blob: ea6fbe883ad7d326bd84338f56b19f7e23a2a349 [file] [log] [blame]
<assertion id="1" tag="ref:XSH6:34694:34695">
pthread_rwlock_init(pthread_rwlock_t *restrict rwlock,
const pthread_rwlockattr_t *restrict attr);
pthread_rwlock_init( ) function shall allocate any resources
required to use the read-write lock referenced by rwlock and
initializes the lock to an unlocked state with attributes referenced
by attr.
<assertion id="2" tag="ref:XSH6:34696:34697">
If attr is NULL, the default read-write lock attributes shall be used;
the effect is the same as passing the address of a default read-write
lock attributes object.
<assertion id="3" tag="ref:XSH6:34697:34698">
Once initialized, the lock can be used any number of times without being
<assertion id="4" tag="ref:XSH6:34708:34709">
If successful, the pthread_rwlock_init( ) function shall return zero;
otherwise, an error number shall be returned to indicate the error.
<assertion id="5" tag="ref:XSH6:34718:34722">
ptread_rwlock_init( ) function shall fail if:
[EAGAIN] The system lacked the necessary resources (other than memory) to initialize
another read-write lock.
[ENOMEM] Insufficient memory exists to initialize the read-write lock.
[EPERM] The caller does not have the privilege to perform the operation.
<assertion id="6" tag="ref:XSH6:34723:34728">
pthread_rwlock_init( ) may fail if:
[EBUSY] The implementation has detected an attempt to reinitialize the object
referenced by rwlock, a previously initialized but not yet destroyed read-write
[EINVAL] The value specified by attr is invalid.