blob: 9065f50e0f1e71940253e0a801ebeb9cd19812c4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2000 Silicon Graphics, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it would be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Further, this software is distributed without any warranty that it is
* free of the rightful claim of any third person regarding infringement
* or the like. Any license provided herein, whether implied or
* otherwise, applies only to this software file. Patent licenses, if
* any, provided herein do not apply to combinations of this program with
* other software, or any other product whatsoever.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59
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/* $Id: tag_report.c,v 1.2 2006/12/13 22:55:22 vapier Exp $ */
#include "tag_report.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "reporter.h"
#include "splitstr.h"
static char * worst_case(char *, char *);
* Report Generation *
* printf format statement for standard reports
* 5 fields with max/min widths
#define FORMAT "%-20.20s %-15.15s %10.10s %-20.20s %s\n"
* This is the central results reporting function. All standard report
* format results are printed thru test_result.
test_result(tag, tcid, tc, result, tags)
char *tag, *tcid, *tc;
char *result;
SYM tags;
char *expert, expkey[KEYSIZE];
register char *c;
char **cont;
const char **cont_save;
if (tcid == NULL)
tcid = "-";
if (tc == NULL)
tc = "-";
if (tag == NULL)
tag = "test_result: no tag";
if (result == NULL)
result = "(RESULT IS NULL)";
strcpy(expkey, "contacts");
/* note: the sym_get here does _not_ change the "cursor" */
if ((expert = (char *)sym_get(tags, expkey)) == NULL) {
expert = "UNKNOWN";
/* ' tr " " "_" ' */
for (c = result; *c; c++) {
if (*c == ' ') {
*c = '_';
if (*result == '\0')
result = "?";
/* split contacts on "," and print out a line for each */
cont_save = splitstr(expert, ",", NULL);
for (cont=(char **)cont_save;*cont != NULL; cont++) {
printf(FORMAT, tag, tcid, tc, result, *cont);
return 0;
* CUTS test reporting.
* (1) make a list (2d char array) of all TCIDs (see above for why)
* (2) look thru the list:
* (a) keep track of the "worst case" in this *TAG*
* (b) report each testcase's results
* (c) if the testcase number is != 0, count it
* (3) report tag's results
* (4) check the number of expected results with the actual results,
* report an error if they don't match.
cuts_report(tags, keys, at, tag )
SYM tags, keys; char *at, *tag;
DBT Key, Data;
/* analysis type: count of CUTS test cases */
const char **ant;
char *dat; /* strdup(at) */
int tccount; /* expected count of testcases */
int tcnum; /* seen count of testcases */
/* a list of tcids */
char **taglist, **tl;
int ntags, tagcount;
char key_get[255];
char *result = "", *worst_case(); /* overall result */
/* parse analysis type: cuts:tc-count */
ant = splitstr((dat=strdup(at)), ":",NULL);
if (ant[1] != NULL)
/* extract tcids */
taglist= (char **)malloc(sizeof(char *) * ntags);
tl = taglist;
sym_seq(tags, &Key, &Data, R_FIRST);
do {
if (tagcount == ntags) {
/* exceeded tag array size -- realloc */
ntags += NTCID_START;
taglist= (char **)realloc(taglist, sizeof(char *) * ntags);
tl = taglist+tagcount;
if (strcmp((char *), "_keys")==0)
printf("cuts_report: tcid %s\n", (char *);
*tl++ =;
} while (sym_seq(tags, &Key, &Data, R_NEXT)==0);
if (tagcount == ntags) {
/* exceeded tag array size -- realloc */
ntags++; /* need just one more */
taglist= (char **)realloc(taglist, sizeof(char *) * ntags);
tl = taglist+tagcount;
*tl++ = NULL;
ntags = tagcount;
/* dump all found records */
for (tl=taglist; *tl != NULL; tl++) {
strcpy(key_get, *tl); = (void *) key_get;
/*sym_dump_s(sym_get(tags, key_get), 0);*/
sym_seq(tags, &Key, &Data, R_CURSOR);
do {
printf("cuts_report: tc %s = %s\n", (char *),
(char *);
result = worst_case(result, (char *);
test_result(tag, *tl, (char *), (char *), keys);
if (atoi((char *)
} while (sym_seq(tags, &Key, &Data, R_NEXT)==0);
test_result(tag, "*", "*", result, keys);
if (tccount != 0 && tccount != tcnum)
test_result(tag, "-", "-", "TC count wrong", keys);
return 0;
* Do the report generation.
* A problem: I really need multiple cursors. I'd rather not look into
* the depths of the current symbol table implimentation (there are the
* cursors there that I could use) so that a different (faster!) symbol
* table can be used in the future.
* I could get a key (tag), get it's sub-keys (TCIDs), then get the key
* again to reset to the top level, _then_ get the next key. That would
* be very inefficient.
* The solution I chose is to extract all tags into a list (char array),
* then go thru that list with the cursor free for other levels to use.
* (1) make a list (2d char array) of all Tags
* (2) search for the first tag that has a "stime" record, and use that as
* the date (MMDDYY) that the tests were run.
