blob: 76659b6991447e45f8016591f9d56e28bb37d870 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- Platform.h ----------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#ifndef liblldb_Platform_h_
#define liblldb_Platform_h_
// C Includes
// C++ Includes
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
// Other libraries and framework includes
// Project includes
#include "lldb/lldb-public.h"
#include "lldb/Core/ArchSpec.h"
#include "lldb/Core/ConstString.h"
#include "lldb/Core/PluginInterface.h"
#include "lldb/Host/Mutex.h"
namespace lldb_private {
/// @class Platform Platform.h "lldb/Target/Platform.h"
/// @brief A plug-in interface definition class for debug platform that
/// includes many platform abilities such as:
/// @li getting platform information such as supported architectures,
/// supported binary file formats and more
/// @li launching new processes
/// @li attaching to existing processes
/// @li download/upload files
/// @li execute shell commands
/// @li listing and getting info for existing processes
/// @li attaching and possibly debugging the platform's kernel
class Platform : public PluginInterface
/// Get the native host platform plug-in.
/// There should only be one of these for each host that LLDB runs
/// upon that should be statically compiled in and registered using
/// preprocessor macros or other similar build mechanisms in a
/// PlatformSubclass::Initialize() function.
/// This platform will be used as the default platform when launching
/// or attaching to processes unless another platform is specified.
static lldb::PlatformSP
GetDefaultPlatform ();
static const char *
GetHostPlatformName ();
static void
SetDefaultPlatform (const lldb::PlatformSP &platform_sp);
static lldb::PlatformSP
Create (const char *platform_name, Error &error);
static uint32_t
GetNumConnectedRemotePlatforms ();
static lldb::PlatformSP
GetConnectedRemotePlatformAtIndex (uint32_t idx);
/// Default Constructor
Platform (bool is_host_platform);
/// Destructor.
/// The destructor is virtual since this class is designed to be
/// inherited from by the plug-in instance.
/// Set the target's executable based off of the existing
/// architecture information in \a target given a path to an
/// executable \a exe_file.
/// Each platform knows the architectures that it supports and can
/// select the correct architecture slice within \a exe_file by
/// inspecting the architecture in \a target. If the target had an
/// architecture specified, then in can try and obey that request
/// and optionally fail if the architecture doesn't match up.
/// If no architecture is specified, the platform should select the
/// default architecture from \a exe_file. Any application bundles
/// or executable wrappers can also be inspected for the actual
/// application binary within the bundle that should be used.
/// @return
/// Returns \b true if this Platform plug-in was able to find
/// a suitable executable, \b false otherwise.
virtual Error
ResolveExecutable (const FileSpec &exe_file,
const ArchSpec &arch,
lldb::ModuleSP &module_sp);
/// Resolves the FileSpec to a (possibly) remote path. Remote
/// platforms must override this to resolve to a path on the remote
/// side.
virtual bool
ResolveRemotePath (const FileSpec &platform_path,
FileSpec &resolved_platform_path);
GetOSVersion (uint32_t &major,
uint32_t &minor,
uint32_t &update);
SetOSVersion (uint32_t major,
uint32_t minor,
uint32_t update);
GetOSBuildString (std::string &s);
GetOSKernelDescription (std::string &s);
// Returns the the hostname if we are connected, else the short plugin
// name.
const char *
GetName ();
virtual const char *
GetHostname ();
virtual const char *
GetDescription () = 0;
/// Report the current status for this platform.
/// The returned string usually involves returning the OS version
/// (if available), and any SDK directory that might be being used
/// for local file caching, and if connected a quick blurb about
/// what this platform is connected to.
virtual void
GetStatus (Stream &strm);
// Subclasses must be able to fetch the current OS version
// Remote classes must be connected for this to succeed. Local
// subclasses don't need to override this function as it will just
// call the Host::GetOSVersion().
virtual bool
GetRemoteOSVersion ()
return false;
virtual bool
GetRemoteOSBuildString (std::string &s)
return false;
virtual bool
GetRemoteOSKernelDescription (std::string &s)
return false;
// Remote Platform subclasses need to override this function
virtual ArchSpec
GetRemoteSystemArchitecture ()
return ArchSpec(); // Return an invalid architecture
virtual const char *
GetUserName (uint32_t uid);
virtual const char *
GetGroupName (uint32_t gid);
/// Locate a file for a platform.
/// The default implementation of this function will return the same
/// file patch in \a local_file as was in \a platform_file.
/// @param[in] platform_file
/// The platform file path to locate and cache locally.
/// @param[in] uuid_ptr
/// If we know the exact UUID of the file we are looking for, it
/// can be specified. If it is not specified, we might now know
/// the exact file. The UUID is usually some sort of MD5 checksum
/// for the file and is sometimes known by dynamic linkers/loaders.
/// If the UUID is known, it is best to supply it to platform
/// file queries to ensure we are finding the correct file, not
/// just a file at the correct path.
