blob: 92dbf67c4197ec33b54934d3f5e70f62f4ca54be [file] [log] [blame]
# This module is designed to live inside the "lldb" python package
# in the "lldb.macosx" package. To use this in the embedded python
# interpreter using "lldb" just import it:
# (lldb) script import lldb.macosx.heap
import lldb
import commands
import optparse
import os
import os.path
import re
import shlex
import string
import tempfile
import lldb.utils.symbolication
g_libheap_dylib_dir = None
g_libheap_dylib_dict = dict()
g_iterate_malloc_blocks_expr = '''typedef unsigned natural_t;
typedef uintptr_t vm_size_t;
typedef uintptr_t vm_address_t;
typedef natural_t task_t;
typedef int kern_return_t;
#define KERN_SUCCESS 0
typedef struct vm_range_t {
vm_address_t address;
vm_size_t size;
} vm_range_t;
typedef kern_return_t (*memory_reader_t)(task_t task, vm_address_t remote_address, vm_size_t size, void **local_memory);
typedef void (*vm_range_recorder_t)(task_t task, void *baton, unsigned type, vm_range_t *range, unsigned size);
typedef void (*range_callback_t)(task_t task, void *baton, unsigned type, uintptr_t ptr_addr, uintptr_t ptr_size);
typedef struct malloc_introspection_t {
kern_return_t (*enumerator)(task_t task, void *, unsigned type_mask, vm_address_t zone_address, memory_reader_t reader, vm_range_recorder_t recorder); /* enumerates all the malloc pointers in use */
} malloc_introspection_t;
typedef struct malloc_zone_t {
void *reserved1[12];
struct malloc_introspection_t *introspect;
} malloc_zone_t;
memory_reader_t task_peek = [](task_t task, vm_address_t remote_address, vm_size_t size, void **local_memory) -> kern_return_t {
*local_memory = (void*) remote_address;
vm_address_t *zones = 0;
unsigned int num_zones = 0;
task_t task = 0;
kern_return_t err = (kern_return_t)malloc_get_all_zones (task, task_peek, &zones, &num_zones);
if (KERN_SUCCESS == err)
for (unsigned int i=0; i<num_zones; ++i)
const malloc_zone_t *zone = (const malloc_zone_t *)zones[i];
if (zone && zone->introspect)
zone->introspect->enumerator (task,
[] (task_t task, void *baton, unsigned type, vm_range_t *ranges, unsigned size) -> void
range_callback_t callback = ((callback_baton_t *)baton)->callback;
for (unsigned i=0; i<size; ++i)
callback (task, baton, type, ranges[i].address, ranges[i].size);
def load_dylib():
target = lldb.debugger.GetSelectedTarget()
if target:
global g_libheap_dylib_dir
global g_libheap_dylib_dict
triple = target.triple
if triple in g_libheap_dylib_dict:
libheap_dylib_path = g_libheap_dylib_dict[triple]
if not g_libheap_dylib_dir:
g_libheap_dylib_dir = tempfile.gettempdir() + '/lldb-dylibs'
triple_dir = g_libheap_dylib_dir + '/' + triple + '/' + __name__
if not os.path.exists(triple_dir):
libheap_dylib_path = triple_dir + '/libheap.dylib'
g_libheap_dylib_dict[triple] = libheap_dylib_path
heap_code_directory = os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/heap'
heap_source_file = heap_code_directory + '/heap_find.cpp'
# Check if the dylib doesn't exist, or if "heap_find.cpp" is newer than the dylib
if not os.path.exists(libheap_dylib_path) or os.stat(heap_source_file).st_mtime > os.stat(libheap_dylib_path).st_mtime:
# Remake the dylib
make_command = '(cd "%s" ; make EXE="%s" ARCH=%s)' % (heap_code_directory, libheap_dylib_path, string.split(triple, '-')[0])
(make_exit_status, make_output) = commands.getstatusoutput(make_command)
if make_exit_status != 0:
return 'error: make failed: %s' % (make_output)
if os.path.exists(libheap_dylib_path):
libheap_dylib_spec = lldb.SBFileSpec(libheap_dylib_path)
if target.FindModule(libheap_dylib_spec):
return None # success, 'libheap.dylib' already loaded
process = target.GetProcess()
if process:
state = process.state
if state == lldb.eStateStopped:
error = lldb.SBError()
image_idx = process.LoadImage(libheap_dylib_spec, error)
if error.Success():
return None
if error:
return 'error: %s' % error
return 'error: "process load \'%s\'" failed' % libheap_dylib_spec
return 'error: process is not stopped'
return 'error: invalid process'
return 'error: file does not exist "%s"' % libheap_dylib_path
return 'error: invalid target'
debugger.HandleCommand('process load "%s"' % libheap_dylib_path)
if target.FindModule(libheap_dylib_spec):
return None # success, 'libheap.dylib' already loaded
return 'error: failed to load "%s"' % libheap_dylib_path
def get_member_types_for_offset(value_type, offset, member_list):
member = value_type.GetFieldAtIndex(0)
search_bases = False
if member:
if member.GetOffsetInBytes() <= offset:
for field_idx in range (value_type.GetNumberOfFields()):
member = value_type.GetFieldAtIndex(field_idx)
member_byte_offset = member.GetOffsetInBytes()
member_end_byte_offset = member_byte_offset + member.type.size
if member_byte_offset <= offset and offset < member_end_byte_offset:
get_member_types_for_offset (member.type, offset - member_byte_offset, member_list)
search_bases = True
search_bases = True
if search_bases:
for field_idx in range (value_type.GetNumberOfDirectBaseClasses()):
member = value_type.GetDirectBaseClassAtIndex(field_idx)
