blob: 6c368b6a9b6c8396c9a92d9fe86571d3c6636ed6 [file] [log] [blame]
Created by NeXT Software (Apple Computer, Inc.). This test will
thrash your NFS filesystem and has uncovered numerous bugs within
the Linux implementation.
Stresses NFS by opening a large number of files on a nfs
mounted filesystem.
Tests NFS copy of various filesizes, file consistency between copies
and preservation of write/nowrite permissions.
Runs the LTP filesystem test: fs_inod, on an NFS mountpoint.
Two processes open FLOCK_IDATA file simultaneously
each one locks odd and even lines of the file simultaneously
and fill them with '0's and '1's. After they find eof, the
datafiles are compared.
Tests the 'nfsstat' command. This test runs locally, so no
actual network connection is needed.
This program is designed stress the NFS implimentation.
Many bugs were uncovered in the AIX operating system
implimentation of NFS when AIX kernel was built over NFS.
Source directory on a remote machine (one server many clients)
NFS-mounted on to a directory on a local machine from which
the kernel build was initiated. Apparently many defects/bugs
were uncovered when multiple users tried to build the kernel
by NFS mounting the kernel source from a remote machine and
tried to build the kernel on a local machine. AIX build envi-
ronment is set up to create the object files and executable
on the local machine.
This testcase will try to recreate such a senario.
Spawn N number of threads. Each thread does the following.
* Create a directory tree.
* Populate it with ".c" files and makefiles.
* initate a build. Executable will print hello world when executed
* clean up all the executables that were created.
* recurssively remove each subdir and its contents.
The test is aimed at stressing the NFS client and server.