFunction::eFixUpNone },
{"objc_msgSend_fixup", false, false, ObjCTrampolineHandler::DispatchFunction::eFixUpToFix },
{"objc_msgSend_fixedup", false, false, ObjCTrampolineHandler::DispatchFunction::eFixUpFixed },
{"objc_msgSend_stret", true, false, ObjCTrampolineHandler::DispatchFunction::eFixUpNone },
{"objc_msgSend_stret_fixup", true, false, ObjCTrampolineHandler::DispatchFunction::eFixUpToFix },
{"objc_msgSend_stret_fixedup", true, false, ObjCTrampolineHandler::DispatchFunction::eFixUpFixed },
{"objc_msgSend_fpret", false, false, ObjCTrampolineHandler::DispatchFunction::eFixUpNone },
{"objc_msgSend_fpret_fixup", false, false, ObjCTrampolineHandler::DispatchFunction::eFixUpToFix },
{"objc_msgSend_fpret_fixedup", false, false, ObjCTrampolineHandler::DispatchFunction::eFixUpFixed },
{"objc_msgSend_fp2ret", false, false, ObjCTrampolineHandler::DispatchFunction::eFixUpNone },
{"objc_msgSend_fp2ret_fixup", false, false, ObjCTrampolineHandler::DispatchFunction::eFixUpToFix },
{"objc_msgSend_fp2ret_fixedup", false, false, ObjCTrampolineHandler::DispatchFunction::eFixUpFixed },
{"objc_msgSendSuper", false, true, ObjCTrampolineHandler::DispatchFunction::eFixUpNone },
{"objc_msgSendSuper_stret", true, true, ObjCTrampolineHandler::DispatchFunction::eFixUpNone },
{"objc_msgSendSuper2", false, true, ObjCTrampolineHandler::DispatchFunction::eFixUpNone },
{"objc_msgSendSuper2_fixup", false, true, ObjCTrampolineHandler::DispatchFunction::eFixUpToFix },
{"objc_msgSendSuper2_fixedup", false, true, ObjCTrampolineHandler::DispatchFunction::eFixUpFixed },
{"objc_msgSendSuper2_stret", true, true, ObjCTrampolineHandler::DispatchFunction::eFixUpNone },
{"objc_msgSendSuper2_stret_fixup", true, true, ObjCTrampolineHandler::DispatchFunction::eFixUpToFix },
{"objc_msgSendSuper2_stret_fixedup", true, true, ObjCTrampolineHandler::DispatchFunction::eFixUpFixed },
ObjCTrampolineHandler::ModuleIsObjCLibrary (const ModuleSP &module_sp)
const FileSpec &module_file_spec = module_sp->GetFileSpec();
static ConstString ObjCName ("libobjc.A.dylib");
if (module_file_spec)
if (module_file_spec.GetFilename() == ObjCName)
return true;
return false;
ObjCTrampolineHandler::ObjCTrampolineHandler (ProcessSP process_sp, ModuleSP objc_module) :
m_process_sp (process_sp),
m_objc_module_sp (objc_module),
m_impl_fn_addr (LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS),
m_impl_stret_fn_addr (LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS)
// Look up the known resolution functions:
ConstString get_impl_name("class_getMethodImplementation");
ConstString get_impl_stret_name("class_getMethodImplementation_stret");
const Symbol *class_getMethodImplementation = m_objc_module_sp->FindFirstSymbolWithNameAndType (get_impl_name, eSymbolTypeCode);
const Symbol *class_getMethodImplementation_stret = m_objc_module_sp->FindFirstSymbolWithNameAndType (get_impl_stret_name, eSymbolTypeCode);
if (class_getMethodImplementation)
m_impl_fn_addr = class_getMethodImplementation->GetValue().GetLoadAddress(m_process_sp.get());
if (class_getMethodImplementation_stret)
m_impl_stret_fn_addr = class_getMethodImplementation_stret->GetValue().GetLoadAddress(m_process_sp.get());
// FIXME: Do some kind of logging here.
if (m_impl_fn_addr == LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS || m_impl_stret_fn_addr == LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS)
// Look up the addresses for the objc dispatch functions and cache them. For now I'm inspecting the symbol
// names dynamically to figure out how to dispatch to them. If it becomes more complicated than this we can
// turn the g_dispatch_functions char * array into a template table, and populate the DispatchFunction map
// from there.
for (int i = 0; g_dispatch_functions[i].name != NULL; i++)
ConstString name_const_str(g_dispatch_functions[i].name);
const Symbol *msgSend_symbol = m_objc_module_sp->FindFirstSymbolWithNameAndType (name_const_str, eSymbolTypeCode);
if (msgSend_symbol)
// FixMe: Make g_dispatch_functions static table of DisptachFunctions, and have the map be address->index.
// Problem is we also need to lookup the dispatch function. For now we could have a side table of stret & non-stret
// dispatch functions. If that's as complex as it gets, we're fine.
lldb::addr_t sym_addr = msgSend_symbol->GetValue().GetLoadAddress(m_process_sp.get());
m_msgSend_map.insert(std::pair<lldb::addr_t, int>(sym_addr, i));
ObjCTrampolineHandler::GetStepThroughDispatchPlan (Thread &thread, bool stop_others)
ThreadPlanSP ret_plan_sp;
lldb::addr_t curr_pc = thread.GetRegisterContext()->GetPC();
MsgsendMap::iterator pos;
pos = m_msgSend_map.find (curr_pc);
if (pos != m_msgSend_map.end())
Log *log = lldb_private::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet (LIBLLDB_LOG_STEP);
const DispatchFunction *this_dispatch = &g_dispatch_functions[(*pos).second];
lldb::StackFrameSP thread_cur_frame = thread.GetStackFrameAtIndex(0);
Process *process = thread.CalculateProcess();
const ABI *abi = process->GetABI();
if (abi == NULL)
return ret_plan_sp;
Target *target = thread.CalculateTarget();
// FIXME: Since neither the value nor the Clang QualType know their ASTContext,
// we have to make sure the type we put in our value list comes from the same ASTContext
// the ABI will use to get the argument values. THis is the bottom-most frame's module.
