blob: 051ce8f20f46c34cba5aeedb494ff0bc23b4500f [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- ProcessGDBRemoteLog.cpp ---------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include "ProcessGDBRemoteLog.h"
#include "lldb/Core/Args.h"
#include "lldb/Core/StreamFile.h"
#include "ProcessGDBRemote.h"
using namespace lldb;
using namespace lldb_private;
static Log* g_log = NULL; // Leak for now as auto_ptr was being cleaned up
// by global constructors before other threads
// were done with it.
Log *
ProcessGDBRemoteLog::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet (uint32_t mask)
Log *log = g_log;
if (log && mask)
uint32_t log_mask = log->GetMask().GetAllFlagBits();
if ((log_mask & mask) != mask)
return NULL;
return log;
ProcessGDBRemoteLog::DisableLog ()
if (g_log)
delete g_log;
g_log = NULL;
Log *
ProcessGDBRemoteLog::EnableLog (StreamSP &log_stream_sp, uint32_t log_options, Args &args, Stream *feedback_strm)
DisableLog ();
g_log = new Log (log_stream_sp);
if (g_log)
uint32_t flag_bits = 0;
bool got_unknown_category = false;
const size_t argc = args.GetArgumentCount();
for (size_t i=0; i<argc; ++i)
const char *arg = args.GetArgumentAtIndex(i);
if (::strcasecmp (arg, "all") == 0 ) flag_bits |= GDBR_LOG_ALL;
else if (::strcasestr (arg, "break") == arg ) flag_bits |= GDBR_LOG_BREAKPOINTS;
else if (::strcasecmp (arg, "default") == 0 ) flag_bits |= GDBR_LOG_DEFAULT;
else if (::strcasecmp (arg, "packets") == 0 ) flag_bits |= GDBR_LOG_PACKETS;
else if (::strcasecmp (arg, "memory") == 0 ) flag_bits |= GDBR_LOG_MEMORY;
else if (::strcasecmp (arg, "data-short") == 0 ) flag_bits |= GDBR_LOG_MEMORY_DATA_SHORT;
else if (::strcasecmp (arg, "data-long") == 0 ) flag_bits |= GDBR_LOG_MEMORY_DATA_LONG;
else if (::strcasecmp (arg, "process") == 0 ) flag_bits |= GDBR_LOG_PROCESS;
else if (::strcasecmp (arg, "step") == 0 ) flag_bits |= GDBR_LOG_STEP;
else if (::strcasecmp (arg, "thread") == 0 ) flag_bits |= GDBR_LOG_THREAD;
else if (::strcasecmp (arg, "verbose") == 0 ) flag_bits |= GDBR_LOG_VERBOSE;
else if (::strcasestr (arg, "watch") == arg ) flag_bits |= GDBR_LOG_WATCHPOINTS;
feedback_strm->Printf("error: unrecognized log category '%s'\n", arg);
if (got_unknown_category == false)
got_unknown_category = true;
ListLogCategories (feedback_strm);
if (flag_bits == 0)
flag_bits = GDBR_LOG_DEFAULT;
return g_log;
ProcessGDBRemoteLog::ListLogCategories (Stream *strm)
strm->Printf("Logging categories for '%s':\n"
"\tall - turn on all available logging categories\n"
"\tbreak - log breakpoints\n"
"\tdefault - enable the default set of logging categories for liblldb\n"
"\tpackets - log gdb remote packets\n"
"\tmemory - log memory reads and writes\n"
"\tdata-short - log memory bytes for memory reads and writes for short transactions only\n"
"\tdata-long - log memory bytes for memory reads and writes for all transactions\n"
"\tprocess - log process events and activities\n"
"\tthread - log thread events and activities\n"
"\tstep - log step related activities\n"
"\tverbose - enable verbose loggging\n"
"\twatch - log watchpoint related activities\n", ProcessGDBRemote::GetPluginNameStatic());
ProcessGDBRemoteLog::LogIf (uint32_t mask, const char *format, ...)
Log *log = ProcessGDBRemoteLog::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet (mask);
if (log)
va_list args;
va_start (args, format);
log->VAPrintf (format, args);
va_end (args);