blob: 4089b5f7490d19c924258f68529f7d09a1d1a633 [file] [log] [blame]
mm01 mmap001 -m 10000
# 40 Mb mmap() test.
# Creates a 10000 page mmap, touches all of the map, sync's it, and
# munmap()s it.
mm02 mmap001
# simple mmap() test.
#mm03 mmap001 -i 0 -I 1 -m 100
# repetitive mmapping test.
# Creates a one page map repetitively for one minute.
mtest01 mtest01 -p80
mtest01w mtest01 -p80 -w
#test for race conditions
mtest05 mmstress
mtest06 mmap1
page01 page01
page02 page02
data_space data_space
stack_space stack_space