member_byte_offset = member.GetOffsetInBytes()
member_end_byte_offset = member_byte_offset + member.type.size
if member_byte_offset <= offset and offset < member_end_byte_offset:
get_member_types_for_offset (member.type, offset - member_byte_offset, member_list)
for field_idx in range (value_type.GetNumberOfVirtualBaseClasses()):
member = value_type.GetVirtualBaseClassAtIndex(field_idx)
member_byte_offset = member.GetOffsetInBytes()
member_end_byte_offset = member_byte_offset + member.type.size
if member_byte_offset <= offset and offset < member_end_byte_offset:
get_member_types_for_offset (member.type, offset - member_byte_offset, member_list)
def append_regex_callback(option, opt, value, parser):
ivar_regex = re.compile(value)
print 'error: an exception was thrown when compiling the ivar regular expression for "%s"' % value
def add_common_options(parser):
parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', dest='verbose', help='display verbose debug info', default=False)
parser.add_option('-t', '--type', action='store_true', dest='print_type', help='print the full value of the type for each matching malloc block', default=False)
parser.add_option('-o', '--po', action='store_true', dest='print_object_description', help='print the object descriptions for any matches', default=False)
parser.add_option('-z', '--size', action='store_true', dest='show_size', help='print the allocation size in bytes', default=False)
parser.add_option('-r', '--range', action='store_true', dest='show_range', help='print the allocation address range instead of just the allocation base address', default=False)
parser.add_option('-m', '--memory', action='store_true', dest='memory', help='dump the memory for each matching block', default=False)
parser.add_option('-f', '--format', type='string', dest='format', help='the format to use when dumping memory if --memory is specified', default=None)
parser.add_option('-I', '--omit-ivar-regex', type='string', action='callback', callback=append_regex_callback, dest='ivar_regex_blacklist', default=[], help='specify one or more regular expressions used to backlist any matches that are in ivars')
parser.add_option('-s', '--stack', action='store_true', dest='stack', help='gets the stack that allocated each malloc block if MallocStackLogging is enabled', default=False)
parser.add_option('-S', '--stack-history', action='store_true', dest='stack_history', help='gets the stack history for all allocations whose start address matches each malloc block if MallocStackLogging is enabled', default=False)
parser.add_option('-F', '--max-frames', type='int', dest='max_frames', help='the maximum number of stack frames to print when using the --stack or --stack-history options (default=128)', default=128)
parser.add_option('-H', '--max-history', type='int', dest='max_history', help='the maximum number of stack history backtraces to print for each allocation when using the --stack-history option (default=16)', default=16)
parser.add_option('-M', '--max-matches', type='int', dest='max_matches', help='the maximum number of matches to print', default=256)
parser.add_option('-O', '--offset', type='int', dest='offset', help='the matching data must be at this offset', default=-1)
parser.add_option('-V', '--vm-regions', action='store_true', dest='check_vm_regions', help='Also check the VM regions', default=False)
def type_flags_to_string(type_flags):
if type_flags == 0:
type_str = 'free'
elif type_flags & 2:
type_str = 'malloc'
elif type_flags & 4:
type_str = 'free'
elif type_flags & 1:
type_str = 'generic'
elif type_flags & 8:
type_str = 'stack'
type_str = hex(type_flags)
return type_str
def type_flags_to_description(type_flags, addr, ptr_addr, ptr_size):
if type_flags == 0 or type_flags & 4:
type_str = 'free(%#x)' % (ptr_addr,)
elif type_flags & 2 or type_flags & 1:
type_str = 'malloc(%5u) -> %#x' % (ptr_size, ptr_addr)
elif type_flags & 8:
type_str = 'stack @ %#x' % (addr,)
type_str = hex(type_flags)
return type_str
def dump_stack_history_entry(options, result, stack_history_entry, idx):
address = int(stack_history_entry.address)
if address:
type_flags = int(stack_history_entry.type_flags)
symbolicator = lldb.utils.symbolication.Symbolicator() = lldb.debugger.GetSelectedTarget()
type_str = type_flags_to_string(type_flags)
result.AppendMessage('stack[%u]: addr = 0x%x, type=%s, frames:' % (idx, address, type_str))
frame_idx = 0
idx = 0
pc = int(stack_history_entry.frames[idx])
while pc != 0:
if pc >= 0x1000:
frames = symbolicator.symbolicate(pc)
if frames:
for frame in frames:
result.AppendMessage(' [%u] %s' % (frame_idx, frame))
frame_idx += 1
result.AppendMessage(' [%u] 0x%x' % (frame_idx, pc))
frame_idx += 1
idx = idx + 1
pc = int(stack_history_entry.frames[idx])
pc = 0
if idx >= options.max_frames:
result.AppendMessage('warning: the max number of stack frames (%u) was reached, use the "--max-frames=<COUNT>" option to see more frames' % (options.max_frames))
def dump_stack_history_entries(options, result, addr, history):
