blob: 71044a6c58620e455cc7393127440894ca04a95f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) International Business Machines Corp., 2002
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* ftest03.c -- test file I/O with readv and writev (ported from SPIE section2/filesuite/ftest4.c, by Airong Zhang)
* lseek, readv, writev,
* truncate, ftruncate, fsync, sync, fstat
* A bitmap is used to map pieces of a file.
* Loop: pick a random piece of the file
* if we haven't seen it before make sure it is zero,
* write pattern
* if we have seen it before make sure correct pattern.
* This was originally written by rbk - was program tfio.c
* Modified by dale to integrate with test suites.
* Modified by G. Stevens to use readv and writev.
* Modofied by K. Hakim to integrate with SPIES.
* 1. Runs a long time with default args - can take others on input
* line. Use with "term mode".
* If run on vax the ftruncate will not be random - will always go to
* start of file. NOTE: produces a very high load average!!
* 2. The "csize" argument must be evenly divisible by MAXIOVCNT.
* If a file is supplied to this program with the "-f" option
* it will be removed with a system("rm -rf filename") call.
#define _XOPEN_SOURCE 500
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/uio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <signal.h> /* DEM - added SIGTERM support */
#include <stdio.h> /* needed by testhead.h */
#include "test.h"
#include "usctest.h"
char *TCID = "ftest03";
int TST_TOTAL = 1;
extern int Tst_count;
#define PASSED 1
#define FAILED 0
void setup();
int runtest();
int dotest(int, int, int);
int domisc(int, int, char*);
int bfill(char*, char, int);
int dumpiov(struct iovec*);
int dumpbits(char*, int);
int orbits(char*, char*, int);
int term();
#define MAXCHILD 25 /* max number of children to allow */
#define K_1 1024
#define K_2 2048
#define K_4 4096
#define MAXIOVCNT 16
int csize; /* chunk size */
int iterations; /* # total iterations */
int max_size; /* max file size */
int misc_intvl; /* for doing misc things; 0 ==> no */
int nchild; /* how many children */
int nwait;
int fd; /* file descriptor used by child */
int parent_pid;
int pidlist[MAXCHILD];
char test_name[2]; /* childs test directory name */
char *prog, *getcwd() ;
char fuss[40] = ""; /* directory to do this in */
char homedir[200]= ""; /* where we started */
int local_flag;
int main (ac, av)
int ac;
char *av[];
int lc; /* loop counter */
char *msg; /* message returned from parse_opts */
* parse standard options
if ((msg = parse_opts(ac, av, (option_t *)NULL, NULL)) != (char *)NULL){
tst_resm(TBROK, "OPTION PARSING ERROR - %s", msg);
for (lc = 0; TEST_LOOPING(lc); lc++) {
local_flag = PASSED;
if (local_flag == PASSED) {
tst_resm(TPASS, "Test passed.");
} else {
tst_resm(TFAIL, "Test failed.");
} /* end for */
return 0;
char wdbuf[MAXPATHLEN], *cwd ;
int term();
* Make a directory to do this in; ignore error if already exists.
* Save starting directory.
if ( (cwd = getcwd(homedir, sizeof( homedir))) == NULL ) {
tst_resm(TBROK, "pwd") ;
tst_exit() ;
parent_pid = getpid();
if (!fuss[0])
sprintf(fuss, "%s/ftest03.%d", getcwd(wdbuf, sizeof( wdbuf)), getpid());
mkdir(fuss, 0755);
if (chdir(fuss) < 0) {
tst_resm(TBROK,"\tCan't chdir(%s), error %d.", fuss, errno);
tst_exit() ;
* Default values for run conditions.
iterations = 10;
nchild = 5;
csize = K_2; /* should run with 1, 2, and 4 K sizes */
max_size = K_1 * K_1;
misc_intvl = 10;
if (sigset(SIGTERM, (void (*)())term) == SIG_ERR) {
perror("sigset failed");
tst_resm(TBROK, " sigset failed: signo = 15") ;
tst_exit() ;
int runtest()
register int i;
int pid;
int child;
int status;
int count;
for(i = 0; i < nchild; i++) {
test_name[0] = 'a' + i;
test_name[1] = '\0';
fd = open(test_name, O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0666);
if (fd < 0) {
tst_resm(TBROK, "\tError %d creating %s/%s.", errno, fuss, test_name);
if ((child = fork()) == 0) { /* child */
dotest(nchild, i, fd); /* do it! */
tst_exit(); /* when done, exit */
if (child < 0) {
tst_resm(TINFO, "System resource may be too low, fork() malloc()"
" etc are likely to fail.");
tst_resm(TBROK, "Test broken due to inability of fork.");
} else {
pidlist[i] = child;
* Wait for children to finish.
