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.\" $Id: ltp-bump.1,v 1.1 2009/05/19 09:39:11 subrata_modak Exp $
.\" Copyright (c) 2000 Silicon Graphics, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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.TH BUMP 1 "14 Sep 2000" "LTP" "Linux Test Project"
ltp-bump \- send signal to tags run by ltp-pan
\fBltp-bump [-1] [-s \fIsig\fB] [\fI-a active-file\fB] [tags...]
Bump will send a SIGINT signal to processes, given that each process has a
corresponding tag in an active-file. The active-file is the same one that is
used by the ltp-pan to start the processes.
If the active file has multiple occurrences of a single tag name then only the
first process will be signaled. You may specify the tag name multiple times
on the commandline if necessary.
.TP 1i
Send a SIGUSR1 signal. By default a SIGINT will be sent.
.TP 1i
\fB-a \fIactive_file\fB
A file containing the tagnames, pids, and commands being run by a ltp-pan. If this
is not specified then the ZOO environment variable will be read for the name of
the directory where the active file can be found.
.TP 1i
\fB-s \fIsig\fB
Used to specify a signal number to send. By default a SIGINT will be sent.
.in -1i
If set, should name the directory where the active file can be found.
This is ignored if \fI-a\fP is specified.
Default name of active file if \fI-a\fP is not specified. This is prefixed
by the directory name found in the ZOO environment variable.
Zoo tools - ltp-pan(1)
Exits zero, unless it cannot find the active file or if there were no tags
listed on the commandline.