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.\" $Id: usctest.3,v 1.2 2000/08/31 18:40:28 nstraz Exp $
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.TH USCTEST 3 07/25/2000 "Linux Test Project"
usctest \- macros and libraries for common functions in system call tests
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char *\fBparse_opts(\fI...\fB)\fR
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.\"\fBTEST_CALLER(\fIsyscall\fB, \fIpid\fB)\fR
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\fBGlobal Variable(s)\fR (see \fBparse_opts(3)\fR for complete list):
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int \fBTEST_RETURN\fR; /* set by the \fBTEST\fR macro to the return code from \fIsyscall\fR */
int \fBTEST_ERRNO\fR; /* set by the \fBTEST\fR macro to the value of \fBerrno\fR after \fIsyscall\fR returns */
/* All STD_* variables referenced below are set by the \fBparse_opts(3)\fR routine. */
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The \fBTEST_PAUSE\fR macro checks if the global variable STD_PAUSE is set. If so, it
pauses for a SIGUSR1 before continuing execution. The signal handler used does nothing.
After the signal is processed, the previous action is replaced for SIGUSR1.
The \fBTEST_PAUSEF(\fIhand\fB)\fR macro checks if the global variable STD_PAUSE is set. If so, it
pauses for a SIGUSR1 before continuing execution. The \fIhand\fR argument is a function to be used
to handle the SIGUSR1 signal when it is received.
After the signal is processed, the previous action is replaced for SIGUSR1.
The \fBTEST(\fIsyscall\fB)\fR macro executes (\fIsyscall\fR) and times its execution.
It saves the max time, min time, accumulated time, and
execution count, if STD_TIMING_ON is set.
.\"The\fBTEST_CALLER(\fIsyscall\fB, \fIpid\fB)\fR macro executes (\fIsyscall\fR) and times its execution.
.\"It saves the max time, min time, accumulated time, and
.\"execution count, if STD_TIMING_ON is set and if \fIpid\fR is equal to the current pid.
The \fBTEST_VOID(\fIsyscall\fB)\fR macro works exactly the same as the \fBTEST()\fR
macro except that it does NOT set the global \fBTEST_RETURN\fR. It is intended
to be used with system calls that do not have a return value.
The \fBTEST_CLEANUP\fR macro prints timing statistics,
accumulated through the TEST macro, if STD_TIMING_ON is set. Also, prints the \fBerrno\fR return
counts as logged by the \fBTEST_ERROR_LOG\fR macro, if STD_ERR_LOG is set. \fBTEST_CLEANUP\fR uses
\fBtst_resm(3)\fR to output this information.
The \fBTEST_LOOPING(\fIcounter\fB)\fR macro checks \fIcounter\fR against
the global variable STD_LOOP_COUNTER. If \fIcounter\fR is less than STD_LOOP_COUNTER or STD_INFINITE
is set, it returns TRUE.
The \fBTEST_ERROR_LOG\fR macro records the return of \fIerrno\fR as unexpected, unless the option to
turn it off is specified on the command line.
The \fBTEST_EXP_ENOS(\fIarray\fB)\fR macro sets an internal flag for each errno in \fIarray\fR, indicating
that the errno is expected at some point in the test. This is used by the TEST_CLEANUP macro to determine
which errnos are expected when printing the log. The \fIarray\fR must be zero terminated.
The \fBparse_opts\fR routine parses the command line (see \fBparse_opts(3)\fR). All STD_* global
variables used are set by the \fBparse_opts(3)\fR routine.
Below is a partial template of a system call test using these routines, macros, and global variables. A complete
template may be found in the CUTS/sun/skel directory, in the file \fBusctest.c\fR.
TEST_PAUSE; /* Pause if option specified */
int main(ac, av)
int lc; /* loop counter */
char *msg; /* return from parse_opts */
int exp_enos[]={EACCESS, 0}; /* expected errnos */
TEST_EXP_ENOS(exp_enos); /* set expected errnos */
setup(); /* execute setup */
/* parse options */
msg=parse_opts(ac, av, (option_t *)NULL);
/* Check parse_opts return */
for (lc=0; TEST_LOOPING(lc); lc++) {
TEST(open("file", O_RDWR))
if ( TEST_RETURN == -1) {
/* BREAK test case, or whatever... */
return 0;
The TEST_LOOPING macro evaluates to TRUE (1) or FALSE (0), and is intended for use in while or
for loops. The TEST macro places the return value from \fIsyscall\fR in the global variable TEST_RETURN
and the errno in the global variable TEST_ERRNO. The \fBTEST_PAUSE\fR, \fBTEST_PAUSEF\fR,
\fBTEST_CLEANUP\fR, \fBTEST_ERROR_LOG\fR, and \fBTEST_EXP_ENOS\fR macros do not have any return values.