count = 0;
if ((child = wait(&status)) >= 0) {
//tst_resm(TINFO, "\tTest{%d} exited status = 0x%x", child, status);
if (status) {
tst_resm(TFAIL, "\tTest{%d} failed, expected 0 exit.", child);
local_flag = FAILED;
if (errno != EINTR)
* Should have collected all children.
if (count != nwait) {
tst_resm(TFAIL, "\tWrong # children waited on, count = %d", count);
local_flag = FAILED;
pid = fork();
if (pid < 0) {
tst_resm(TINFO, "System resource may be too low, fork() malloc()"
" etc are likely to fail.");
tst_resm(TBROK, "Test broken due to inability of fork.");
sync(); /* safeness */
if (pid == 0) {
execl("/bin/rm", "rm", "-rf", fuss, NULL);
} else
if (status) {
tst_resm(TINFO, "CAUTION - ftest03, '%s' may not be removed", fuss);
tst_resm(TINFO, "CAUTION - ftest03, '%s' may not be removed",
sync(); /* safeness */
return 0;
* dotest()
* Children execute this.
* Randomly read/mod/write chunks with known pattern and check.
* When fill sectors, iterate.
#define NMISC 4
enum m_type { m_fsync, m_trunc, m_fstat };
char *m_str[] = {
"fsync", "trunc", "sync", "fstat"
int misc_cnt[NMISC]; /* counts # of each kind of misc */
int file_max; /* file-max size */
int nchunks;
int last_trunc = -1;
int tr_flag;
enum m_type type = m_fsync;
#define CHUNK(i) ((i) * csize)
#define NEXTMISC ((rand() % misc_intvl) + 5)
int dotest(testers, me, fd)
int testers;
int me;
int fd;
register int i;
char *bits;
char *hold_bits;
int count;
int collide;
char val;
int chunk;
int whenmisc;
int xfr;
/* Stuff for the readv call */
struct iovec r_iovec[MAXIOVCNT];
int r_ioveclen;
/* Stuff for the writev call */
struct iovec val_iovec[MAXIOVCNT];
struct iovec zero_iovec[MAXIOVCNT];
int w_ioveclen;
nchunks = max_size / csize;
if( (bits = (char*)malloc((nchunks+7) / 8)) == 0) {
tst_resm(TBROK, "\tmalloc failed");
if( (hold_bits = (char*)malloc((nchunks+7) / 8)) == 0) {
tst_resm(TBROK, "\tmalloc failed");
/*Allocate memory for the iovec buffers and init the iovec arrays
r_ioveclen = w_ioveclen = csize / MAXIOVCNT;
/* Please note that the above statement implies that csize
* be evenly divisible by MAXIOVCNT.
for (i = 0; i < MAXIOVCNT; i++) {
if( (r_iovec[i].iov_base = (char*)calloc(r_ioveclen, 1)) == 0) {
tst_brkm(TBROK, NULL, "\tmalloc failed");
/* tst_exit(); */
r_iovec[i].iov_len = r_ioveclen;
/* Allocate unused memory areas between all the buffers to
* make things more diffult for the OS.
if(malloc((i+1)*8) == 0) {
tst_brkm(TBROK,NULL, "\tmalloc failed");
if( (val_iovec[i].iov_base = (char*)calloc(w_ioveclen, 1)) == 0) {
tst_resm(TBROK, "\tmalloc failed");
val_iovec[i].iov_len = w_ioveclen;
if(malloc((i+1)*8) == 0) {
tst_resm(TBROK, "\tmalloc failed");
if( (zero_iovec[i].iov_base = (char*)calloc(w_ioveclen, 1)) == 0) {
tst_resm(TBROK, "\tmalloc failed");
zero_iovec[i].iov_len = w_ioveclen;
if(malloc((i+1)*8) == 0) {
tst_resm(TBROK, "\tmalloc failed");
* No init sectors; allow file to be sparse.
val = (64/testers) * me + 1;
* For each iteration:
* zap bits array
* loop
* pick random chunk, read it.
