blob: 849183670403a0c23cd0f5449aaf999134eb30a6 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- Args.h --------------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#ifndef liblldb_Command_h_
#define liblldb_Command_h_
// C Includes
#include <getopt.h>
// C++ Includes
#include <list>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <utility>
// Other libraries and framework includes
// Project includes
#include "lldb/lldb-private-types.h"
#include "lldb/lldb-types.h"
#include "lldb/Core/Error.h"
namespace lldb_private {
typedef std::pair<int, std::string> OptionArgValue;
typedef std::pair<std::string, OptionArgValue> OptionArgPair;
typedef std::vector<OptionArgPair> OptionArgVector;
typedef STD_SHARED_PTR(OptionArgVector) OptionArgVectorSP;
struct OptionArgElement
enum {
eUnrecognizedArg = -1,
eBareDash = -2,
eBareDoubleDash = -3
OptionArgElement (int defs_index, int pos, int arg_pos) :
opt_pos (pos),
opt_arg_pos (arg_pos)
int opt_defs_index;
int opt_pos;
int opt_arg_pos;
typedef std::vector<OptionArgElement> OptionElementVector;
/// @class Args Args.h "lldb/Interpreter/Args.h"
/// @brief A command line argument class.
/// The Args class is designed to be fed a command line. The
/// command line is copied into an internal buffer and then split up
/// into arguments. Arguments are space delimited if there are no quotes
/// (single, double, or backtick quotes) surrounding the argument. Spaces
/// can be escaped using a \ character to avoid having to surround an
/// argument that contains a space with quotes.
class Args
/// Construct with an option command string.
/// @param[in] command
/// A NULL terminated command that will be copied and split up
/// into arguments.
/// @see Args::SetCommandString(const char *)
Args (const char *command = NULL);
Args (const char *command, size_t len);
Args (const Args &rhs);
const Args &
operator= (const Args &rhs);
/// Destructor.
/// Dump all arguments to the stream \a s.
/// @param[in] s
/// The stream to which to dump all arguments in the argument
/// vector.
Dump (Stream *s);
/// Sets the command string contained by this object.
/// The command string will be copied and split up into arguments
/// that can be accessed via the accessor functions.
/// @param[in] command
/// A NULL terminated command that will be copied and split up
/// into arguments.
/// @see Args::GetArgumentCount() const
/// @see Args::GetArgumentAtIndex (size_t) const
/// @see Args::GetArgumentVector ()
/// @see Args::Shift ()
/// @see Args::Unshift (const char *)
SetCommandString (const char *command);
SetCommandString (const char *command, size_t len);
GetCommandString (std::string &command) const;
GetQuotedCommandString (std::string &command) const;
/// Gets the number of arguments left in this command object.
/// @return
/// The number or arguments in this object.
GetArgumentCount () const;
/// Gets the NULL terminated C string argument pointer for the
/// argument at index \a idx.
/// @return
/// The NULL terminated C string argument pointer if \a idx is a
/// valid argument index, NULL otherwise.
const char *
GetArgumentAtIndex (size_t idx) const;
GetArgumentQuoteCharAtIndex (size_t idx) const;
/// Gets the argument vector.
/// The value returned by this function can be used by any function
/// that takes and vector. The return value is just like \a argv
/// in the standard C entry point function:
/// \code
/// int main (int argc, const char **argv);
/// \endcode
/// @return
/// An array of NULL terminated C string argument pointers that
/// also has a terminating NULL C string pointer
char **
GetArgumentVector ();
/// Gets the argument vector.
/// The value returned by this function can be used by any function
/// that takes and vector. The return value is just like \a argv
/// in the standard C entry point function:
/// \code
/// int main (int argc, const char **argv);
/// \endcode
/// @return
/// An array of NULL terminate C string argument pointers that
/// also has a terminating NULL C string pointer
const char **
GetConstArgumentVector () const;
/// Appends a new argument to the end of the list argument list.
/// @param[in] arg_cstr
/// The new argument as a NULL terminated C string.
/// @param[in] quote_char
/// If the argument was originally quoted, put in the quote char here.
/// @return
/// The NULL terminated C string of the copy of \a arg_cstr.
const char *
AppendArgument (const char *arg_cstr, char quote_char = '\0');
AppendArguments (const Args &rhs);
AppendArguments (const char **argv);
/// Insert the argument value at index \a idx to \a arg_cstr.
/// @param[in] idx
/// The index of where to insert the argument.
/// @param[in] arg_cstr
/// The new argument as a NULL terminated C string.
/// @param[in] quote_char
/// If the argument was originally quoted, put in the quote char here.
/// @return
/// The NULL terminated C string of the copy of \a arg_cstr.
const char *
InsertArgumentAtIndex (size_t idx, const char *arg_cstr, char quote_char = '\0');
/// Replaces the argument value at index \a idx to \a arg_cstr
/// if \a idx is a valid argument index.
/// @param[in] idx
/// The index of the argument that will have its value replaced.
/// @param[in] arg_cstr
/// The new argument as a NULL terminated C string.
/// @param[in] quote_char
/// If the argument was originally quoted, put in the quote char here.
/// @return
/// The NULL terminated C string of the copy of \a arg_cstr if
/// \a idx was a valid index, NULL otherwise.
const char *
ReplaceArgumentAtIndex (size_t idx, const char *arg_cstr, char quote_char = '\0');
/// Deletes the argument value at index
/// if \a idx is a valid argument index.
/// @param[in] idx
/// The index of the argument that will have its value replaced.
DeleteArgumentAtIndex (size_t idx);
/// Sets the argument vector value, optionally copying all
/// arguments into an internal buffer.
