blob: 82e75e19490492e3974e6f4d3c8536e35b7e7668 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2000 Silicon Graphics, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it would be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Further, this software is distributed without any warranty that it is
* free of the rightful claim of any third person regarding infringement
* or the like. Any license provided herein, whether implied or
* otherwise, applies only to this software file. Patent licenses, if
* any, provided herein do not apply to combinations of this program with
* other software, or any other product whatsoever.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59
* Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307, USA.
* Contact information: Silicon Graphics, Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy,
* Mountain View, CA 94043, or:
* For further information regarding this notice, see:
* Changelog:
* Added timer options: William Jay Huie, IBM
/* $Id: pan.c,v 1.13 2002/09/05 20:48:35 robbiew Exp $ */
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/times.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include "splitstr.h"
#include "zoolib.h"
/* One entry in the command line collection. */
struct coll_entry
char *name; /* tag name */
char *cmdline; /* command line */
char *pcnt_f; /* location of %f in the command line args, flag */
struct coll_entry *next;
struct collection
int cnt;
struct coll_entry **ary;
struct tag_pgrp
int pgrp;
int stopping;
time_t stime;
struct coll_entry *cmd;
char output[PATH_MAX];
struct orphan_pgrp
int pgrp;
struct orphan_pgrp *next;
static pid_t run_child(struct coll_entry *colle, struct tag_pgrp *active);
static char *slurp(char *file);
static struct collection *get_collection(char *file, int optind, int argc,
char **argv);
static void pids_running(struct tag_pgrp *running, int keep_active);
static int check_pids(struct tag_pgrp *running, int *num_active,
int keep_active, FILE * logfile, struct orphan_pgrp *orphans);
static void propagate_signal(struct tag_pgrp *running, int keep_active,
struct orphan_pgrp *orphans);
static void dump_coll(struct collection *coll);
static char *subst_pcnt_f(struct coll_entry *colle);
static void mark_orphan(struct orphan_pgrp *orphans, pid_t cpid);
static void orphans_running(struct orphan_pgrp *orphans);
static void check_orphans(struct orphan_pgrp *orphans, int sig);
static void copy_buffered_output(struct tag_pgrp *running);
static void write_test_start(struct tag_pgrp *running, const char *init_status);
static void write_test_end(struct tag_pgrp *running,
time_t exit_time, char *term_type, int stat_loc,
int term_id, struct tms *tms1, struct tms *tms2);
static char PAN_STOP_FILE[] = "PAN_STOP_FILE";
static char *panname = NULL;
static char *test_out_dir = NULL; /* dir to buffer output to */
zoo_t zoofile;
static char *reporttype = NULL;
/* Debug Bits */
int Debug = 0;
#define Dbuffile 0x000400 /* buffer file use */
#define Dsetup 0x000200 /* one-time set-up */
#define Dshutdown 0x000100 /* killed by signal */
#define Dexit 0x000020 /* exit status */
#define Drunning 0x000010 /* current pids running */
#define Dstartup 0x000004 /* started command */
#define Dstart 0x000002 /* started command */
#define Dwait 0x000001 /* wait interrupted */
main(int argc, char **argv)
extern char *optarg;
extern int optind;
int c;
char *zooname = NULL; /* name of the zoo file to use */
char *filename = "/dev/null"; /* filename to read test tags from */
char *logfilename = NULL;
FILE *logfile = NULL;
char *outputfilename = NULL;
struct collection *coll = NULL;
pid_t cpid;
struct tag_pgrp *running;
struct orphan_pgrp *orphans, *orph;
int keep_active = 1;
int num_active = 0;
int err, i;
int starts = -1;
