blob: 25c67afe0a52bd0a682be337893118d9bd4bda99 [file] [log] [blame]
#! /bin/bash
echo "## Start Test"
date +%s
if [ -d ./00 ] ; then
/bin/rm -fr ./00 >& /dev/null
STARTT=`date +%s`
echo $STARTT
echo ""
echo "## Create files "
time ~/fs-bench/cr
echo ""
echo "## tar all "
MAXFILE=`tar cBf - 00 | tar tvBf - 2>&1 | tail -n 1 | awk '{print $6;}'| awk -F'/' '{print $4;}'`
HALFFILE=`echo "obase=F;ibase=F;$MAXFILE/2" | bc`
echo ""
echo "## Remove all files and directories"
/bin/rm -fr ./00 >& /dev/null
echo ""
echo "## Create half files"
echo create half files
time ~/fs-bench/cr $HALFFILE
echo ""
echo "## Change owner"
time chown -R $USER ./00
echo ""
echo "## random access"
time ~/fs-bench/ra $HALFFILE
echo ""
echo "## Change mode "
time chmod -R go+rw ./00
echo ""
echo "## Random delete and create"
time ~/fs-bench/radc $HALFFILE
echo ""
echo "## Change mode again"
time chmod -R go-rw ./00
echo ""
echo "## Remove all files and directories"
time /bin/rm -fr ./00
echo ""
echo "## Finish test"
ENDT=`date +%s`
echo $ENDT
echo -n 'TOTAL(seconds): '
expr $ENDT - $STARTT