blob: 7a1505333178e945f1cb76b4d1198f78bdcc1f47 [file] [log] [blame]
# Before running these: BACKUP YOUR SYSTEM! you've been warned!
f00f f00f
# This is a simple test for handling of the pentium f00f bug.
# It is an example of a catistrophic test case. If the system
# doesn't correctly handle this test, it will likely lockup.
crash01 crash01
# Generate random code and execute it. Read f00f comment,
# this test lockup SunOS,WindowsNT,etc. in seconds..
crash02 crash02
# Generate random syscalls and execute them, less probability
# to hose your system, but still.
mem01 mem01 -r
# Memory eater. Loves to be run in parallel with other programs.
# May panic on buggy systems if the OOM killer was not fast enough :-)
proc01 proc01
# Read every file in /proc. Not likely to crash, but does enough
# to disturb the kernel. A good kernel latency killer too.