blob: c46fe4cc23c32a6719464ebc039e56b883fe71eb [file] [log] [blame]
About configuration
If you want to use auto configuration, be sure autoconf and automake are
installed. Then run:
$ make autotools
$ ./configure
$ make all
If you want to use default configuration, autoconf is not needed. Just run:
$ touch include/config.h.default
$ make config.h
$ make all
If make all is failed even if you use the auto configuration, please, report
your issue to the ltp developers with config.log, generated by running the
configure script.
Using non-standard tools
Some systems (RHEL 4, etc) only have outdated tools available, due to
licensing concerns. So if you happen to install these tools in a non-standard
spot, here's how you bootstrap LTP with these tools:
$ make \
ACLOCAL=/path/to/aclocal \
AUTOCONF=/path/to/autoconf \
AUTOHEADER=/path/to/autoheader \
AUTOMAKE=/path/to/automake \