blob: db1e8cbef12eceefca1b2950d34321f2195fb869 [file] [log] [blame]
# Be sure to add the python path that points to the LLDB shared library.
# # To use this in the embedded python interpreter using "lldb" just
# import it with the full path using the "command script import"
# command
# (lldb) command script import /path/to/
import commands
import platform
import os
import sys
# Just try for LLDB in case PYTHONPATH is already correctly setup
import lldb
except ImportError:
lldb_python_dirs = list()
# lldb is not in the PYTHONPATH, try some defaults for the current platform
platform_system = platform.system()
if platform_system == 'Darwin':
# On Darwin, try the currently selected Xcode directory
xcode_dir = commands.getoutput("xcode-select --print-path")
if xcode_dir:
lldb_python_dirs.append(os.path.realpath(xcode_dir + '/../SharedFrameworks/LLDB.framework/Resources/Python'))
lldb_python_dirs.append(xcode_dir + '/Library/PrivateFrameworks/LLDB.framework/Resources/Python')
success = False
for lldb_python_dir in lldb_python_dirs:
if os.path.exists(lldb_python_dir):
if not (sys.path.__contains__(lldb_python_dir)):
import lldb
except ImportError:
print 'imported lldb from: "%s"' % (lldb_python_dir)
success = True
if not success:
print "error: couldn't locate the 'lldb' module, please set PYTHONPATH correctly"
import commands
import optparse
import shlex
import time
def create_types_options():
usage = "usage: %prog [options]"
description='''This command will help you verify that types in your program
are packed efficiently by showing all types and their sizes and showing the
padding bytes that waste space.
parser = optparse.OptionParser(description=description, prog='framestats',usage=usage)
parser.add_option('-a', '--arch', type='string', dest='arch', help='The architecture to use when creating the debug target.', default=None)
parser.add_option('-p', '--platform', type='string', metavar='platform', dest='platform', help='specify one platform by name')
parser.add_option('-m', '--module', action='append', type='string', metavar='MODULE', dest='modules', help='Specify one or more modules which will be used to verify the types.', default=[])
parser.add_option('-t', '--type', action='append', type='string', metavar='TYPENAME', dest='typenames', help='Specify one or more type names which should be verified. If no type names are specified, all class and struct types will be verified.', default=[])
parser.add_option('-d', '--debug', action='store_true', dest='debug', help='Pause 10 seconds to wait for a debugger to attach.', default=False)
parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', dest='verbose', default=False)
return parser
def verify_type (target, type):
print type
typename = type.GetName()
# print 'type: %s' % (typename)
(end_offset, padding) = verify_type_recursive (target, type, None, 0, 0, 0)
byte_size = type.GetByteSize()
# if end_offset < byte_size:
# last_member_padding = byte_size - end_offset
# print '%+4u <%u> padding' % (end_offset, last_member_padding)
# padding += last_member_padding
print 'Total byte size: %u' % (byte_size)
print 'Total pad bytes: %u' % (padding)
if padding > 0:
print 'Padding percentage: %2.2f %%' % ((float(padding) / float(byte_size)) * 100.0)
def verify_type_recursive (target, type, member_name, depth, base_offset, padding):
prev_end_offset = base_offset
typename = type.GetName()
byte_size = type.GetByteSize()
if member_name and member_name != typename:
print '%+4u <%3u> %s%s %s;' % (base_offset, type.GetByteSize(), ' ' * depth, typename, member_name)
print '%+4u <%3u> %s%s' % (base_offset, type.GetByteSize(), ' ' * depth, typename)
members = type.members
if members:
for member_idx, member in enumerate(members):
member_type = member.GetType()
member_canonical_type = member_type.GetCanonicalType()
member_type_class = member_canonical_type.GetTypeClass()
member_name = member.GetName()
