blob: e7f92c6eff25e01b6b16d8de5132466329633a4d [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- DWARFCompileUnit.cpp ------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include "DWARFCompileUnit.h"
#include "lldb/Core/Stream.h"
#include "lldb/Core/Timer.h"
#include "DWARFDebugAbbrev.h"
#include "DWARFDebugAranges.h"
#include "DWARFDIECollection.h"
#include "DWARFFormValue.h"
#include "LogChannelDWARF.h"
#include "SymbolFileDWARF.h"
using namespace lldb_private;
using namespace std;
extern int g_verbose;
DWARFCompileUnit::DWARFCompileUnit(SymbolFileDWARF* m_dwarf2Data) :
m_dwarf2Data ( m_dwarf2Data ),
m_offset ( DW_INVALID_OFFSET ),
m_length ( 0 ),
m_version ( 0 ),
m_abbrevs ( NULL ),
m_addr_size ( DWARFCompileUnit::GetDefaultAddressSize() ),
m_base_addr ( 0 ),
m_die_array (),
m_aranges_ap (),
m_user_data ( NULL )
m_length = 0;
m_version = 0;
m_abbrevs = NULL;
m_addr_size = DWARFCompileUnit::GetDefaultAddressSize();
m_base_addr = 0;
m_user_data = NULL;
DWARFCompileUnit::Extract(const DataExtractor &debug_info, uint32_t* offset_ptr)
m_offset = *offset_ptr;
if (debug_info.ValidOffset(*offset_ptr))
dw_offset_t abbr_offset;
const DWARFDebugAbbrev *abbr = m_dwarf2Data->DebugAbbrev();
m_length = debug_info.GetU32(offset_ptr);
m_version = debug_info.GetU16(offset_ptr);
abbr_offset = debug_info.GetU32(offset_ptr);
m_addr_size = debug_info.GetU8 (offset_ptr);
bool length_OK = debug_info.ValidOffset(GetNextCompileUnitOffset()-1);
bool version_OK = SymbolFileDWARF::SupportedVersion(m_version);
bool abbr_offset_OK = m_dwarf2Data->get_debug_abbrev_data().ValidOffset(abbr_offset);
bool addr_size_OK = ((m_addr_size == 4) || (m_addr_size == 8));
if (length_OK && version_OK && addr_size_OK && abbr_offset_OK && abbr != NULL)
m_abbrevs = abbr->GetAbbreviationDeclarationSet(abbr_offset);
return true;
// reset the offset to where we tried to parse from if anything went wrong
*offset_ptr = m_offset;
return false;
DWARFCompileUnit::Extract(dw_offset_t offset, const DataExtractor& debug_info_data, const DWARFAbbreviationDeclarationSet* abbrevs)
m_offset = offset;
if (debug_info_data.ValidOffset(offset))
m_length = debug_info_data.GetU32(&offset);
m_version = debug_info_data.GetU16(&offset);
bool abbrevs_OK = debug_info_data.GetU32(&offset) == abbrevs->GetOffset();
m_abbrevs = abbrevs;
m_addr_size = debug_info_data.GetU8 (&offset);
bool version_OK = SymbolFileDWARF::SupportedVersion(m_version);
bool addr_size_OK = ((m_addr_size == 4) || (m_addr_size == 8));
if (version_OK && addr_size_OK && abbrevs_OK && debug_info_data.ValidOffset(offset))
return offset;
DWARFCompileUnit::ClearDIEs(bool keep_compile_unit_die)
if (m_die_array.size() > 1)
// std::vectors never get any smaller when resized to a smaller size,
// or when clear() or erase() are called, the size will report that it
// is smaller, but the memory allocated remains intact (call capacity()
// to see this). So we need to create a temporary vector and swap the
// contents which will cause just the internal pointers to be swapped
// so that when "tmp_array" goes out of scope, it will destroy the
// contents.
// Save at least the compile unit DIE
DWARFDebugInfoEntry::collection tmp_array;
if (keep_compile_unit_die)
// ParseCompileUnitDIEsIfNeeded
// Parses a compile unit and indexes its DIEs if it already hasn't been
// done.
