blob: 629f2079e35a6d1a8c529e42690baacf86174565 [file] [log] [blame]
Rapidly creates and deletes files through
multiple processes running in the background.
The user may specify the number of subdirectories
to create, the number of files to create (per
subdirectory), and the number of times to repeat
the creation/deletion cycle.
Regression test for Linux filesystem permissions.
Filesystem stress test developed by Apple Computer, Inc.
This program will grow a list of files.
Each file will grow by grow_incr before the same
file grows twice. Each file is open and closed before next file is opened.
The purpose of this test is to verify the file size limitations of a filesystem.
It writes one buffer at a time and lseeks from the beginning of the file to the
end of the last write position. The intent is to test lseek64.
Regression test for max links per file
Creates files and opens simultaneously
Recursively reads all files within /proc filesystem.
A wrapper for doio and iogen.
doio - a general purpose io initiator with system call and
write logging. See doio.h for the structure which defines
what doio requests should look like.
Currently doio can handle read,write,reada,writea,ssread,
sswrite, and many varieties of listio requests.
For disk io, if the O_SSD flag is set doio will allocate
the appropriate amount of ssd and do the transfer - thus, doio
can handle all of the primitive types of file io.
iogen - a tool for generating file/sds io for a doio process