blob: 0633e14cd8f6aca4a73f7f59111c0366af1b7dcd [file] [log] [blame]
#DESCRIPTION:Memory Mgmt tests
mm01 mmap001 -m 10000
# 40 Mb mmap() test.
# Creates a 10000 page mmap, touches all of the map, sync's it, and
# munmap()s it.
mm02 mmap001
# simple mmap() test.
#mm03 mmap001 -i 0 -I 1 -m 100
# repetitive mmapping test.
# Creates a one page map repetitively for one minute.
mtest01 mtest01 -p80
mtest01w mtest01 -p80 -w
#test for race conditions
mtest05 mmstress
mtest06 mmap1 -x 0.05
mtest06_2 mmap2 -x 0.002 -a -p
mtest06_3 mmap3 -x 0.002 -p
# Remains diabled till the infinite loop problem is solved
#mtest-6_4 shmat1 -x 0.00005
mem01 mem01
mem02 mem02
mem03 mem03
page01 page01
page02 page02
data_space data_space
stack_space stack_space
shmt02 shmt02
shmt03 shmt03
shmt04 shmt04
shmt05 shmt05
shmt06 shmt06
shmt07 shmt07
shmt08 shmt08
shmt09 shmt09
shmt10 shmt10
shm_test01 shm_test -l 10 -t 2
mallocstress01 mallocstress
mmapstress01 mmapstress01 -p 20 -t 0.2
mmapstress02 mmapstress02
mmapstress03 mmapstress03
mmapstress04 TMPFILE=`mktemp /tmp/example.XXXXXXXXXX`; ls -lR /usr/include/ > $TMPFILE; mmapstress04 $TMPFILE
mmapstress05 mmapstress05
mmapstress06 mmapstress06 20
mmapstress07 TMPFILE=`mktemp /tmp/example.XXXXXXXXXXXX`; mmapstress07 $TMPFILE
mmapstress08 mmapstress08
mmapstress09 mmapstress09 -p 20 -t 0.2
mmapstress10 mmapstress10 -p 20 -t 0.2
mmap10 mmap10
mmap10_1 mmap10 -a
mmap10_2 mmap10 -s
mmap10_3 mmap10 -a -s
mmap10_4 mmap10 -a -s -i 60
ksm01 ksm01
ksm01_1 ksm01 -u 128
ksm02 ksm02
ksm02_1 ksm02 -u 128
ksm03 ksm03
ksm03_1 ksm03 -u 128
ksm04 ksm04
ksm04_1 ksm04 -u 128
hugemmap05 hugemmap05
hugemmap05_1 hugemmap05 -m
hugemmap05_2 hugemmap05 -s
hugemmap05_3 hugemmap05 -s -m
cpuset01 cpuset01 -I 3600
mlock01 mlock01
mlock03 mlock03 -i 20
mbind01 mbind01
oom01 oom01
oom02 oom02
oom03 oom03
oom04 oom04