DWARFCompileUnit::ExtractDIEsIfNeeded (bool cu_die_only)
const size_t initial_die_array_size = m_die_array.size();
if ((cu_die_only && initial_die_array_size > 0) || initial_die_array_size > 1)
return 0; // Already parsed
Timer scoped_timer (__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,
"%8.8x: DWARFCompileUnit::ExtractDIEsIfNeeded( cu_die_only = %i )",
// Set the offset to that of the first DIE
uint32_t offset = GetFirstDIEOffset();
const dw_offset_t next_cu_offset = GetNextCompileUnitOffset();
DWARFDebugInfoEntry die;
// Keep a flat array of the DIE for binary lookup by DIE offset
Log *log = LogChannelDWARF::GetLogIfAll(DWARF_LOG_DEBUG_INFO);
// if (log)
// log->Printf("0x%8.8x: Compile Unit: length = 0x%8.8x, version = 0x%4.4x, abbr_offset = 0x%8.8x, addr_size = 0x%2.2x",
// cu->GetOffset(),
// cu->GetLength(),
// cu->GetVersion(),
// cu->GetAbbrevOffset(),
// cu->GetAddressByteSize());
uint32_t depth = 0;
// We are in our compile unit, parse starting at the offset
// we were told to parse
while (die.Extract(m_dwarf2Data, this, &offset))
if (log)
log->Printf("0x%8.8x: %*.*s%s%s",
depth * 2, depth * 2, "",
DW_TAG_value_to_name (die.Tag()),
die.HasChildren() ? " *" : "");
if (cu_die_only)
return 1;
else if (depth == 0 && initial_die_array_size == 1)
// Don't append the CU die as we already did that
const DWARFAbbreviationDeclaration* abbrDecl = die.GetAbbreviationDeclarationPtr();
if (abbrDecl)
// Normal DIE
if (abbrDecl->HasChildren())
if (depth > 0)
break; // We are done with this compile unit!
assert(offset <= next_cu_offset);
return m_die_array.size();
DWARFCompileUnit::GetAbbrevOffset() const
return m_abbrevs ? m_abbrevs->GetOffset() : DW_INVALID_OFFSET;
DWARFCompileUnit::Verify(Stream *s) const
const DataExtractor& debug_info = m_dwarf2Data->get_debug_info_data();
bool valid_offset = debug_info.ValidOffset(m_offset);
bool length_OK = debug_info.ValidOffset(GetNextCompileUnitOffset()-1);
bool version_OK = SymbolFileDWARF::SupportedVersion(m_version);
bool abbr_offset_OK = m_dwarf2Data->get_debug_abbrev_data().ValidOffset(GetAbbrevOffset());
bool addr_size_OK = ((m_addr_size == 4) || (m_addr_size == 8));
bool verbose = s->GetVerbose();
if (valid_offset && length_OK && version_OK && addr_size_OK && abbr_offset_OK)
if (verbose)
s->Printf(" 0x%8.8x: OK\n", m_offset);
return true;
s->Printf(" 0x%8.8x: ", m_offset);
m_dwarf2Data->get_debug_info_data().Dump (s, m_offset, lldb::eFormatHex, 1, Size(), 32, LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS, 0, 0);
if (valid_offset)
if (!length_OK)
s->Printf(" The length (0x%8.8x) for this compile unit is too large for the .debug_info provided.\n", m_length);
if (!version_OK)
s->Printf(" The 16 bit compile unit header version is not supported.\n");
if (!abbr_offset_OK)
s->Printf(" The offset into the .debug_abbrev section (0x%8.8x) is not valid.\n", GetAbbrevOffset());
if (!addr_size_OK)
s->Printf(" The address size is unsupported: 0x%2.2x\n", m_addr_size);
s->Printf(" The start offset of the compile unit header in the .debug_info is invalid.\n");
return false;
DWARFCompileUnit::Dump(Stream *s) const
s->Printf("0x%8.8x: Compile Unit: length = 0x%8.8x, version = 0x%4.4x, abbr_offset = 0x%8.8x, addr_size = 0x%2.2x (next CU at {0x%8.8x})\n",
m_offset, m_length, m_version, GetAbbrevOffset(), m_addr_size, GetNextCompileUnitOffset());
static uint8_t g_default_addr_size = 4;
DWARFCompileUnit::GetAddressByteSize(const DWARFCompileUnit* cu)
if (cu)
return cu->GetAddressByteSize();
return DWARFCompileUnit::GetDefaultAddressSize();
return g_default_addr_size;
DWARFCompileUnit::SetDefaultAddressSize(uint8_t addr_size)
g_default_addr_size = addr_size;
const dw_addr_t address,
DWARFDebugInfoEntry** function_die_handle,
DWARFDebugInfoEntry** block_die_handle
bool success = false;
if (function_die_handle != NULL && DIE())
if (m_aranges_ap.get() == NULL)
m_aranges_ap.reset(new DWARFDebugAranges());
m_die_array.front().BuildFunctionAddressRangeTable(m_dwarf2Data, this, m_aranges_ap.get());
// Re-check the aranges auto pointer contents in case it was created above
if (m_aranges_ap.get() != NULL)
*function_die_handle = GetDIEPtr(m_aranges_ap->FindAddress(address));
if (*function_die_handle != NULL)
success = true;
if (block_die_handle != NULL)
DWARFDebugInfoEntry* child = (*function_die_handle)->GetFirstChild();
while (child)
if (child->LookupAddress(address, m_dwarf2Data, this, NULL, block_die_handle))
child = child->GetSibling();
return success;
// SetDIERelations()
// We read in all of the DIE entries into our flat list of DIE entries
// and now we need to go back through all of them and set the parent,
// sibling and child pointers for quick DIE navigation.