ClangASTContext *clang_ast_context = target->GetScratchClangASTContext();
ValueList argument_values;
Value input_value;
void *clang_void_ptr_type = clang_ast_context->GetVoidPtrType(false);
input_value.SetValueType (Value::eValueTypeScalar);
input_value.SetContext (Value::eContextTypeOpaqueClangQualType, clang_void_ptr_type);
int obj_index;
int sel_index;
// If this is a struct return dispatch, then the first argument is the
// return struct pointer, and the object is the second, and the selector is the third.
// Otherwise the object is the first and the selector the second.
if (this_dispatch->stret_return)
obj_index = 1;
sel_index = 2;
obj_index = 0;
sel_index = 1;
bool success = abi->GetArgumentValues (thread, argument_values);
if (!success)
return ret_plan_sp;
// Okay, the first value here is the object, we actually want the class of that object.
// For now we're just going with the ISA.
// FIXME: This should really be the return value of [object class] to properly handle KVO interposition.
Value isa_value(*(argument_values.GetValueAtIndex(obj_index)));
// This is a little cheesy, but since object->isa is the first field,
// making the object value a load address value and resolving it will get
// the pointer sized data pointed to by that value...
ExecutionContext exec_ctx;
thread.Calculate (exec_ctx);
isa_value.ResolveValue(&exec_ctx, clang_ast_context->getASTContext());
if (this_dispatch->fixedup == DispatchFunction::eFixUpFixed)
// For the FixedUp method the Selector is actually a pointer to a
// structure, the second field of which is the selector number.
Value *sel_value = argument_values.GetValueAtIndex(sel_index);
sel_value->GetScalar() += process->GetAddressByteSize();
sel_value->ResolveValue(&exec_ctx, clang_ast_context->getASTContext());
else if (this_dispatch->fixedup == DispatchFunction::eFixUpToFix)
// FIXME: If the method dispatch is not "fixed up" then the selector is actually a
// pointer to the string name of the selector. We need to look that up...
// For now I'm going to punt on that and just return no plan.
if (log)
log->Printf ("Punting on stepping into un-fixed-up method dispatch.");
return ret_plan_sp;
// FIXME: If this is a dispatch to the super-class, we need to get the super-class from
// the class, and disaptch to that instead.
// But for now I just punt and return no plan.
if (this_dispatch->is_super)
if (log)
log->Printf ("Punting on stepping into super method dispatch.");
return ret_plan_sp;
ValueList dispatch_values;
dispatch_values.PushValue (isa_value);
if (log)
log->Printf("Resolving method call for class - 0x%llx and selector - 0x%llx",
lldb::addr_t impl_addr = LookupInCache (dispatch_values.GetValueAtIndex(0)->GetScalar().ULongLong(),
if (impl_addr == LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS)
Address resolve_address(NULL, this_dispatch->stret_return ? m_impl_stret_fn_addr : m_impl_fn_addr);
StreamString errors;
// Scope for mutex locker:
Mutex::Locker (m_impl_function_mutex);
if (!m_impl_function.get())
m_impl_function.reset(new ClangFunction(process->GetTargetTriple().GetCString(),
unsigned num_errors = m_impl_function->CompileFunction(errors);
if (num_errors)
Log *log = lldb_private::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet (LIBLLDB_LOG_STEP);
if (log)
log->Printf ("Error compiling function: \"%s\".", errors.GetData());
return ret_plan_sp;
if (!m_impl_function->WriteFunctionWrapper(exec_ctx, errors))
Log *log = lldb_private::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet (LIBLLDB_LOG_STEP);
if (log)
log->Printf ("Error Inserting function: \"%s\".", errors.GetData());
return ret_plan_sp;
// Now write down the argument values for this call.
lldb::addr_t args_addr = LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS;
if (!m_impl_function->WriteFunctionArguments (exec_ctx, args_addr, resolve_address, dispatch_values, errors))
return ret_plan_sp;
ret_plan_sp.reset (new ThreadPlanStepThroughObjCTrampoline (thread, this, args_addr,
if (log)
log->Printf ("Found implementation address in cache: 0x%llx", impl_addr);
ret_plan_sp.reset (new ThreadPlanRunToAddress (thread, impl_addr, stop_others));
return ret_plan_sp;
ObjCTrampolineHandler::AddToCache (lldb::addr_t class_addr, lldb::addr_t selector, lldb::addr_t impl_addr)
Log *log = lldb_private::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet (LIBLLDB_LOG_STEP);
if (log)
log->Printf ("Caching: class 0x%llx selector 0x%llx implementation 0x%llx.", class_addr, selector, impl_addr);
m_impl_cache.insert (std::pair<ClassAndSel,lldb::addr_t> (ClassAndSel(class_addr, selector), impl_addr));
ObjCTrampolineHandler::LookupInCache (lldb::addr_t class_addr, lldb::addr_t selector)
MsgImplMap::iterator pos, end = m_impl_cache.end();
pos = m_impl_cache.find (ClassAndSel(class_addr, selector));
if (pos != end)
return (*pos).second;
ClangFunction *
ObjCTrampolineHandler::GetLookupImplementationWrapperFunction ()
return m_impl_function.get();