blob: b82bc837232a930ca6310ee7cb7415f96eace34a [file] [log] [blame]
For these tests, the date returned by clock_gettime() will be compared
with that returned by the gettimeofday() function.
- Machines running these test cases also have access to the gettimeofday
- Ideally, the gettimeofday() function has different internals than
clock_gettime(). [Hopefully, clock_gettime() doesn't just _call_
gettimeofday(), for instance.]
However, even if not, it's still a valid test to make sure clock_gettime()
doesn't have an error somewhere else.
==> See
It turns out these two functions _should_ return the same value but do
have different internals, so this is a good test case.
Another note: At one point, I considered using ntpd to do date checking.
That idea ended up getting thrown out, but one thing I want to document is
that, if I did chose that idea, the tester would need to install RPMs:
for it to run.