#if 0
// Compute average bytes per DIE
// We can figure out what the average number of bytes per DIE is
// to help us pre-allocate the correct number of m_die_array
// entries so we don't end up doing a lot of memory copies as we
// are creating our DIE array when parsing
// Enable this code by changing "#if 0" above to "#if 1" and running
// the dsymutil or dwarfdump with a bunch of dwarf files and see what
// the running average ends up being in the stdout log.
static size_t g_total_cu_debug_info_size = 0;
static size_t g_total_num_dies = 0;
static size_t g_min_bytes_per_die = UINT_MAX;
static size_t g_max_bytes_per_die = 0;
const size_t num_dies = m_die_array.size();
const size_t cu_debug_info_size = GetDebugInfoSize();
const size_t bytes_per_die = cu_debug_info_size / num_dies;
if (g_min_bytes_per_die > bytes_per_die)
g_min_bytes_per_die = bytes_per_die;
if (g_max_bytes_per_die < bytes_per_die)
g_max_bytes_per_die = bytes_per_die;
if (g_total_cu_debug_info_size == 0)
cout << " min max avg" << endl
<< "n dies cu size bpd bpd bpd bpd" << endl
<< "------ -------- --- === === ===" << endl;
g_total_cu_debug_info_size += cu_debug_info_size;
g_total_num_dies += num_dies;
const size_t avg_bytes_per_die = g_total_cu_debug_info_size / g_total_num_dies;
<< DECIMAL_WIDTH(6) << num_dies << ' '
<< DECIMAL_WIDTH(8) << cu_debug_info_size << ' '
<< DECIMAL_WIDTH(3) << bytes_per_die << ' '
<< DECIMAL_WIDTH(3) << g_min_bytes_per_die << ' '
<< DECIMAL_WIDTH(3) << g_max_bytes_per_die << ' '
<< DECIMAL_WIDTH(3) << avg_bytes_per_die
<< endl;
if (m_die_array.empty())
DWARFDebugInfoEntry* die_array_begin = &m_die_array.front();
DWARFDebugInfoEntry* die_array_end = &m_die_array.back();
DWARFDebugInfoEntry* curr_die;
// We purposely are skipping the last element in the array in the loop below
// so that we can always have a valid next item
for (curr_die = die_array_begin; curr_die < die_array_end; ++curr_die)
// Since our loop doesn't include the last element, we can always
// safely access the next die in the array.
DWARFDebugInfoEntry* next_die = curr_die + 1;
const DWARFAbbreviationDeclaration* curr_die_abbrev = curr_die->GetAbbreviationDeclarationPtr();
if (curr_die_abbrev)
// Normal DIE
if (curr_die_abbrev->HasChildren())
// NULL DIE that terminates a sibling chain
DWARFDebugInfoEntry* parent = curr_die->GetParent();
if (parent)
// Since we skipped the last element, we need to fix it up!
if (die_array_begin < die_array_end)
#if 0
// The code below will dump the DIE relations in case any modification
// is done to the above code. This dump can be used in a diff to make
// sure that no functionality is lost.
DWARFDebugInfoEntry::const_iterator pos;
DWARFDebugInfoEntry::const_iterator end = m_die_array.end();
puts("offset parent sibling child");
puts("-------- -------- -------- --------");
for (pos = m_die_array.begin(); pos != end; ++pos)
const DWARFDebugInfoEntry& die_ref = *pos;
const DWARFDebugInfoEntry* p = die_ref.GetParent();
const DWARFDebugInfoEntry* s = die_ref.GetSibling();
const DWARFDebugInfoEntry* c = die_ref.GetFirstChild();
printf("%.8x: %.8x %.8x %.8x\n", die_ref.GetOffset(),
p ? p->GetOffset() : 0,
s ? s->GetOffset() : 0,
c ? c->GetOffset() : 0);
// Compare function DWARFDebugAranges::Range structures
static bool CompareDIEOffset (const DWARFDebugInfoEntry& die1, const DWARFDebugInfoEntry& die2)
return die1.GetOffset() < die2.GetOffset();
// GetDIEPtr()
// Get the DIE (Debug Information Entry) with the specified offset.