/// @param[out] local_file
/// A locally cached version of the platform file. For platforms
/// that describe the current host computer, this will just be
/// the same file. For remote platforms, this file might come from
/// and SDK directory, or might need to be sync'ed over to the
/// current machine for efficient debugging access.
/// @return
/// An error object.
virtual Error
GetFile (const FileSpec &platform_file,
const UUID *uuid_ptr,
FileSpec &local_file);
virtual Error
GetSharedModule (const FileSpec &platform_file,
const ArchSpec &arch,
const UUID *uuid_ptr,
const ConstString *object_name_ptr,
off_t object_offset,
lldb::ModuleSP &module_sp,
lldb::ModuleSP *old_module_sp_ptr,
bool *did_create_ptr);
virtual Error
ConnectRemote (Args& args);
virtual Error
DisconnectRemote ();
/// Get the platform's supported architectures in the order in which
/// they should be searched.
/// @param[in] idx
/// A zero based architecture index
/// @param[out] arch
/// A copy of the archgitecture at index if the return value is
/// \b true.
/// @return
/// \b true if \a arch was filled in and is valid, \b false
/// otherwise.
virtual bool
GetSupportedArchitectureAtIndex (uint32_t idx, ArchSpec &arch) = 0;
virtual size_t
GetSoftwareBreakpointTrapOpcode (Target &target,
BreakpointSite *bp_site) = 0;
/// Launch a new process on a platform, not necessarily for
/// debugging, it could be just for running the process.
virtual Error
LaunchProcess (ProcessLaunchInfo &launch_info);
/// Subclasses should NOT need to implement this function as it uses
/// the Platform::LaunchProcess() followed by Platform::Attach ()
DebugProcess (ProcessLaunchInfo &launch_info,
Debugger &debugger,
Target *target, // Can be NULL, if NULL create a new target, else use existing one
Listener &listener,
Error &error);
/// Attach to an existing process using a process ID.
/// Each platform subclass needs to implement this function and
/// attempt to attach to the process with the process ID of \a pid.
/// The platform subclass should return an appropriate ProcessSP
/// subclass that is attached to the process, or an empty shared
/// pointer with an appriopriate error.
/// @param[in] pid
/// The process ID that we should attempt to attach to.
/// @return
/// An appropriate ProcessSP containing a valid shared pointer
/// to the default Process subclass for the platform that is
/// attached to the process, or an empty shared pointer with an
/// appriopriate error fill into the \a error object.
virtual lldb::ProcessSP
Attach (ProcessAttachInfo &attach_info,
Debugger &debugger,
Target *target, // Can be NULL, if NULL create a new target, else use existing one
Listener &listener,
Error &error) = 0;
/// Attach to an existing process by process name.
/// This function is not meant to be overridden by Process
/// subclasses. It will first call
/// Process::WillAttach (const char *) and if that returns \b
/// true, Process::DoAttach (const char *) will be called to
/// actually do the attach. If DoAttach returns \b true, then
/// Process::DidAttach() will be called.
/// @param[in] process_name
/// A process name to match against the current process list.
/// @return
/// Returns \a pid if attaching was successful, or
/// LLDB_INVALID_PROCESS_ID if attaching fails.
// virtual lldb::ProcessSP
// Attach (const char *process_name,
// bool wait_for_launch,
// Error &error) = 0;
// The base class Platform will take care of the host platform.
// Subclasses will need to fill in the remote case.
virtual uint32_t
FindProcesses (const ProcessInstanceInfoMatch &match_info,
ProcessInstanceInfoList &proc_infos);
virtual bool
GetProcessInfo (lldb::pid_t pid, ProcessInstanceInfo &proc_info);
const std::string &
GetRemoteURL () const
return m_remote_url;
IsHost () const
return m_is_host; // Is this the default host platform?
IsRemote () const
return !m_is_host;
virtual bool
IsConnected () const
// Remote subclasses should override this function
return IsHost();
const ArchSpec &
SetSystemArchitecture (const ArchSpec &arch)
m_system_arch = arch;
if (IsHost())
m_os_version_set_while_connected = m_system_arch.IsValid();
// Used for column widths
GetMaxUserIDNameLength() const
return m_max_uid_name_len;
// Used for column widths
GetMaxGroupIDNameLength() const
return m_max_gid_name_len;
const ConstString &
GetSDKRootDirectory () const
return m_sdk_sysroot;
SetSDKRootDirectory (const ConstString &dir)
m_sdk_sysroot = dir;
const ConstString &
GetSDKBuild () const
return m_sdk_build;
SetSDKBuild (const ConstString &sdk_build)
m_sdk_build = sdk_build;
// There may be modules that we don't want to find by default for operations like "setting breakpoint by name".
