blob: df390d56c30f41cfb2bf9d6534422aaed391801d [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) International Business Machines Corp., 2001 #
# #
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it an#or modify #
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by #
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or #
# (at your option) any later version. #
# #
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #
# the GNU General Public License for more details. #
# #
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software #
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA #
# #
# #
# File: #
# #
# Description: This is a Parser which can parse the text output generated by #
# pan and convert the same to am HTML format, with proper high- #
# lighting of test result backgorund for easy identification of #
# pass/fail of testcases #
# #
# Author: Subrata Modak: #
# #
# #
my $process_line = 0;
my $row_line = "";
my $flag = 0;
my $flag2 = 0;
my $flag3 = 0;
my $flag4 = 0;
my $test_counter = 1;
my $failed_test_counter = 0;
my $failed_test_counter_flag = 0;
my $brok_test_counter = 0;
my $brok_test_counter_flag = 0;
my $warn_test_counter = 0;
my $warn_test_counter_flag = 0;
my $retr_test_counter = 0;
my $retr_test_counter_flag = 0;
my $conf_test_counter = 0;
my $conf_test_counter_flag = 0;
my $detected_fail = 0;
my $detected_pass = 0;
my $detected_warn = 0;
my $detected_brok = 0;
my $detected_retr = 0;
my $detected_conf = 0;
my $background_colour =0;
my $header_file = shift (@ARGV) || syntax();
my $start_tag = shift (@ARGV) || syntax();
my $end_tag = shift (@ARGV) || syntax();
my $output_tag = shift (@ARGV) || syntax();
my $execution_tag = shift (@ARGV) || syntax();
sub syntax() {
print "syntax: prtag2tag start_tag end_tag output_tag execution_tag file(s)\n";
exit (1);
sub get_background_colour_column() {
if ( $detected_fail == 1 ) {
return "#ff0000";
} elsif ( $detected_brok == 1 ) {
return Yellow;
} elsif ( $detected_warn == 1 ) {
return Fuchsia;
} elsif ( $detected_retr == 1 ) {
return "#8dc997";
} elsif ( $detected_conf == 1 ) {
return Aqua;
} else {
return "#66ff66";
if ($start_tag eq "" || $end_tag eq "" || $output_tag eq "" || $execution_tag eq "") {
open (FILE, "$header_file") || "Cannot open file: $header_file";
while ($line_2 = <FILE>) {
$row_line = $row_line . $line_2;
$row_line =~ s/LTP\ Output\/Log/LTP\ Output\/Log\ (Report\ Generated\ on\ $ENV{TEST_START_TIME})/;
print $row_line;
close (FILE);
$row_line = "";
foreach my $file (@ARGV) {
open (FILE, $file) || die "Cannot open file: $file\n";
LINE: while ($line = <FILE>) {
chomp $line;
if ($line =~ /$start_tag/) {
$process_line = 1;
$flag = 1;
if ($line =~ /$end_tag/) {
print "$row_line";
$process_line = 0;
$flag = 0; $flag2 = 0; $flag3 = 0; $flag4 = 0;
$detected_fail = 0; $detected_pass = 0; $detected_warn = 0; $detected_brok = 0; $detected_retr = 0; $detected_conf = 0;
$background_colour = 0; $failed_test_counter_flag = 0; $brok_test_counter_flag = 0; $warn_test_counter_flag = 0; $retr_test_counter_flag = 0; $conf_test_counter_flag = 0; $row_line= "";
if ($process_line) {
if ( $flag == 2) { #Assuming we will find "tag" and "stime" values here
@variable_value_pair = split(/\ /, $line);
@tag_value = split(/=/,$variable_value_pair[0]);
@stime_value = split(/=/,$variable_value_pair[1]);
$row_line = $row_line . "<tr><td><p><strong>$test_counter</strong></p></td>\n" .
"<td><p><strong>$tag_value[1]</strong></p></td>\n" .
$get_proper_time = localtime ($stime_value[1]);
$row_line = $row_line . "$get_proper_time" . "</strong></pre></p></td>\n";
if ( $flag == 3) { #Assuming we will find "cmdling" value here
@variable_value_pair = split(/=/, $line);
$row_line = $row_line . "<td><p><strong> $variable_value_pair[1] </strong></p></td>\n";
if ( $flag == 4) { #Assuming we will find "contact" value here
@variable_value_pair = split(/=/, $line);
$row_line = $row_line . "<td><p><strong>$variable_value_pair[1]</strong></p></td>\n";
if ( $flag == 5) { #Assuming we will find "analysis" value here
@variable_value_pair = split(/=/, $line);
$row_line = $row_line . "<td><p><strong>$variable_value_pair[1]</strong></p></td>\n";
if ( $flag3 == 1 ) {
if ( $flag4 == 1 ) {
@variable_value_pair = split(/=/, $line);
$row_line = $row_line . "<td><p><strong>$variable_value_pair[1]</strong></p></td>\n";
if ( $flag4 == 2 ) {
@variable_value_pair = split(/\ /, $line);
@duration_value = split(/=/, $variable_value_pair[0]);
@termination_type_value = split(/=/, $variable_value_pair[1]);
@termination_id_value = split(/=/, $variable_value_pair[2]);
@corefile_value = split(/=/, $variable_value_pair[3]);
$background_colour = get_background_colour_column();
$row_line = $row_line . "<td><p><strong>$duration_value[1]</strong></p></td>\n" .
