blob: 5747b6e37ee9ab04cfdaf10bfc4e11e871a14e53 [file] [log] [blame]
This is an attempt at a credits-file in the style begun by Linux
Torvalds and the Linux project. It is sorted by name and formatted
to allow easy grepping and beautification by scripts. The fields
are: name (N), email (E), web-address (W), PGP key ID and
fingerprint (P), description (D), and snail-mail address (S).
N: Rich Logan
D: growfiles
S: SGI, Eagan MN
N: Mark Maule
D: doio and iogen
S: SGI, Eagan MN
N: Glen Overby
D: doio, iogen, and pan
S: SGI, Eagan MN
N: Dean Roehrich
D: doio, iogen, and pan
S: SGI, Eagan MN