int run_time = -1; char modifier = 'm'; int ret = 0;
int stop;
int go_idle;
int has_brakes = 0; /* stop everything if a test case fails */
int sequential = 0; /* run tests sequentially */
int fork_in_road = 0;
int exit_stat;
int track_exit_stats = 0; /* exit non-zero if any test exits non-zero */
while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "AO:Sa:d:ef:hl:n:o:r:s:t:x:y")) != -1) {
switch (c) {
case 'A': /* all-stop flag */
has_brakes = 1;
track_exit_stats = 1;
case 'O': /* output buffering directory */
test_out_dir = strdup(optarg);
case 'S': /* run tests sequentially */
sequential = 1;
case 'a': /* name of the zoo file to use */
zooname = strdup(optarg);
case 'd': /* debug options */
sscanf(optarg, "%i", &Debug);
case 'e': /* exit non-zero if any test exists non-zero */
track_exit_stats = 1;
case 'f': /* filename to read test tags from */
filename = strdup(optarg);
case 'h': /* help */
("Usage: pan -n name [ -SyAeh ] [ -s starts ] [-t time[s|m|h|d] [ -x nactive ] [ -l logfile ]\n\t[ -a active-file ] [ -f command-file ] [ -d debug-level ]\n\t[-o output-file] [-O output-buffer-directory] [cmd]\n");
case 'l': /* log file */
logfilename = strdup(optarg);
case 'n': /* tag given to pan */
panname = strdup(optarg);
case 'o': /* send test output here */
outputfilename = strdup(optarg);
case 'r': /* reporting type: none, rts */
reporttype = strdup(optarg);
case 's': /* number of tags to run */
starts = atoi(optarg);
case 't': /* run_time to run */
ret = sscanf(optarg, "%d%c", &run_time, &modifier);
if (ret == 0) { printf("Need proper time input: ####x where"
"x is one of s,m,h,d\n"); break; }
else if (ret == 1) { printf("Only got a time value of %d "
"modifiers need to come immediately after #"
" assuming %c\n", run_time, modifier); }
switch (modifier)
case 's': run_time = run_time; break;
case 'm': run_time = run_time * 60; break;
case 'h': run_time = run_time * 60 * 60; break;
case 'd': run_time = run_time * 60 * 60 * 24; break;
printf("Invalid time modifier, try: s|h|m|d\n"); exit(-1);
printf("PAN will run for %d seconds\n", run_time);
starts = 0; //-t implies run as many starts as possible
case 'x': /* number of tags to keep running */
keep_active = atoi(optarg);
case 'y': /* restart on failure or signal */
fork_in_road = 1;
if (panname == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "pan: Must supply -n\n");
if (zooname == NULL) {
zooname = zoo_getname();
if (zooname == NULL) {
"pan(%s): Must supply -a or set ZOO env variable\n",
if (reporttype) {
/* make sure we understand the report type */
if (strcasecmp(reporttype, "rts")
&& strcasecmp(reporttype, "none")
/* && strcasecmp(reporttype, "xml")*/)
reporttype = "rts";
} else {
/* set the default */
reporttype = "rts";
if (logfilename != NULL) {
time_t startup;
char *s;
if (!strcmp(logfilename, "-")) {
logfile = stdout;
} else {
if ((logfile = fopen(logfilename, "a+")) == NULL) {
"pan(%s): Error %s (%d) opening log file '%s'\n",
panname, strerror(errno), errno, logfilename);
s = ctime(&startup);
*(s + strlen(s) - 1) = '\0';
fprintf(logfile, "startup='%s'\n", s);
coll = get_collection(filename, optind, argc, argv);
if (coll->cnt == 0) {
"pan(%s): Must supply a file collection or a command\n",
if (Debug & Dsetup)
/* a place to store the pgrps we're watching */
running = (struct tag_pgrp *)malloc((keep_active + 1) * sizeof(struct tag_pgrp));
memset(running, 0, keep_active * sizeof(struct tag_pgrp));
running[keep_active].pgrp = -1; /* end sentinel */
/* a head to the orphaned pgrp list */
orphans = (struct orphan_pgrp *) malloc(sizeof(struct orphan_pgrp));
memset(orphans, 0, sizeof(struct orphan_pgrp));
srand48(time(NULL) ^ (getpid() + (getpid() << 15)));
/* Supply a default for starts. If we are in sequential mode, use
* the number of commands available; otherwise 1.