// The platform will return "true" from this call if the passed in module happens to be one of these.
virtual bool
ModuleIsExcludedForNonModuleSpecificSearches (Target &target, const lldb::ModuleSP &module_sp)
return false;
bool m_is_host;
// Set to true when we are able to actually set the OS version while
// being connected. For remote platforms, we might set the version ahead
// of time before we actually connect and this version might change when
// we actually connect to a remote platform. For the host platform this
// will be set to the once we call Host::GetOSVersion().
bool m_os_version_set_while_connected;
bool m_system_arch_set_while_connected;
ConstString m_sdk_sysroot; // the root location of where the SDK files are all located
ConstString m_sdk_build;
std::string m_remote_url;
std::string m_name;
uint32_t m_major_os_version;
uint32_t m_minor_os_version;
uint32_t m_update_os_version;
ArchSpec m_system_arch; // The architecture of the kernel or the remote platform
typedef std::map<uint32_t, ConstString> IDToNameMap;
Mutex m_uid_map_mutex;
Mutex m_gid_map_mutex;
IDToNameMap m_uid_map;
IDToNameMap m_gid_map;
uint32_t m_max_uid_name_len;
uint32_t m_max_gid_name_len;
const char *
GetCachedUserName (uint32_t uid)
Mutex::Locker locker (m_uid_map_mutex);
IDToNameMap::iterator pos = m_uid_map.find (uid);
if (pos != m_uid_map.end())
// return the empty string if our string is NULL
// so we can tell when things were in the negative
// cached (didn't find a valid user name, don't keep
// trying)
return pos->second.AsCString("");
return NULL;
const char *
SetCachedUserName (uint32_t uid, const char *name, size_t name_len)
Mutex::Locker locker (m_uid_map_mutex);
ConstString const_name (name);
m_uid_map[uid] = const_name;
if (m_max_uid_name_len < name_len)
m_max_uid_name_len = name_len;
// Const strings lives forever in our const string pool, so we can return the const char *
return const_name.GetCString();
SetUserNameNotFound (uint32_t uid)
Mutex::Locker locker (m_uid_map_mutex);
m_uid_map[uid] = ConstString();
ClearCachedUserNames ()
Mutex::Locker locker (m_uid_map_mutex);
const char *
GetCachedGroupName (uint32_t gid)
Mutex::Locker locker (m_gid_map_mutex);
IDToNameMap::iterator pos = m_gid_map.find (gid);
if (pos != m_gid_map.end())
// return the empty string if our string is NULL
// so we can tell when things were in the negative
// cached (didn't find a valid group name, don't keep
// trying)
return pos->second.AsCString("");
return NULL;
const char *
SetCachedGroupName (uint32_t gid, const char *name, size_t name_len)
Mutex::Locker locker (m_gid_map_mutex);
ConstString const_name (name);
m_gid_map[gid] = const_name;
if (m_max_gid_name_len < name_len)
m_max_gid_name_len = name_len;
// Const strings lives forever in our const string pool, so we can return the const char *
return const_name.GetCString();
SetGroupNameNotFound (uint32_t gid)
Mutex::Locker locker (m_gid_map_mutex);
m_gid_map[gid] = ConstString();
ClearCachedGroupNames ()
Mutex::Locker locker (m_gid_map_mutex);
class PlatformList
PlatformList() :
m_mutex (Mutex::eMutexTypeRecursive),
m_platforms (),
Append (const lldb::PlatformSP &platform_sp, bool set_selected)
Mutex::Locker locker (m_mutex);
m_platforms.push_back (platform_sp);
if (set_selected)
m_selected_platform_sp = m_platforms.back();
Mutex::Locker locker (m_mutex);
return m_platforms.size();
GetAtIndex (uint32_t idx)
lldb::PlatformSP platform_sp;
Mutex::Locker locker (m_mutex);
if (idx < m_platforms.size())
platform_sp = m_platforms[idx];
return platform_sp;
/// Select the active platform.
/// In order to debug remotely, other platform's can be remotely
/// connected to and set as the selected platform for any subsequent
/// debugging. This allows connection to remote targets and allows
/// the ability to discover process info, launch and attach to remote
/// processes.
GetSelectedPlatform ()
Mutex::Locker locker (m_mutex);
if (!m_selected_platform_sp && !m_platforms.empty())
m_selected_platform_sp = m_platforms.front();
return m_selected_platform_sp;
SetSelectedPlatform (const lldb::PlatformSP &platform_sp)
if (platform_sp)
Mutex::Locker locker (m_mutex);
const size_t num_platforms = m_platforms.size();
for (size_t idx=0; idx<num_platforms; ++idx)
if (m_platforms[idx].get() == platform_sp.get())
m_selected_platform_sp = m_platforms[idx];
m_platforms.push_back (platform_sp);
m_selected_platform_sp = m_platforms.back();
typedef std::vector<lldb::PlatformSP> collection;
mutable Mutex m_mutex;
collection m_platforms;
lldb::PlatformSP m_selected_platform_sp;
} // namespace lldb_private
#endif // liblldb_Platform_h_