member_offset = member.GetOffsetInBytes()
member_total_offset = member_offset + base_offset
member_byte_size = member_type.GetByteSize()
is_class_or_struct = False
if member_type_class == lldb.eTypeClassStruct or member_type_class == lldb.eTypeClassClass:
is_class_or_struct = True
if member_idx == 0 and member_offset == target.GetAddressByteSize() and type.IsPolymorphicClass():
ptr_size = target.GetAddressByteSize()
print '%+4u <%3u> %s__vtbl_ptr_type * _vptr;' % (prev_end_offset, ptr_size, ' ' * (depth + 1))
prev_end_offset = ptr_size
if prev_end_offset < member_total_offset:
member_padding = member_total_offset - prev_end_offset
padding = padding + member_padding
print '%+4u <%3u> %s<PADDING>' % (prev_end_offset, member_padding, ' ' * (depth + 1))
if is_class_or_struct:
(prev_end_offset, padding) = verify_type_recursive (target, member_canonical_type, member_name, depth + 1, member_total_offset, padding)
prev_end_offset = member_total_offset + member_byte_size
if member.IsBitfield():
print '%+4u <%3u> %s%s:%u %s;' % (member_total_offset, member_byte_size, ' ' * (depth + 1), member_type.GetName(), member.GetBitfieldSizeInBits(), member_name)
print '%+4u <%3u> %s%s %s;' % (member_total_offset, member_byte_size, ' ' * (depth + 1), member_type.GetName(), member_name)
if prev_end_offset < byte_size:
last_member_padding = byte_size - prev_end_offset
print '%+4u <%3u> %s<PADDING>' % (prev_end_offset, last_member_padding, ' ' * (depth + 1))
padding += last_member_padding
if type.IsPolymorphicClass():
ptr_size = target.GetAddressByteSize()
print '%+4u <%3u> %s__vtbl_ptr_type * _vptr;' % (prev_end_offset, ptr_size, ' ' * (depth + 1))
prev_end_offset = ptr_size
prev_end_offset = base_offset + type.GetByteSize()
return (prev_end_offset, padding)
def types_command (debugger, command, result, dict):
# Use the Shell Lexer to properly parse up command options just like a
# shell would
command_args = shlex.split(command)
verify_types(debugger, command_args)
def verify_types (debugger, command_args):
parser = create_types_options()
(options, args) = parser.parse_args(command_args)
# if you don't handle exceptions, passing an incorrect argument to the OptionParser will cause LLDB to exit
# (courtesy of OptParse dealing with argument errors by throwing SystemExit)
result.SetStatus (lldb.eReturnStatusFailed)
return "option parsing failed" # returning a string is the same as returning an error whose description is the string
if options.debug:
print 'Waiting for debugger to attach...'
for i in range(10):
print '.'
for path in args:
# in a command - the lldb.* convenience variables are not to be used
# and their values (if any) are undefined
# this is the best practice to access those objects from within a command
error = lldb.SBError()
target = debugger.CreateTarget (path,
if error.Fail():
print error.GetCString()
modules = list()
if len(options.modules) == 0:
# Append just the main executable if nothing was specified
module = target.modules[0]
if module:
for module_name in options.modules:
module =[module_name]
if module:
if modules:
for module in modules:
print 'module: %s' % (module.file)
if options.typenames:
for typename in options.typenames:
types = module.FindTypes(typename)
if types.GetSize():
print 'Found %u types matching "%s" in "%s"' % (len(types), typename, module.file)
for type in types:
verify_type (target, type)
print 'error: no type matches "%s" in "%s"' % (typename, module.file)
types = module.GetTypes(lldb.eTypeClassClass | lldb.eTypeClassStruct)
print 'Found %u types in "%s"' % (len(types), module.file)
for type in types:
verify_type (target, type)
print 'error: no modules'
if __name__ == '__main__':
debugger = lldb.SBDebugger.Create()
verify_types (debugger, sys.argv[1:])
elif getattr(lldb, 'debugger', None):
lldb.debugger.HandleCommand('command script add -f types.types_command types')
print '"types" command installed, use the "--help" option for detailed help'