if (starts == -1) {
if (sequential) {
starts = coll->cnt;
} else {
starts = 1;
} else if (starts == 0) { /* if the user specified infinite, set it */
starts = -1;
} else { /* else, make sure we are starting at least keep_active processes */
if (starts < keep_active)
starts = keep_active;
/* if we're buffering output, but we're only running on process at a time,
* then essentially "turn off buffering"
if (test_out_dir && (keep_active == 1)) {
test_out_dir = NULL;
if (test_out_dir) {
struct stat sbuf;
if (stat(test_out_dir, &sbuf) < 0) {
"pan(%s): stat of -O arg '%s' failed. errno: %d %s\n",
panname, test_out_dir, errno, strerror(errno));
if (!S_ISDIR(sbuf.st_mode)) {
fprintf(stderr, "pan(%s): -O arg '%s' must be a directory.\n",
panname, test_out_dir);
if (access(test_out_dir, W_OK | R_OK | X_OK) < 0) {
"pan(%s): permission denied on -O arg '%s'. errno: %d %s\n",
panname, test_out_dir, errno, strerror(errno));
if (outputfilename) {
if (!freopen(outputfilename, "a+", stdout)) {
"pan(%s): Error %s (%d) openning output file '%s'\n",
panname, strerror(errno), errno, outputfilename);
if ((zoofile = zoo_open(zooname)) == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "pan(%s): %s\n", panname, zoo_error);
if (zoo_mark_args(zoofile, getpid(), panname, argc, argv)) {
fprintf(stderr, "pan(%s): %s\n", panname, zoo_error);
/* Allocate N spaces for max-arg commands.
* this is an "active file cleanliness" thing
char *av[2], bigarg[82];
memset(bigarg, '.', 81);
bigarg[81] = '\0';
av[0] = bigarg;
av[1] = NULL;
for (c = 0; c < keep_active; c++) {
if (zoo_mark_cmdline(zoofile, c, panname, "")) {
fprintf(stderr, "pan(%s): %s\n", panname, zoo_error);
for (c = 0; c < keep_active; c++) {
if (zoo_clear(zoofile, c)) {
fprintf(stderr, "pan(%s): %s\n", panname, zoo_error);
rec_signal = send_signal = 0;
if (run_time != -1) { alarm(run_time); }
signal(SIGALRM, wait_handler);
signal(SIGINT, wait_handler);
signal(SIGTERM, wait_handler);
signal(SIGHUP, wait_handler);
signal(SIGUSR1, wait_handler); /* ignore fork_in_road */
signal(SIGUSR2, wait_handler); /* stop the scheduler */
c = 0; /* in this loop, c is the command index */
stop = 0;
exit_stat = 0;
go_idle = 0;
while (1) {
while ((num_active < keep_active) && (starts != 0)) {
if (stop || rec_signal || go_idle)
if (!sequential)
c = lrand48() % coll->cnt;
/* find a slot for the child */
for (i = 0; i < keep_active; ++i) {
if (running[i].pgrp == 0)
if (i == keep_active) {
fprintf(stderr, "pan(%s): Aborting: i == keep_active = %d\n",
panname, i);
cpid = run_child(coll->ary[c], running + i);
if (cpid != -1) {
if (starts > 0)
if (sequential)
if (++c >= coll->cnt)
c = 0;
} /* while( (num_active < keep_active) && (starts != 0) ) */
if (starts == 0)
{ printf("incrementing stop\n"); ++stop; }
else if (starts == -1) //wjh
FILE *f = (FILE*)-1;
if ((f = fopen(PAN_STOP_FILE, "r")) != 0)
{ printf("Got %s Stopping!\n", PAN_STOP_FILE);
fclose(f); unlink(PAN_STOP_FILE); stop++;
if (rec_signal) {
/* propagate everything except sigusr2 */
if (rec_signal == SIGUSR2) {
if (fork_in_road)
signal(rec_signal, wait_handler);
rec_signal = send_signal = 0;
} else {
if (rec_signal == SIGUSR1)
fork_in_road = 0;
propagate_signal(running, keep_active, orphans);
if (fork_in_road)
err = check_pids(running, &num_active, keep_active,
logfile, orphans);
if (Debug & Drunning) {
pids_running(running, keep_active);
if (err) {
if (fork_in_road)
if (track_exit_stats)
if (has_brakes) {
fprintf(stderr, "pan(%s): All stop!%s\n", panname,
go_idle ? " (idling)" : "");
if (stop && (num_active == 0))
if (go_idle && (num_active == 0)) {
go_idle = 0; /* It is idle, now resume scheduling. */
wait_handler(0); /* Reset the signal ratchet. */
/* Wait for orphaned pgrps */
while (1) {
for (orph = orphans; orph != NULL; orph = orph->next) {
if (orph->pgrp == 0)
/* Yes, we have orphaned pgrps */
if (!rec_signal) {
/* force an artificial signal, move us
* through the signal ratchet.