/// Sets the arguments to match those found in \a argv. All argument
/// strings will be copied into an internal buffers.
// FIXME: Handle the quote character somehow.
SetArguments (size_t argc, const char **argv);
SetArguments (const char **argv);
/// Shifts the first argument C string value of the array off the
/// argument array.
/// The string value will be freed, so a copy of the string should
/// be made by calling Args::GetArgumentAtIndex (size_t) const
/// first and copying the returned value before calling
/// Args::Shift().
/// @see Args::GetArgumentAtIndex (size_t) const
Shift ();
/// Inserts a class owned copy of \a arg_cstr at the beginning of
/// the argument vector.
/// A copy \a arg_cstr will be made.
/// @param[in] arg_cstr
/// The argument to push on the front the the argument stack.
/// @param[in] quote_char
/// If the argument was originally quoted, put in the quote char here.
/// @return
/// A pointer to the copy of \a arg_cstr that was made.
const char *
Unshift (const char *arg_cstr, char quote_char = '\0');
/// Parse the arguments in the contained arguments.
/// The arguments that are consumed by the argument parsing process
/// will be removed from the argument vector. The arguements that
/// get processed start at the second argument. The first argument
/// is assumed to be the command and will not be touched.
/// @see class Options
ParseOptions (Options &options);
FindArgumentIndexForOption (struct option *long_options, int long_options_index);
IsPositionalArgument (const char *arg);
// The following works almost identically to ParseOptions, except that no option is required to have arguments,
// and it builds up the option_arg_vector as it parses the options.
ParseAliasOptions (Options &options, CommandReturnObject &result, OptionArgVector *option_arg_vector,
std::string &raw_input_line);
ParseArgsForCompletion (Options &options, OptionElementVector &option_element_vector, uint32_t cursor_index);
// Clear the arguments.
// For re-setting or blanking out the list of arguments.
Clear ();
static int32_t
StringToSInt32 (const char *s, int32_t fail_value = 0, int base = 0, bool *success_ptr = NULL);
static uint32_t
StringToUInt32 (const char *s, uint32_t fail_value = 0, int base = 0, bool *success_ptr = NULL);
static int64_t
StringToSInt64 (const char *s, int64_t fail_value = 0, int base = 0, bool *success_ptr = NULL);
static uint64_t
StringToUInt64 (const char *s, uint64_t fail_value = 0, int base = 0, bool *success_ptr = NULL);
static bool
UInt64ValueIsValidForByteSize (uint64_t uval64, size_t total_byte_size)
if (total_byte_size > 8)
return false;
if (total_byte_size == 8)
return true;
const uint64_t max = ((uint64_t)1 << (uint64_t)(total_byte_size * 8)) - 1;
return uval64 <= max;
static bool
SInt64ValueIsValidForByteSize (int64_t sval64, size_t total_byte_size)
if (total_byte_size > 8)
return false;
if (total_byte_size == 8)
return true;
const int64_t max = ((int64_t)1 << (uint64_t)(total_byte_size * 8 - 1)) - 1;
const int64_t min = ~(max);
return min <= sval64 && sval64 <= max;
static lldb::addr_t
StringToAddress (const ExecutionContext *exe_ctx,
const char *s,
lldb::addr_t fail_value,
Error *error);
static bool
StringToBoolean (const char *s, bool fail_value, bool *success_ptr);
static int64_t
StringToOptionEnum (const char *s, OptionEnumValueElement *enum_values, int32_t fail_value, Error &error);
static lldb::ScriptLanguage
StringToScriptLanguage (const char *s, lldb::ScriptLanguage fail_value, bool *success_ptr);
static Error
StringToFormat (const char *s,
lldb::Format &format,
size_t *byte_size_ptr); // If non-NULL, then a byte size can precede the format character
static lldb::Encoding
StringToEncoding (const char *s,
lldb::Encoding fail_value = lldb::eEncodingInvalid);
static uint32_t
StringToGenericRegister (const char *s);
static const char *
StringToVersion (const char *s, uint32_t &major, uint32_t &minor, uint32_t &update);
static const char *
GetShellSafeArgument (const char *unsafe_arg, std::string &safe_arg);
// EncodeEscapeSequences will change the textual representation of common
// escape sequences like "\n" (two characters) into a single '\n'. It does
// this for all of the supported escaped sequences and for the \0ooo (octal)
// and \xXX (hex). The resulting "dst" string will contain the character
// versions of all supported escape sequences. The common supported escape
// sequences are: "\a", "\b", "\f", "\n", "\r", "\t", "\v", "\'", "\"", "\\".
static void
EncodeEscapeSequences (const char *src, std::string &dst);
// ExpandEscapeSequences will change a string of possibly non-printable
// characters and expand them into text. So '\n' will turn into two chracters
// like "\n" which is suitable for human reading. When a character is not
// printable and isn't one of the common in escape sequences listed in the
// help for EncodeEscapeSequences, then it will be encoded as octal. Printable
// characters are left alone.
static void
ExpandEscapedCharacters (const char *src, std::string &dst);
// This one isn't really relevant to Arguments per se, but we're using the Args as a
// general strings container, so...
LongestCommonPrefix (std::string &common_prefix);
// Classes that inherit from Args can see and modify these
typedef std::list<std::string> arg_sstr_collection;
typedef std::vector<const char *> arg_cstr_collection;
typedef std::vector<char> arg_quote_char_collection;
arg_sstr_collection m_args;
arg_cstr_collection m_argv; ///< The current argument vector.
arg_quote_char_collection m_args_quote_char;
UpdateArgsAfterOptionParsing ();
UpdateArgvFromArgs ();
} // namespace lldb_private
#endif // liblldb_Command_h_