| List of scripts or executables that need to be run for complete LTP execution. |
| The tests listed are NOT executed with the runalltests.sh script |
| |
| runalltests.sh |
| - syscalls (except epoll, see below) |
| - fs |
| - fsx |
| - dio |
| - mm |
| - ipc |
| - sched |
| - math |
| - pty |
| |
| if run network tests flag is passed these additional tests are run |
| - tcp_cmds |
| - multicast |
| - rpc |
| - nfs |
| |
| To test filesystem with LVM |
| - ltpfslvm.sh |
| w/o LVM |
| - ltpfsnolvm.sh |
| |
| Device Mapper tests |
| - ltpdmmapper.sh |
| |
| Network tests |
| - networktests.sh |
| - testcases/network/sockets/ltpSockets.sh |
| |
| other filesystem or disk type tests |
| - autofs1.sh |
| - autofs4.sh |
| - diskio.sh |
| - exportfs.sh |
| - isofs.sh |
| - sysfs.sh |
| |
| LTP Stress tests |
| - ltpstress.sh |
| |
| AIO/DIO filesystem tests |
| - ltp-aiodio.sh |
| |
| Device driver tests (may not run on all platforms) |
| - acpi |
| - agp |
| - base |
| - drm |
| - include |
| - nls |
| - pci |
| - tbio |
| - usb |
| |
| Open_hpi_testsuite |
| - run_tests |
| |
| Open_posix_testsuite |
| - run_tests |
| |
| |
| testcases/kernel/syscalls/epoll - The tests require additional installation files. See the README in the epoll directory. |