* if corresponding bit off {
* verify = 0. (sparse file)
* ++count;
* } else
* verify = val.
* write "val" on it.
* repeat unitl count = nchunks.
* ++val.
if (misc_intvl) whenmisc = NEXTMISC;
while(iterations-- > 0) {
for(i = 0; i < NMISC; i++)
misc_cnt[i] = 0;
file_max = 0;
bfill(bits, 0, (nchunks+7) / 8);
bfill(hold_bits, 0, (nchunks+7) / 8);
/* Have to fill the val and zero iov buffers in a different manner
for(i = 0; i < MAXIOVCNT; i++) {
count = 0;
collide = 0;
while(count < nchunks) {
chunk = rand() % nchunks;
* Read it.
if (lseek(fd, (long)CHUNK(chunk), 0) < 0) {
tst_resm(TFAIL, "\tTest[%d]: lseek(0) fail at %x, errno = %d.",
me, CHUNK(chunk), errno);
if ((xfr = readv(fd, &r_iovec[0], MAXIOVCNT)) < 0) {
tst_resm(TFAIL, "\tTest[%d]: readv fail at %x, errno = %d.",
me, CHUNK(chunk), errno);
* If chunk beyond EOF just write on it.
* Else if bit off, haven't seen it yet.
* Else, have. Verify values.
if (CHUNK(chunk) >= file_max) {
bits[chunk/8] |= (1<<(chunk%8));
} else if ((bits[chunk/8] & (1<<(chunk%8))) == 0) {
if (xfr != csize) {
tst_resm(TFAIL, "\tTest[%d]: xfr=%d != %d, zero read.",
me, xfr, csize);
for(i=0;i<MAXIOVCNT; i++) {
if (memcmp(r_iovec[i].iov_base, zero_iovec[i].iov_base, r_iovec[i].iov_len)) {
"\tTest[%d] bad verify @ 0x%x for val %d count %d xfr %d file_max 0x%x, should be 0.",
me, CHUNK(chunk), val, count, xfr, file_max);
tst_resm(TINFO, "\tTest[%d]: last_trunc = 0x%x.",
me, last_trunc);
dumpbits(bits, (nchunks+7)/8);
orbits(hold_bits, bits, (nchunks+7)/8);
tst_resm(TINFO, "\tHold ");
dumpbits(hold_bits, (nchunks+7)/8);
bits[chunk/8] |= (1<<(chunk%8));
} else {
if (xfr != csize) {
tst_resm(TFAIL, "\tTest[%d]: xfr=%d != %d, val read.",
me, xfr, csize);
for(i=0; i<MAXIOVCNT; i++) {
if (memcmp(r_iovec[i].iov_base, val_iovec[i].iov_base, r_iovec[i].iov_len)) {
tst_resm(TFAIL, "\tTest[%d] bad verify @ 0x%x for val %d count %d xfr %d file_max 0x%x.",
me, CHUNK(chunk), val, count, xfr, file_max);
tst_resm(TINFO, "\tTest[%d]: last_trunc = 0x%x.",
me, last_trunc);
dumpbits(bits, (nchunks+7)/8);
orbits(hold_bits, bits, (nchunks+7)/8);
tst_resm(TINFO, "\tHold ");
dumpbits(hold_bits, (nchunks+7)/8);
* Writev it.
if (lseek(fd, -((long)xfr), 1) < 0) {
tst_resm(TFAIL, "\tTest[%d]: lseek(1) fail at %x, errno = %d.",
me, CHUNK(chunk), errno);
if ((xfr = writev(fd, &val_iovec[0], MAXIOVCNT)) < csize) {
if (errno == ENOSPC) {
tst_resm(TFAIL, "\tTest[%d]: no space, exiting.", me);
tst_resm(TFAIL, "\tTest[%d]: writev fail at %x xfr %d, errno = %d.",
me, CHUNK(chunk), xfr, errno);
if (CHUNK(chunk) + csize > file_max)
file_max = CHUNK(chunk) + csize;
* If hit "misc" interval, do it.
if (misc_intvl && --whenmisc <= 0) {
orbits(hold_bits, bits, (nchunks+7)/8);
domisc(me, fd, bits);
whenmisc = NEXTMISC;
if (count + collide > 2 * nchunks)
* End of iteration, maybe before doing all chunks.
