blob: 1ec963bacac469034450eff5d0554601184a8873 [file] [log] [blame]
<assertion id="1" tag="ref:XSH6:31388:31391">
The function
int pthread_attr_setschedparam(pthread_attr_t *restrict attr,
contst struct sched_param *restrict param);
sets the scheduling parameter attributes in the 'attr' argument.
The contents of the 'param' structure are defined in sched.h.
For the SCHED_FIFO and SCHED_RR policies, the only required member of
'param' is 'sched_priority'.
<assertion id="2" tag="ref:XSH6:31399:31400">
If success, it returns 0;
<assertion id="3" tag="ref:XSH6:31402:31405">
It may return an error number of:
-[EINVAL] The value of 'param' is invalid
-[ENOTSUP] An attempt to set the attribute to an unsupported value
The function will not return [EINTR]