# malloc_stack_entry *get_stack_history_for_address (const void * addr)
expr = 'get_stack_history_for_address((void *)0x%x, %u)' % (addr, history)
frame = lldb.debugger.GetSelectedTarget().GetProcess().GetSelectedThread().GetSelectedFrame()
expr_sbvalue = frame.EvaluateExpression (expr)
if expr_sbvalue.error.Success():
if expr_sbvalue.unsigned:
expr_value = lldb.value(expr_sbvalue)
idx = 0;
stack_history_entry = expr_value[idx]
while int(stack_history_entry.address) != 0:
dump_stack_history_entry(options, result, stack_history_entry, idx)
idx = idx + 1
stack_history_entry = expr_value[idx]
result.AppendMessage('"%s" returned zero' % (expr))
result.AppendMessage('error: expression failed "%s" => %s' % (expr, expr_sbvalue.error))
def dump_stack_history_entries2(options, result, addr, history):
# malloc_stack_entry *get_stack_history_for_address (const void * addr)
single_expr = '''typedef int kern_return_t;
#define MAX_FRAMES %u
typedef struct $malloc_stack_entry {
uint64_t address;
uint64_t argument;
uint32_t type_flags;
uint32_t num_frames;
uint64_t frames[512];
kern_return_t err;
} $malloc_stack_entry;
typedef unsigned task_t;
$malloc_stack_entry stack;
stack.address = 0x%x;
stack.type_flags = 2;
stack.num_frames = 0;
stack.frames[0] = 0;
uint32_t max_stack_frames = MAX_FRAMES;
stack.err = (kern_return_t)__mach_stack_logging_get_frames (
if (stack.num_frames < MAX_FRAMES)
stack.frames[stack.num_frames] = 0;
stack.frames[MAX_FRAMES-1] = 0;
stack''' % (options.max_frames, addr);
history_expr = '''typedef int kern_return_t;
typedef unsigned task_t;
#define MAX_FRAMES %u
#define MAX_HISTORY %u
typedef struct mach_stack_logging_record_t {
uint32_t type_flags;
uint64_t stack_identifier;
uint64_t argument;
uint64_t address;
} mach_stack_logging_record_t;
typedef void (*enumerate_callback_t)(mach_stack_logging_record_t, void *);
typedef struct malloc_stack_entry {
uint64_t address;
uint64_t argument;
uint32_t type_flags;
uint32_t num_frames;
uint64_t frames[MAX_FRAMES];
kern_return_t frames_err;
} malloc_stack_entry;
typedef struct $malloc_stack_history {
task_t task;
unsigned idx;
malloc_stack_entry entries[MAX_HISTORY];
} $malloc_stack_history;
$malloc_stack_history info = { (task_t)mach_task_self(), 0 };
uint32_t max_stack_frames = MAX_FRAMES;
enumerate_callback_t callback = [] (mach_stack_logging_record_t stack_record, void *baton) -> void {
$malloc_stack_history *info = ($malloc_stack_history *)baton;
if (info->idx < MAX_HISTORY) {
malloc_stack_entry *stack_entry = &(info->entries[info->idx]);
stack_entry->address = stack_record.address;
stack_entry->type_flags = stack_record.type_flags;
stack_entry->argument = stack_record.argument;
stack_entry->num_frames = 0;
stack_entry->frames[0] = 0;
stack_entry->frames_err = (kern_return_t)__mach_stack_logging_frames_for_uniqued_stack (
// Terminate the frames with zero if there is room
if (stack_entry->num_frames < MAX_FRAMES)
stack_entry->frames[stack_entry->num_frames] = 0;
(kern_return_t)__mach_stack_logging_enumerate_records (info.task, (uint64_t)0x%x, callback, &info);
info''' % (options.max_frames, options.max_history, addr);
frame = lldb.debugger.GetSelectedTarget().GetProcess().GetSelectedThread().GetSelectedFrame()
if history:
expr = history_expr
expr = single_expr
expr_sbvalue = frame.EvaluateExpression (expr)
if options.verbose:
print "expression:"
print expr
print "expression result:"
print expr_sbvalue
if expr_sbvalue.error.Success():
if history:
malloc_stack_history = lldb.value(expr_sbvalue)
num_stacks = int(malloc_stack_history.idx)
if num_stacks <= options.max_history:
i_max = num_stacks
i_max = options.max_history
for i in range(i_max):
stack_history_entry = malloc_stack_history.entries[i]
dump_stack_history_entry(options, result, stack_history_entry, i)
if num_stacks > options.max_history:
result.AppendMessage('warning: the max number of stacks (%u) was reached, use the "--max-history=%u" option to see all of the stacks' % (options.max_history, num_stacks))
stack_history_entry = lldb.value(expr_sbvalue)
dump_stack_history_entry(options, result, stack_history_entry, 0)
result.AppendMessage('error: expression failed "%s" => %s' % (expr, expr_sbvalue.error))
def display_match_results (result, options, arg_str_description, expr, print_no_matches = True):
frame = lldb.debugger.GetSelectedTarget().GetProcess().GetSelectedThread().GetSelectedFrame()
if not frame:
result.AppendMessage('error: invalid frame')
return 0
expr_sbvalue = frame.EvaluateExpression (expr)
if options.verbose:
print "expression:"
print expr
print "expression result:"
print expr_sbvalue
if expr_sbvalue.error.Success():
if expr_sbvalue.unsigned:
match_value = lldb.value(expr_sbvalue)
i = 0
match_idx = 0
while 1:
print_entry = True
match_entry = match_value[i]; i += 1
if i > options.max_matches:
result.AppendMessage('warning: the max number of matches (%u) was reached, use the --max-matches option to get more results' % (options.max_matches))
malloc_addr = match_entry.addr.sbvalue.unsigned
if malloc_addr == 0:
malloc_size = int(match_entry.size)
offset = int(match_entry.offset)
if options.offset >= 0 and options.offset != offset:
print_entry = False
match_addr = malloc_addr + offset
dynamic_value = match_entry.addr.sbvalue.GetDynamicValue(lldb.eDynamicCanRunTarget)
type_flags = int(match_entry.type)
description = '%#16.16x: %s ' % (match_addr, type_flags_to_description(type_flags, match_addr, malloc_addr, malloc_size))
if options.show_size:
description += '<%5u> ' % (malloc_size)
if options.show_range:
if offset > 0:
description += '[%#x - %#x) + %-6u ' % (malloc_addr, malloc_addr + malloc_size, offset)
description += '[%#x - %#x)' % (malloc_addr, malloc_addr + malloc_size)
if options.type != 'isa':
description += ' + %-6u ' % (offset,)
derefed_dynamic_value = None
if == 'void *':
if options.type == 'pointer' and malloc_size == 4096:
error = lldb.SBError()
process = expr_sbvalue.GetProcess()
target = expr_sbvalue.GetTarget()
data = bytearray(process.ReadMemory(malloc_addr, 16, error))
if data == '\xa1\xa1\xa1\xa1AUTORELEASE!':
ptr_size = target.addr_size
thread = process.ReadUnsignedFromMemory (malloc_addr + 16 + ptr_size, ptr_size, error)
# 4 bytes 0xa1a1a1a1
# 12 bytes 'AUTORELEASE!'
# ptr bytes autorelease insertion point
# ptr bytes pthread_t
# ptr bytes next colder page
# ptr bytes next hotter page
# 4 bytes this page's depth in the list
# 4 bytes high-water mark
description += 'AUTORELEASE! for pthread_t %#x' % (thread)
description += 'malloc(%u)' % (malloc_size)
description += 'malloc(%u)' % (malloc_size)
derefed_dynamic_value = dynamic_value.deref
if derefed_dynamic_value:
derefed_dynamic_type = derefed_dynamic_value.type
derefed_dynamic_type_size = derefed_dynamic_type.size
derefed_dynamic_type_name =
description += derefed_dynamic_type_name
if offset < derefed_dynamic_type_size:
member_list = list();
get_member_types_for_offset (derefed_dynamic_type, offset, member_list)
if member_list:
member_path = ''
for member in member_list:
member_name =
if member_name:
if member_path:
member_path += '.'
member_path += member_name
if member_path:
if options.ivar_regex_blacklist:
for ivar_regex in options.ivar_regex_blacklist:
if ivar_regex.match(member_path):
print_entry = False
description += '.%s' % (member_path)
description += '%u bytes after %s' % (offset - derefed_dynamic_type_size, derefed_dynamic_type_name)
# strip the "*" from the end of the name since we were unable to dereference this
description +=[0:-1]
if print_entry:
match_idx += 1
result_output = ''
if description:
result_output += description
if options.print_type and derefed_dynamic_value:
result_output += '%s' % (derefed_dynamic_value)
if options.print_object_description and dynamic_value:
desc = dynamic_value.GetObjectDescription()
if desc:
result_output += '\n%s' % (desc)
if result_output:
if options.memory:
cmd_result = lldb.SBCommandReturnObject()
if options.format == None:
memory_command = "memory read --force 0x%x 0x%x" % (malloc_addr, malloc_addr + malloc_size)
memory_command = "memory read --force -f %s 0x%x 0x%x" % (options.format, malloc_addr, malloc_addr + malloc_size)
if options.verbose:
lldb.debugger.GetCommandInterpreter().HandleCommand(memory_command, cmd_result)
if options.stack_history:
dump_stack_history_entries2(options, result, malloc_addr, 1)
elif options.stack:
dump_stack_history_entries2(options, result, malloc_addr, 0)
return i
elif print_no_matches:
result.AppendMessage('no matches found for %s' % (arg_str_description))
return 0
def heap_search(result, options, arg_str):
dylid_load_err = load_dylib()
if dylid_load_err:
expr = None
print_no_matches = True
arg_str_description = arg_str
if options.type == 'pointer':
expr = 'find_pointer_in_heap((void *)%s, (int)%u)' % (arg_str, options.check_vm_regions)
arg_str_description = 'malloc block containing pointer %s' % arg_str
if options.format == None:
options.format = "A" # 'A' is "address" format
elif options.type == 'isa':
expr = 'find_objc_objects_in_memory ((void *)%s, (int)%u)' % (arg_str, options.check_vm_regions)
#result.AppendMessage ('expr -u0 -- %s' % expr) # REMOVE THIS LINE
arg_str_description = 'objective C classes with isa %s' % arg_str
options.offset = 0
if options.format == None:
options.format = "A" # 'A' is "address" format
elif options.type == 'cstr':
expr = 'find_cstring_in_heap("%s", (int)%u)' % (arg_str, options.check_vm_regions)
arg_str_description = 'malloc block containing "%s"' % arg_str
elif options.type == 'addr':
expr = 'find_block_for_address((void *)%s, (int)%u)' % (arg_str, options.check_vm_regions)
arg_str_description = 'malloc block for %s' % arg_str
elif options.type == 'all':
expr = 'get_heap_info(1)'
arg_str_description = None
print_no_matches = False
result.AppendMessage('error: invalid type "%s"\nvalid values are "pointer", "cstr"' % options.type)
if options.format == None:
options.format = "Y" # 'Y' is "bytes with ASCII" format
display_match_results (result, options, arg_str_description, expr)
def get_ptr_refs_options ():
usage = "usage: %prog [options] <EXPR> [EXPR ...]"