DWARFCompileUnit::GetDIEPtr(dw_offset_t die_offset)
if (die_offset != DW_INVALID_OFFSET)
ExtractDIEsIfNeeded (false);
DWARFDebugInfoEntry compare_die;
DWARFDebugInfoEntry::iterator end = m_die_array.end();
DWARFDebugInfoEntry::iterator pos = lower_bound(m_die_array.begin(), end, compare_die, CompareDIEOffset);
if (pos != end)
if (die_offset == (*pos).GetOffset())
return &(*pos);
return NULL; // Not found in any compile units
// GetDIEPtrContainingOffset()
// Get the DIE (Debug Information Entry) that contains the specified
// .debug_info offset.
const DWARFDebugInfoEntry*
DWARFCompileUnit::GetDIEPtrContainingOffset(dw_offset_t die_offset)
if (die_offset != DW_INVALID_OFFSET)
ExtractDIEsIfNeeded (false);
DWARFDebugInfoEntry compare_die;
DWARFDebugInfoEntry::iterator end = m_die_array.end();
DWARFDebugInfoEntry::iterator pos = lower_bound(m_die_array.begin(), end, compare_die, CompareDIEOffset);
if (pos != end)
if (die_offset >= (*pos).GetOffset())
DWARFDebugInfoEntry::iterator next = pos + 1;
if (next != end)
if (die_offset < (*next).GetOffset())
return &(*pos);
return NULL; // Not found in any compile units
DWARFCompileUnit::AppendDIEsWithTag (const dw_tag_t tag, DWARFDIECollection& dies, uint32_t depth) const
size_t old_size = dies.Size();
DWARFDebugInfoEntry::const_iterator pos;
DWARFDebugInfoEntry::const_iterator end = m_die_array.end();
for (pos = m_die_array.begin(); pos != end; ++pos)
if (pos->Tag() == tag)
// Return the number of DIEs added to the collection
return dies.Size() - old_size;
DWARFCompileUnit::AddGlobalDIEByIndex (uint32_t die_idx)
m_global_die_indexes.push_back (die_idx);
DWARFCompileUnit::AddGlobal (const DWARFDebugInfoEntry* die)
// Indexes to all file level global and static variables
if (m_die_array.empty())
const DWARFDebugInfoEntry* first_die = &m_die_array[0];
const DWARFDebugInfoEntry* end = first_die + m_die_array.size();
if (first_die <= die && die < end)
m_global_die_indexes.push_back (die - first_die);
lldb_private::UniqueCStringMap<dw_offset_t>& name_to_function_die,
lldb_private::UniqueCStringMap<dw_offset_t>& name_to_inlined_die,
lldb_private::UniqueCStringMap<dw_offset_t>& name_to_global_die,
lldb_private::UniqueCStringMap<dw_offset_t>& name_to_type_die
const DataExtractor* debug_str = &m_dwarf2Data->get_debug_str_data();
DWARFDebugInfoEntry::const_iterator pos;
DWARFDebugInfoEntry::const_iterator begin = m_die_array.begin();
DWARFDebugInfoEntry::const_iterator end = m_die_array.end();
for (pos = begin; pos != end; ++pos)
const DWARFDebugInfoEntry &die = *pos;
const dw_tag_t tag = die.Tag();
switch (tag)
case DW_TAG_subprogram:
case DW_TAG_inlined_subroutine:
case DW_TAG_base_type:
case DW_TAG_class_type:
case DW_TAG_constant:
case DW_TAG_enumeration_type:
case DW_TAG_string_type:
case DW_TAG_subroutine_type:
case DW_TAG_structure_type:
case DW_TAG_union_type:
case DW_TAG_typedef:
case DW_TAG_namespace:
case DW_TAG_variable:
DWARFDebugInfoEntry::Attributes attributes;
const char *name = NULL;
const char *mangled = NULL;
bool is_variable = false;
bool is_declaration = false;
bool is_artificial = false;
bool has_address = false;
bool has_location = false;
bool is_global_or_static_variable = false;
const size_t num_attributes = die.GetAttributes(m_dwarf2Data, this, attributes);
if (num_attributes > 0)
uint32_t i;
dw_tag_t tag = die.Tag();
is_variable = tag == DW_TAG_variable;
for (i=0; i<num_attributes; ++i)
dw_attr_t attr = attributes.AttributeAtIndex(i);
DWARFFormValue form_value;
switch (attr)
case DW_AT_name:
if (attributes.ExtractFormValueAtIndex(m_dwarf2Data, i, form_value))