"<td><p><strong>$termination_type_value[1]<strong></p></td>\n" .
"<td><p><strong>$termination_id_value[1]</strong></p></td>\n" .
$row_line =~ s/<tr>/<tr\ bgcolor=$background_colour>/;
if ( $flag4 == 3 ) {
@variable_value_pair = split(/\ /, $line);
@cutime_value = split(/=/, $variable_value_pair[0]);
@cstime_value = split(/=/, $variable_value_pair[1]);
$row_line = $row_line . "<td><p><strong>$cutime_value[1]</strong></p></td>\n" .
if ( $line =~ /$execution_tag/ ) {
$flag2 = 0;
$flag3 = 1;
$flag4 = 1;
$row_line = $row_line . "</strong></pre></td>";
if ( $flag2 == 1 ) {
$row_line = $row_line . "$line \n";
if ($line =~ /\ FAIL\ / ) {
$detected_fail = 1;
if ( $failed_test_counter_flag == 0 ) {
} elsif ($line =~ /\ BROK\ / ) {
$detected_brok = 1;
if ( $brok_test_counter_flag == 0 ) {
} elsif ($line =~ /\ WARN\ / ) {
$detected_warn = 1;
if ( $warn_test_counter_flag == 0 ) {
} elsif ($line =~ /\ RETR\ / ) {
$detected_retr = 1;
if ( $retr_test_counter_flag == 0 ) {
} elsif ($line =~ /\ CONF\ / ) {
$detected_conf = 1;
if ( $conf_test_counter_flag == 0 ) {
} else {
$detected_pass = 1;
if ( $line =~ /$output_tag/ ) {
$flag2 = 1;
$row_line = $row_line . "<td><pre><strong>";
close (FILE);
print "</tbody></table></div> \n\n<h2 id=\"_2\">Summary Report</h2>\n\n<div>\n\n<table border=\"1\" cellspacing=\"3\"><tbody>\n<tr>\n<td ";
if ($ENV{LTP_EXIT_VALUE} == 1 ) {
print "bgcolor=\"#ff0000\"> <strong>Test Summary</strong></p></td><td bgcolor=\"#ff0000\"><strong>Pan reported some Tests FAIL</strong></p></td></tr>\n";
else {
print "bgcolor=\"#66ff66\"> <strong>Test Summary</strong></p></td><td bgcolor=\"#66ff66\"><strong>Pan reported all Test Pass</strong></p></td></tr>\n";
print "<tr><td><strong>LTP Version</strong> </td><td><strong> $ENV{LTP_VERSION} </strong></td></tr>\n";
print "<tr><td><strong>Start Time</strong> </td><td><strong> $ENV{TEST_START_TIME} </strong></td></tr>\n";
print "<tr><td><strong>End Time</strong> </td><td><strong> $ENV{TEST_END_TIME} </strong></td></tr>\n";
print "<tr><td><strong>Log Result</strong> </td><td><a href=\"file://$ENV{TEST_LOGS_DIRECTORY}/\"> <strong>$ENV{TEST_LOGS_DIRECTORY}</strong></a></td></tr>\n";
print "<tr><td><strong>Output/Failed Result</strong></td><td><a href=\"file://$ENV{TEST_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}/\"> <strong>$ENV{TEST_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}</strong></a></td></tr>\n";
print "<tr><td><strong>Total Tests</strong></td><td><strong>";
print "$test_counter </strong></td></tr>\n";
print "<tr><td><strong>Total Test TPASS:</strong></td><td><strong> $test_passed </strong></td></tr>\n";
print "<tr><td><strong>Total Test TFAIL:</strong></td><td><strong> $failed_test_counter </strong></td></tr>\n";
print "<tr><td><strong>Total Test TBROK</strong></td><td><strong> $brok_test_counter </strong></td></tr>\n";
print "<tr><td><strong>Total Test TWARN</strong></td><td><strong> $warn_test_counter </strong></td></tr>\n";
print "<tr><td><strong>Total Test TRETR</strong></td><td><strong> $retr_test_counter </strong></td></tr>\n";
print "<tr><td><strong>Total Test TCONF</strong></td><td><strong> $conf_test_counter </strong></td></tr>\n";
print "<tr><td><strong>Kernel Version</strong></td><td><strong> $ENV{KERNEL_VERSION} </strong></td></tr>\n";
print "<tr><td><strong>Machine Architecture</strong></td><td><strong> $ENV{MACHINE_ARCH} </strong></td></tr>\n";
print "<tr><td><strong>Hostname</strong> </td> <td><strong>";
$hostname=system("uname -n"); chop($hostname);
print " $hostname </strong></td></tr></tbody></table></div></body></html>\n";