description='''Searches all allocations on the heap for pointer values on
darwin user space programs. Any matches that were found will dump the malloc
blocks that contain the pointers and might be able to print what kind of
objects the pointers are contained in using dynamic type information in the
parser = optparse.OptionParser(description=description, prog='ptr_refs',usage=usage)
return parser
def ptr_refs(debugger, command, result, dict):
command_args = shlex.split(command)
parser = get_ptr_refs_options()
(options, args) = parser.parse_args(command_args)
process = lldb.debugger.GetSelectedTarget().GetProcess()
if not process:
result.AppendMessage('error: invalid process')
frame = process.GetSelectedThread().GetSelectedFrame()
if not frame:
result.AppendMessage('error: invalid frame')
options.type = 'pointer'
if options.format == None:
options.format = "A" # 'A' is "address" format
if args:
# When we initialize the expression, we must define any types that
# we will need when looking at every allocation. We must also define
# a type named callback_baton_t and make an instance named "baton"
# and initialize it how ever we want to. The address of "baton" will
# be passed into our range callback. callback_baton_t must contain
# a member named "callback" whose type is "range_callback_t". This
# will be used by our zone callbacks to call the range callback for
# each malloc range.
init_expr_format = '''
struct $malloc_match {
void *addr;
uintptr_t size;
uintptr_t offset;
uintptr_t type;
typedef struct callback_baton_t {
range_callback_t callback;
unsigned num_matches;
$malloc_match matches[%u];
void *ptr;
} callback_baton_t;
range_callback_t range_callback = [](task_t task, void *baton, unsigned type, uintptr_t ptr_addr, uintptr_t ptr_size) -> void {
callback_baton_t *info = (callback_baton_t *)baton;
typedef void* T;
const unsigned size = sizeof(T);
T *array = (T*)ptr_addr;
for (unsigned idx = 0; ((idx + 1) * sizeof(T)) <= ptr_size; ++idx) {
if (array[idx] == info->ptr) {
if (info->num_matches < sizeof(info->matches)/sizeof($malloc_match)) {
info->matches[info->num_matches].addr = (void*)ptr_addr;
info->matches[info->num_matches].size = ptr_size;
info->matches[info->num_matches].offset = idx*sizeof(T);
info->matches[info->num_matches].type = type;
callback_baton_t baton = { range_callback, 0, {0}, (void *)%s };
# We must also define a snippet of code to be run that returns
# the result of the expression we run.
# Here we return NULL if our pointer was not found in any malloc blocks,
# and we return the address of the matches array so we can then access
# the matching results
return_expr = '''
for (uint32_t i=0; i<NUM_STACKS; ++i)
range_callback (task, &baton, 8, stacks[i].base, stacks[i].size);
# Iterate through all of our pointer expressions and display the results
for ptr_expr in args:
init_expr = init_expr_format % (options.max_matches, ptr_expr)
stack_info = get_thread_stack_ranges_struct (process)
if stack_info:
init_expr += stack_info
expr = g_iterate_malloc_blocks_expr % (init_expr, return_expr)
arg_str_description = 'malloc block containing pointer %s' % ptr_expr
display_match_results (result, options, arg_str_description, expr)
result.AppendMessage('error: no pointer arguments were given')
def get_cstr_refs_options():
usage = "usage: %prog [options] <CSTR> [CSTR ...]"
description='''Searches all allocations on the heap for C string values on
darwin user space programs. Any matches that were found will dump the malloc
blocks that contain the C strings and might be able to print what kind of
objects the pointers are contained in using dynamic type information in the
parser = optparse.OptionParser(description=description, prog='cstr_refs',usage=usage)
return parser
def cstr_refs(debugger, command, result, dict):
command_args = shlex.split(command)
parser = get_cstr_refs_options();
(options, args) = parser.parse_args(command_args)
frame = lldb.debugger.GetSelectedTarget().GetProcess().GetSelectedThread().GetSelectedFrame()
if not frame:
result.AppendMessage('error: invalid frame')
options.type = 'cstr'
if options.format == None:
options.format = "Y" # 'Y' is "bytes with ASCII" format
if args:
# When we initialize the expression, we must define any types that
# we will need when looking at every allocation. We must also define
# a type named callback_baton_t and make an instance named "baton"
# and initialize it how ever we want to. The address of "baton" will
# be passed into our range callback. callback_baton_t must contain
# a member named "callback" whose type is "range_callback_t". This
# will be used by our zone callbacks to call the range callback for
# each malloc range.
init_expr_format = '''struct $malloc_match {
void *addr;
uintptr_t size;
uintptr_t offset;
uintptr_t type;
typedef struct callback_baton_t {
range_callback_t callback;
unsigned num_matches;
$malloc_match matches[%u];
const char *cstr;
unsigned cstr_len;
} callback_baton_t;
range_callback_t range_callback = [](task_t task, void *baton, unsigned type, uintptr_t ptr_addr, uintptr_t ptr_size) -> void {
callback_baton_t *info = (callback_baton_t *)baton;
if (info->cstr_len < ptr_size) {
const char *begin = (const char *)ptr_addr;
const char *end = begin + ptr_size - info->cstr_len;
for (const char *s = begin; s < end; ++s) {
if ((int)memcmp(s, info->cstr, info->cstr_len) == 0) {
if (info->num_matches < sizeof(info->matches)/sizeof($malloc_match)) {
info->matches[info->num_matches].addr = (void*)ptr_addr;
info->matches[info->num_matches].size = ptr_size;
info->matches[info->num_matches].offset = s - begin;
info->matches[info->num_matches].type = type;
const char *cstr = "%s";
callback_baton_t baton = { range_callback, 0, {0}, cstr, (unsigned)strlen(cstr) };'''
# We must also define a snippet of code to be run that returns
# the result of the expression we run.
# Here we return NULL if our pointer was not found in any malloc blocks,
# and we return the address of the matches array so we can then access
# the matching results
return_expr = '$malloc_match *result = baton.num_matches ? baton.matches : ($malloc_match *)0; result'
# Iterate through all of our pointer expressions and display the results
for cstr in args:
init_expr = init_expr_format % (options.max_matches, cstr)
expr = g_iterate_malloc_blocks_expr % (init_expr, return_expr)
arg_str_description = 'malloc block containing "%s"' % cstr
display_match_results (result, options, arg_str_description, expr)
result.AppendMessage('error: command takes one or more C string arguments')
def get_malloc_info_options():
usage = "usage: %prog [options] <EXPR> [EXPR ...]"
description='''Searches the heap a malloc block that contains the addresses
specified as one or more address expressions. Any matches that were found will
dump the malloc blocks that match or contain the specified address. The matching
blocks might be able to show what kind of objects they are using dynamic type
information in the program.'''
parser = optparse.OptionParser(description=description, prog='malloc_info',usage=usage)
return parser
def malloc_info(debugger, command, result, dict):
command_args = shlex.split(command)
parser = get_malloc_info_options()
(options, args) = parser.parse_args(command_args)
options.type = 'addr'
init_expr_format = '''struct $malloc_match {
void *addr;
uintptr_t size;
uintptr_t offset;
uintptr_t type;
typedef struct callback_baton_t {
range_callback_t callback;
unsigned num_matches;
$malloc_match matches[2]; // Two items so they can be NULL terminated
void *ptr;
} callback_baton_t;
range_callback_t range_callback = [](task_t task, void *baton, unsigned type, uintptr_t ptr_addr, uintptr_t ptr_size) -> void {
callback_baton_t *info = (callback_baton_t *)baton;
if (info->num_matches == 0) {
uint8_t *p = (uint8_t *)info->ptr;
uint8_t *lo = (uint8_t *)ptr_addr;
uint8_t *hi = lo + ptr_size;
if (lo <= p && p < hi) {
info->matches[info->num_matches].addr = (void*)ptr_addr;
info->matches[info->num_matches].size = ptr_size;
info->matches[info->num_matches].offset = p - lo;
info->matches[info->num_matches].type = type;
info->num_matches = 1;
callback_baton_t baton = { range_callback, 0, {0}, (void *)%s };
baton.matches[1].addr = 0;'''
if args:
frame = lldb.debugger.GetSelectedTarget().GetProcess().GetSelectedThread().GetSelectedFrame()
if frame:
for ptr_expr in args:
init_expr = init_expr_format % (ptr_expr)
expr = g_iterate_malloc_blocks_expr % (init_expr, 'baton.matches')
arg_str_description = 'malloc block that contains %s' % ptr_expr
display_match_results (result, options, arg_str_description, expr)
result.AppendMessage('error: invalid frame')
result.AppendMessage('error: command takes one or more pointer expressions')
def heap(debugger, command, result, dict):
command_args = shlex.split(command)
usage = "usage: %prog [options] <EXPR> [EXPR ...]"
description='''Traverse all allocations on the heap and report statistics.
If programs set the MallocStackLogging=1 in the environment, then stack
history is available for any allocations. '''
parser = optparse.OptionParser(description=description, prog='heap',usage=usage)
(options, args) = parser.parse_args(command_args)
options.type = 'all'
if args:
result.AppendMessage('error: heap command takes no arguments, only options')
heap_search (result, options, None)
def get_thread_stack_ranges_struct (process):
stack_dicts = list()
if process:
i = 0;
for thread in process:
min_sp = thread.frame[0].sp
max_sp = min_sp
for frame in thread.frames:
sp = frame.sp
if sp < min_sp: min_sp = sp
if sp > max_sp: max_sp = sp
if min_sp < max_sp:
stack_dicts.append ({ 'tid' : thread.GetThreadID(), 'base' : min_sp , 'size' : max_sp-min_sp, 'index' : i })
i += 1
stack_dicts_len = len(stack_dicts)
if stack_dicts_len > 0:
result = '''#define NUM_STACKS %u
typedef struct thread_stack_t { uint64_t tid, base, size; } thread_stack_t;
thread_stack_t stacks[NUM_STACKS];
''' % (stack_dicts_len,)
for stack_dict in stack_dicts:
result += '''stacks[%(index)u].tid = 0x%(tid)x;
stacks[%(index)u].base = 0x%(base)x;
stacks[%(index)u].size = 0x%(size)x;
''' % stack_dict
return result
return None
def stack_ptr_refs(debugger, command, result, dict):
command_args = shlex.split(command)
usage = "usage: %prog [options] <EXPR> [EXPR ...]"