name = form_value.AsCString(debug_str);
case DW_AT_declaration:
if (attributes.ExtractFormValueAtIndex(m_dwarf2Data, i, form_value))
is_declaration = form_value.Unsigned() != 0;
case DW_AT_artificial:
if (attributes.ExtractFormValueAtIndex(m_dwarf2Data, i, form_value))
is_artificial = form_value.Unsigned() != 0;
case DW_AT_MIPS_linkage_name:
if (attributes.ExtractFormValueAtIndex(m_dwarf2Data, i, form_value))
mangled = form_value.AsCString(debug_str);
case DW_AT_low_pc:
case DW_AT_ranges:
case DW_AT_entry_pc:
has_address = true;
case DW_AT_location:
has_location = true;
if (tag == DW_TAG_variable)
const DWARFDebugInfoEntry* parent_die = die.GetParent();
while ( parent_die != NULL )
switch (parent_die->Tag())
case DW_TAG_subprogram:
case DW_TAG_lexical_block:
case DW_TAG_inlined_subroutine:
// Even if this is a function level static, we don't add it. We could theoretically
// add these if we wanted to by introspecting into the DW_AT_location and seeing
// if the location describes a hard coded address, but we dont want the performance
// penalty of that right now.
is_global_or_static_variable = false;
// if (attributes.ExtractFormValueAtIndex(dwarf2Data, i, form_value))
// {
// // If we have valid block data, then we have location expression bytes
// // that are fixed (not a location list).
// const uint8_t *block_data = form_value.BlockData();
// if (block_data)
// {
// uint32_t block_length = form_value.Unsigned();
// if (block_length == 1 + attributes.CompileUnitAtIndex(i)->GetAddressByteSize())
// {
// if (block_data[0] == DW_OP_addr)
// add_die = true;
// }
// }
// }
parent_die = NULL; // Terminate the while loop.
case DW_TAG_compile_unit:
is_global_or_static_variable = true;
parent_die = NULL; // Terminate the while loop.
parent_die = parent_die->GetParent(); // Keep going in the while loop.
switch (tag)
case DW_TAG_subprogram:
if (has_address)
if (name && name[0])
if ((name[0] == '-' || name[0] == '+') && name[1] == '[')
int name_len = strlen (name);
// Objective C methods must have at least:
// "-[" or "+[" prefix
// One character for a class name
// One character for the space between the class name
// One character for the method name
// "]" suffix
if (name_len >= 6 && name[name_len - 1] == ']')
const char *method_name = strchr (name, ' ');
if (method_name)
// Skip the space
// Extract the objective C basename and add it to the
// accelerator tables
size_t method_name_len = name_len - (method_name - name) - 1;
ConstString method_const_str (method_name, method_name_len);
name_to_function_die.Append(method_const_str.AsCString(), die.GetOffset());
name_to_function_die.Append(ConstString(name).AsCString(), die.GetOffset());
if (mangled && mangled[0])
name_to_function_die.Append(ConstString(mangled).AsCString(), die.GetOffset());
case DW_TAG_inlined_subroutine:
if (has_address)
if (name && name[0])
name_to_inlined_die.Append(ConstString(name).AsCString(), die.GetOffset());
if (mangled && mangled[0])
name_to_inlined_die.Append(ConstString(mangled).AsCString(), die.GetOffset());
case DW_TAG_base_type:
case DW_TAG_class_type:
case DW_TAG_constant:
case DW_TAG_enumeration_type:
case DW_TAG_string_type:
case DW_TAG_subroutine_type:
case DW_TAG_structure_type:
case DW_TAG_union_type:
case DW_TAG_typedef:
case DW_TAG_namespace:
if (name && is_declaration == false)
name_to_type_die.Append(ConstString(name).AsCString(), die.GetOffset());
case DW_TAG_variable:
if (name && has_location && is_global_or_static_variable)
AddGlobalDIEByIndex (std::distance (begin, pos));
name_to_global_die.Append(ConstString(name).AsCString(), die.GetOffset());