* (3) print the report header
* (4) go thru all tags and report each as described at the beginning of
* this file
tag_report(alltags, ctag, keys)
SYM alltags, ctag, keys;
extern int extended;
char key_get[KEYSIZE];
char *info;
/* retrieved _keys values: initation status, start time, duration,
* termination type, termination id, start line, end line. */
char *tag, *contact, *is, *mystime, *duration, *tt, *ti, *sl, *el;
/* Check all driver-level status first */
strcpy(key_get, "tag");
if ((tag = (char *)sym_get(keys, key_get)) == NULL) {
return -1;
/* Check all driver-level status first */
strcpy(key_get, "initiation_status");
if ((is = (char *)sym_get(keys, key_get)) == NULL) {
test_result(tag, NULL, NULL, "no init status", keys);
return -1;
if (strcmp(is, "ok")) {
test_result(tag, NULL, NULL, is, keys);
} else {
strcpy(key_get, "corefile");
if ((info = (char *)sym_get(keys, key_get)) != NULL)
if (strcmp(info, "no") != 0) {
test_result(tag, NULL, NULL, "coredump", keys);
strcpy(key_get, "termination_type");
if ((tt = (char *)sym_get(keys, key_get))==NULL) {
test_result(tag, NULL, NULL, "no Term Type", keys);
return -1;
if (strcmp(tt, "exited")) {
test_result(tag, NULL, NULL, tt, keys);
strcpy(key_get, "analysis");
if ((info = (char *)sym_get(keys, key_get)) == NULL) {
test_result(tag, NULL, NULL, "no Analysis Type", keys);
return -1;
/* Getting here indicates that there were no fatal driver-level
* errors. Do the kind of reporting requested by the test.
if (strncmp(info, "none", 4) == 0) {
* If analysis is 'none', alway report the test as
* a pass regardless of output or exit status.
test_result(tag, NULL, NULL, "pass", keys);
} else if (strncmp(info, "cuts", 4)) {
* If analysis is not cuts, assume it is 'exit', thus
* the termination_id is used to determine pass/fail result.
if (strcmp(tt, "timeout")) {
strcpy(key_get, "termination_id");
if ((info = (char *)sym_get(keys, key_get)) == NULL) {
test_result(tag, NULL, NULL, "no_Term_Id", keys);
} else {
if (strcmp(info, "0")) {
test_result(tag, NULL, NULL, "fail", keys);
} else {
test_result(tag, NULL, NULL, "pass", keys);
} else {
cuts_report(ctag, keys, info, tag);
* Extended Format:
* - tcid+tc = "!"
* - tab separated fields
* - no field widths
* - fields 6 - ~ are:
* start-time (time_t)
* duration
* termination_id
* termination_type
* Start Line (of test results in output file)
* End Line
if (extended) {
strcpy(key_get, "termination_id");
if ((ti = (char *)sym_get(keys, key_get)) == NULL) {
ti = "No_Termination_ID";
strcpy(key_get, "termination_type");
if ((tt = (char *)sym_get(keys, key_get)) == NULL) {
tt = "No_Termination_Type";
strcpy(key_get, "duration");
if ((duration = (char *)sym_get(keys, key_get)) == NULL) {
duration = "No_Duration";
strcpy(key_get, "_Start_line");
if ((sl = (char *)sym_get(keys, key_get)) == NULL) {
sl = "No_Start_line";
strcpy(key_get, "_End_line");
if ((el = (char *)sym_get(keys, key_get)) == NULL) {
el = "No_End_line";
strcpy(key_get, "contacts");
if ((contact = (char *)sym_get(keys, key_get)) == NULL) {
contact = "No_Contacts";
strcpy(key_get, "stime");
if ((mystime = (char *)sym_get(keys, key_get)) == NULL) {
mystime = "No_stime";
tag, "!", "!", is, contact, mystime, duration,
ti, tt, sl, el);
return 0;
* Print a header made up of the RTS keywords
* In "extended" mode, print the header to stderr.
SYM tags;
DBT Key, Data;
char key_get[255];
FILE *out;
extern int extended;
if (extended)
out = stderr;
out = stdout;
fprintf(out, "System Configuration:\n");
/* build header out of RTS keywords */
sprintf(key_get, "_RTS"); = (void *) key_get;
if (sym_seq(tags, &Key, &Data, R_CURSOR) == 0) {
do {
if (strcmp((char *), "PATH")==0)
fprintf(out, "%-20.20s %s\n", (char *), (char *);
} while (sym_seq(tags, &Key, &Data, R_NEXT)==0);
fprintf(out, "\n");
fprintf(out, FORMAT, "tag", "tcid", "testcase", "status", "contact");
fprintf(out, "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
return 0;
* CUTS testcase record
* This is passed s SYM for the current tag and the initiation keys.
* The text seen by lex is in yytext (global).
cuts_testcase(tag, keys)
SYM tag, keys;
char *cuts_info[5];
char key[KEYSIZE];
char *oldresult, *newresult, *worst_case();
int tok_num=0;
extern char yytext[];
cuts_info[tok_num] = strtok(yytext, "\t ");
while (tok_num < 5 &&
(cuts_info[++tok_num] = strtok(NULL, "\t ")) != NULL )
strcpy(key, cuts_info[0]);
strcat(key, ",");
strcat(key, cuts_info[1]);
printf("cuts_testcase: TCID=%s TC=%s Result=%s\n", cuts_info[0],
cuts_info[1], cuts_info[2]);
printf("cuts_testcase: %d %s\n", tok_num, key);
if ((oldresult=(char *)sym_get(tag, key)) != NULL) {
/* Duplicate -- assume mulitple runs */
/* keep "worst case" */
newresult = worst_case(oldresult, cuts_info[2]);
sym_put(tag, key, strdup(newresult), PUT_REPLACE);
free(oldresult); /* remove the "data" portion of the key */
} else {
sym_put(tag, key, strdup(cuts_info[2]), 0);
return 0;
* Determine a "worst case" status from two given statuses.
static char *
worst_case(t1, t2)
char *t1, *t2;
/* NULL-terminated table, ordered from worst-case to best-case */
static char *worst[] = {
char **w1, **w2;
/* Search the table for each status, then use the index to determine
which has a lower precedence */
for (w1=worst; *w1 != NULL && strcmp(t1,*w1); w1++)
for (w2=worst; *w2 != NULL && strcmp(t2,*w2); w2++)
if (w1 < w2)