description='''Searches thread stack contents for pointer values in darwin user space programs.'''
parser = optparse.OptionParser(description=description, prog='stack_ptr_refs',usage=usage)
(options, args) = parser.parse_args(command_args)
options.type = 'pointer'
stack_threads = list()
stack_bases = list()
stack_sizes = list()
process = lldb.debugger.GetSelectedTarget().GetProcess()
for thread in process:
min_sp = thread.frame[0].sp
max_sp = min_sp
for frame in thread.frames:
sp = frame.sp
if sp < min_sp: min_sp = sp
if sp > max_sp: max_sp = sp
result.AppendMessage ('%s stack [%#x - %#x)' % (thread, min_sp, max_sp))
if min_sp < max_sp:
stack_threads.append (thread)
stack_bases.append (min_sp)
stack_sizes.append (max_sp-min_sp)
if stack_bases:
dylid_load_err = load_dylib()
if dylid_load_err:
frame = process.GetSelectedThread().GetSelectedFrame()
for expr_str in args:
for (idx, stack_base) in enumerate(stack_bases):
stack_size = stack_sizes[idx]
expr = 'find_pointer_in_memory(0x%xllu, %ullu, (void *)%s)' % (stack_base, stack_size, expr_str)
arg_str_description = 'thead %s stack containing "%s"' % (stack_threads[idx], expr_str)
num_matches = display_match_results (result, options, arg_str_description, expr, False)
if num_matches:
if num_matches < options.max_matches:
options.max_matches = options.max_matches - num_matches
options.max_matches = 0
if options.max_matches == 0:
result.AppendMessage('error: no thread stacks were found that match any of %s' % (', '.join(options.section_names)))
def section_ptr_refs(debugger, command, result, dict):
command_args = shlex.split(command)
usage = "usage: %prog [options] <EXPR> [EXPR ...]"
description='''Searches section contents for pointer values in darwin user space programs.'''
parser = optparse.OptionParser(description=description, prog='section_ptr_refs',usage=usage)
parser.add_option('--section', action='append', type='string', dest='section_names', help='section name to search', default=list())
(options, args) = parser.parse_args(command_args)
options.type = 'pointer'
sections = list()
section_modules = list()
if not options.section_names:
result.AppendMessage('error: at least one section must be specified with the --section option')
target = lldb.debugger.GetSelectedTarget()
for module in target.modules:
for section_name in options.section_names:
section = module.section[section_name]
if section:
sections.append (section)
section_modules.append (module)
if sections:
dylid_load_err = load_dylib()
if dylid_load_err:
frame = target.GetProcess().GetSelectedThread().GetSelectedFrame()
for expr_str in args:
for (idx, section) in enumerate(sections):
expr = 'find_pointer_in_memory(0x%xllu, %ullu, (void *)%s)' % (section.addr.load_addr, section.size, expr_str)
arg_str_description = 'section %s.%s containing "%s"' % (section_modules[idx].file.fullpath,, expr_str)
num_matches = display_match_results (result, options, arg_str_description, expr, False)
if num_matches:
if num_matches < options.max_matches:
options.max_matches = options.max_matches - num_matches
options.max_matches = 0
if options.max_matches == 0:
result.AppendMessage('error: no sections were found that match any of %s' % (', '.join(options.section_names)))
def get_objc_refs_options():
usage = "usage: %prog [options] <CLASS> [CLASS ...]"
description='''Searches all allocations on the heap for instances of
objective C classes, or any classes that inherit from the specified classes
in darwin user space programs. Any matches that were found will dump the malloc
blocks that contain the C strings and might be able to print what kind of
objects the pointers are contained in using dynamic type information in the
parser = optparse.OptionParser(description=description, prog='objc_refs',usage=usage)
return parser
def objc_refs(debugger, command, result, dict):
command_args = shlex.split(command)
parser = get_objc_refs_options()
(options, args) = parser.parse_args(command_args)
frame = lldb.debugger.GetSelectedTarget().GetProcess().GetSelectedThread().GetSelectedFrame()
if not frame:
result.AppendMessage('error: invalid frame')
options.type = 'isa'
if options.format == None:
options.format = "A" # 'A' is "address" format
num_objc_classes_value = frame.EvaluateExpression("(int)objc_getClassList((void *)0, (int)0)")
if not num_objc_classes_value.error.Success():
result.AppendMessage('error: %s' % num_objc_classes_value.error.GetCString())
num_objc_classes = num_objc_classes_value.GetValueAsUnsigned()
if num_objc_classes == 0:
result.AppendMessage('error: no objective C classes in program')
if args:
# When we initialize the expression, we must define any types that
# we will need when looking at every allocation. We must also define
# a type named callback_baton_t and make an instance named "baton"
# and initialize it how ever we want to. The address of "baton" will
# be passed into our range callback. callback_baton_t must contain
# a member named "callback" whose type is "range_callback_t". This
# will be used by our zone callbacks to call the range callback for
# each malloc range.
init_expr_format = '''struct $malloc_match {
void *addr;
uintptr_t size;
uintptr_t offset;
uintptr_t type;
typedef int (*compare_callback_t)(const void *a, const void *b);
typedef struct callback_baton_t {
range_callback_t callback;
compare_callback_t compare_callback;
unsigned num_matches;
$malloc_match matches[%u];
void *isa;
Class classes[%u];
} callback_baton_t;
compare_callback_t compare_callback = [](const void *a, const void *b) -> int {
Class a_ptr = *(Class *)a;
Class b_ptr = *(Class *)b;
if (a_ptr < b_ptr) return -1;
if (a_ptr > b_ptr) return +1;
return 0;
range_callback_t range_callback = [](task_t task, void *baton, unsigned type, uintptr_t ptr_addr, uintptr_t ptr_size) -> void {
callback_baton_t *info = (callback_baton_t *)baton;
if (sizeof(Class) <= ptr_size) {
Class *curr_class_ptr = (Class *)ptr_addr;
Class *matching_class_ptr = (Class *)bsearch (curr_class_ptr,
(const void *)info->classes,
if (matching_class_ptr) {
bool match = false;
if (info->isa) {
Class isa = *curr_class_ptr;
if (info->isa == isa)
match = true;
else { // if (info->objc.match_superclasses) {
Class super = (Class)class_getSuperclass(isa);
while (super) {
if (super == info->isa) {
match = true;
super = (Class)class_getSuperclass(super);
match = true;
if (match) {
if (info->num_matches < sizeof(info->matches)/sizeof($malloc_match)) {
info->matches[info->num_matches].addr = (void*)ptr_addr;
info->matches[info->num_matches].size = ptr_size;
info->matches[info->num_matches].offset = 0;
info->matches[info->num_matches].type = type;
callback_baton_t baton = { range_callback, compare_callback, 0, {0}, (void *)0x%x, {0} };
int nc = (int)objc_getClassList(baton.classes, sizeof(baton.classes)/sizeof(Class));
(void)qsort (baton.classes, sizeof(baton.classes)/sizeof(Class), sizeof(Class), compare_callback);'''
# We must also define a snippet of code to be run that returns
# the result of the expression we run.
# Here we return NULL if our pointer was not found in any malloc blocks,
# and we return the address of the matches array so we can then access
# the matching results
return_expr = '$malloc_match *result = baton.num_matches ? baton.matches : ($malloc_match *)0; result'
# Iterate through all of our ObjC class name arguments
for class_name in args:
addr_expr_str = "(void *)[%s class]" % class_name
expr_sbvalue = frame.EvaluateExpression (addr_expr_str)
if expr_sbvalue.error.Success():
isa = expr_sbvalue.unsigned
if isa:
options.type = 'isa'
result.AppendMessage('Searching for all instances of classes or subclasses of %s (isa=0x%x)' % (class_name, isa))
init_expr = init_expr_format % (options.max_matches, num_objc_classes, isa)
expr = g_iterate_malloc_blocks_expr % (init_expr, return_expr)
arg_str_description = 'objective C classes with isa 0x%x' % isa
display_match_results (result, options, arg_str_description, expr)
result.AppendMessage('error: Can\'t find isa for an ObjC class named "%s"' % (class_name))
result.AppendMessage('error: expression error for "%s": %s' % (addr_expr_str, expr_sbvalue.error))
result.AppendMessage('error: command takes one or more C string arguments');
if __name__ == '__main__':
lldb.debugger = lldb.SBDebugger.Create()
# This initializer is being run from LLDB in the embedded command interpreter
# Add any commands contained in this module to LLDB
if __package__:
package_name = __package__ + '.' + __name__
package_name = __name__
# Make the options so we can generate the help text for the new LLDB
# command line command prior to registering it with LLDB below. This way
# if clients in LLDB type "help malloc_info", they will see the exact same
# output as typing "malloc_info --help".
ptr_refs.__doc__ = get_ptr_refs_options().format_help()
cstr_refs.__doc__ = get_cstr_refs_options().format_help()
malloc_info.__doc__ = get_malloc_info_options().format_help()
objc_refs.__doc__ = get_objc_refs_options().format_help()
lldb.debugger.HandleCommand('command script add -f %s.ptr_refs ptr_refs' % package_name)
lldb.debugger.HandleCommand('command script add -f %s.cstr_refs cstr_refs' % package_name)
lldb.debugger.HandleCommand('command script add -f %s.malloc_info malloc_info' % package_name)
# lldb.debugger.HandleCommand('command script add -f %s.heap heap' % package_name)
# lldb.debugger.HandleCommand('command script add -f %s.section_ptr_refs section_ptr_refs' % package_name)
# lldb.debugger.HandleCommand('command script add -f %s.stack_ptr_refs stack_ptr_refs' % package_name)
lldb.debugger.HandleCommand('command script add -f %s.objc_refs objc_refs' % package_name)
print '"malloc_info", "ptr_refs", "cstr_refs", and "objc_refs" commands have been installed, use the "--help" options on these commands for detailed help.'