//tst_resm(TINFO, "\tTest{%d} val %d done, count = %d, collide = {%d}",
// me, val, count, collide);
//for(i = 0; i < NMISC; i++)
// tst_resm(TINFO, "\t\tTest{%d}: {%d} %s's.", me, misc_cnt[i], m_str[i]);
return 0;
* domisc()
* Inject misc syscalls into the thing.
int domisc(me, fd, bits)
int me;
int fd;
char *bits;
register int chunk;
struct stat sb;
if ((int) type > (int) m_fstat)
type = m_fsync;
switch(type) {
case m_fsync:
if (fsync(fd) < 0) {
tst_resm(TFAIL, "\tTest[%d]: fsync error %d.", me, errno);
case m_trunc:
chunk = rand() % (file_max / csize);
file_max = CHUNK(chunk);
last_trunc = file_max;
if (tr_flag) {
if (ftruncate(fd, file_max) < 0) {
tst_resm(TFAIL, "\tTest[%d]: ftruncate error %d @ 0x%x.", me, errno, file_max);
tr_flag = 0;
} else {
if (truncate(test_name, file_max) < 0) {
tst_resm(TFAIL, "\tTest[%d]: truncate error %d @ 0x%x.", me, errno, file_max);
tr_flag = 1;
for(; chunk%8 != 0; chunk++)
bits[chunk/8] &= ~(1<<(chunk%8));
for(; chunk < nchunks; chunk += 8)
bits[chunk/8] = 0;
case m_fstat:
if (fstat(fd, &sb) < 0) {
tst_resm(TFAIL, "\tTest[%d]: fstat() error %d.", me, errno);
if (sb.st_size != file_max) {
tst_resm(TFAIL, "\tTest[%d]: fstat() mismatch; st_size=%x,file_max=%x.",
me, sb.st_size, file_max);
type = (enum m_type) ((int) type + 1);
return 0;
int bfill(buf, val, size)
register char *buf;
char val;
register int size;
register int i;
for(i = 0; i < size; i++)
buf[i] = val;
return 0;
* dumpiov
* Dump the contents of the r_iovec buffer.
int dumpiov(iovptr)
register struct iovec *iovptr;
register int i;
char val;
int idx;
int nout;
nout = 0;
idx = 0;
val = ((char *)iovptr->iov_base)[0];
for(i = 0; i < iovptr->iov_len; i++) {
if (((char *)iovptr->iov_base)[i] != val) {
if (i == idx+1)
tst_resm(TINFO, "\t%x, ", ((char *)iovptr->iov_base)[idx] & 0xff);
tst_resm(TINFO, "\t%d*%x, ", i-idx, ((char *)iovptr->iov_base)[idx] & 0xff);
idx = i;
if (nout > 10) {
tst_resm(TINFO, "\t ... more");
return 0;
if (i == idx+1)
tst_resm(TINFO, "\t%x", ((char *)iovptr->iov_base)[idx] & 0xff);
tst_resm(TINFO, "\t%d*%x", i-idx, ((char *)iovptr->iov_base)[idx]);
return 0;
* dumpbits
* Dump the bit-map.
int dumpbits(bits, size)
char *bits;
register int size;
register char *buf;
for(buf = bits; size > 0; --size, ++buf) {
if ((buf-bits) % 16 == 0)
tst_resm(TINFO, "\t%04x:\t", 8*(buf-bits));
tst_resm(TINFO, "\t%02x ", (int)*buf & 0xff);
return 0;
int orbits(hold, bits, count)
register char *hold;
register char *bits;
register int count;
while(count-- > 0)
*hold++ |= *bits++;
return 0;
/* term()
* This is called when a SIGTERM signal arrives.
int term()
register int i;
tst_resm(TINFO, "\tterm -[%d]- got sig term.", getpid());
* If run by hand we like to have the parent send the signal to
* the child processes. This makes life easy.
if (parent_pid == getpid()) {
for (i=0; i < nchild; i++)
if (pidlist[i]) /* avoid embarassment */
kill(pidlist[i], SIGTERM);
return 0;
tst_resm(TINFO, "\tunlinking '%s'", test_name);
if (unlink(test_name))
tst_resm(TBROK, "Unlink of '%s' failed, errno = %d.",
test_name, errno);
tst_resm(TBROK, "Unlink of '%s' successful.", test_name);
return 0;