blob: bf8120f2b890fb359db9b9e5050a3c2454ed515d [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- Metric.cpp ----------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include "Metric.h"
#include "CFCMutableArray.h"
#include "CFCMutableDictionary.h"
#include "CFCString.h"
#include "MemoryGauge.h"
using namespace lldb_perf;
template <class T>
Metric<T>::Metric () : Metric ("")
template <class T>
Metric<T>::Metric (const char* n, const char* d) :
m_name(n ? n : ""),
m_description(d ? d : ""),
m_dataset ()
template <class T>
Metric<T>::Append (T v)
template <class T>
Metric<T>::GetCount () const
return m_dataset.size();
template <class T>
Metric<T>::GetSum () const
T sum = 0;
for (auto v : m_dataset)
sum += v;
return sum;
template <class T>
Metric<T>::GetAverage () const
return GetSum()/GetCount();
template <>
void Metric<double>::WriteImpl (CFCMutableDictionary& parent_dict, const char *name, const char *description, double value)
assert(name && name[0]);
CFCMutableDictionary dict;
if (description && description[0])
dict.AddValueCString(CFCString("description").get(),description, true);
dict.AddValueDouble(CFCString("value").get(),value, true);
parent_dict.AddValue(CFCString(name).get(), dict.get(), true);
template <>
void Metric<MemoryStats>::WriteImpl (CFCMutableDictionary& parent_dict, const char *name, const char *description, MemoryStats value)
CFCMutableDictionary dict;
if (description && description[0])
dict.AddValueCString(CFCString("description").get(),description, true);
CFCMutableDictionary value_dict;
// don't write out the "virtual size", it doesn't mean anything useful as it includes
// all of the shared cache and many other things that make it way too big to be useful
//value_dict.AddValueUInt64(CFCString("virtual").get(), value.GetVirtualSize(), true);
value_dict.AddValueUInt64(CFCString("resident").get(), value.GetResidentSize(), true);
value_dict.AddValueUInt64(CFCString("max_resident").get(), value.GetMaxResidentSize(), true);
dict.AddValue(CFCString("value").get(),value_dict.get(), true);
parent_dict.AddValue(CFCString(name).get(), dict.get(), true);
template class lldb_perf::Metric<double>;
template class lldb_perf::Metric<MemoryStats>;