blob: a77fae39561b03cdefd8abccd421262007c96948 [file] [log] [blame]
To determine the stability of the IP Multicast product
and to verify the accuracy and usablility of IP Multicast
related publications associated with changes and/or
additions to command level interfaces for this implementations
of IP Multicast.
To verify that IP Multicast can be used to send UDP datagrams
between two or more nodes on the same subnetwork using
a specific IP Multicast group and a specific port address.
To verify that two of the new options for level IPPROTO_IP
Service Interface allow the list of host group memberships
to be updated properly in response to the JoinHostGroup and
LeaveHostGroup requests. To test boundary conditions while
exercising IP Multicast JoinHostGroup and LeaveHostGroup
Service Interfaces.
To verify that three of the new options for level IPPROTO_IP
Service Interface are initially set to the default values as
defined in the documentation and that each of the new options
can be set and read properly by the setsockopt and getsockopt
routines, respectively. To test boundary conditions and to
generate errors while exercising the IP Multicast Service
Interface options.