blob: 69208d84672026f4c9af5b2302cd6c7b8d310aa5 [file] [log] [blame]
Coverage-Area: Semaphores (SEM)
This document lists the items that will be tested for POSIX semaphore.
Item to Test Status
|| Definitions NOT STARTED ||
|| Behavior IN PROGRESS ||
|| Functionality NOT STARTED ||
|| Stress NOT STARTED ||
// Function Complete? Priority
// =================================================
sem_close YES HIGH
sem_destroy YES HIGH
sem_getvalue YES MED
sem_init YES HIGH
sem_open YES HIGH
sem_post YES HIGH
sem_timedwait YES MED
sem_trywait YES HIGH
sem_wait YES HIGH
sem_unlink YES HIGH
// ===================================================
See the BUILD file in the main directory for the most up-to-date
information on how to compile tests from within the framework.
The way I'm compiling these test individually by:
root# gcc 1-1.c -o 1-1 /usr/lib/libposix1b.a
Clean up:
file: is a file to clean any open semaphores on the system if they remain
open after running such test.
Maintainer: Majid Awad