propagate_signal(running, keep_active, orphans);
if (Debug & Drunning)
if (orph == NULL)
signal(SIGINT, SIG_DFL);
if (zoo_clear(zoofile, getpid())) {
fprintf(stderr, "pan(%s): %s\n", panname, zoo_error);
if (logfile && (logfile != stdout))
static void
propagate_signal(struct tag_pgrp *running, int keep_active,
struct orphan_pgrp *orphans)
int i;
if (Debug & Dshutdown)
fprintf(stderr, "pan was signaled with sig %d...\n", rec_signal);
if (rec_signal == SIGALRM)
printf("PAN stop Alarm was received\n");
rec_signal = SIGTERM;
for (i = 0; i < keep_active; ++i) {
if (running[i].pgrp == 0)
if (Debug & Dshutdown)
fprintf(stderr, " propagating sig %d to %d\n",
send_signal, -running[i].pgrp);
if (kill(-running[i].pgrp, send_signal) != 0) {
"pan(%s): kill(%d,%d) failed on tag (%s). errno:%d %s\n",
panname, -running[i].pgrp, send_signal,
running[i].cmd->name, errno, strerror(errno));
running[i].stopping = 1;
check_orphans(orphans, send_signal);
signal(rec_signal, wait_handler);
rec_signal = send_signal = 0;
static int
check_pids(struct tag_pgrp *running, int *num_active, int keep_active,
FILE * logfile, struct orphan_pgrp *orphans)
int w;
pid_t cpid;
int stat_loc;
int ret = 0;
int i;
time_t t;
char *status;
int signaled = 0;
struct tms tms1, tms2;
clock_t tck;
check_orphans(orphans, 0);
tck = times(&tms1);
if (tck == -1) {
fprintf(stderr, "pan(%s): times(&tms1) failed. errno:%d %s\n",
panname, errno, strerror(errno));
cpid = wait(&stat_loc);
tck = times(&tms2);
if (tck == -1) {
fprintf(stderr, "pan(%s): times(&tms2) failed. errno:%d %s\n",
panname, errno, strerror(errno));
if (cpid < 0) {
if (errno == EINTR) {
if (Debug)
fprintf(stderr, "pan(%s): wait() interrupted\n", panname);
} else if (errno != ECHILD) {
fprintf(stderr, "pan(%s): wait() failed. errno:%d %s\n",
panname, errno, strerror(errno));
} else if (cpid > 0) {
if (WIFSIGNALED(stat_loc)) {
w = WTERMSIG(stat_loc);
status = "signaled";
if (Debug & Dexit)
fprintf(stderr, "child %d terminated with signal %d\n", cpid,
signaled = 1;
} else if (WIFEXITED(stat_loc)) {
w = WEXITSTATUS(stat_loc);
status = "exited";
if (Debug & Dexit)
fprintf(stderr, "child %d exited with status %d\n", cpid, w);
if (w != 0)
} else if (WIFSTOPPED(stat_loc)) { /* should never happen */
w = WSTOPSIG(stat_loc);
status = "stopped";
} else { /* should never happen */
w = 0;
status = "unknown";
for (i = 0; i < keep_active; ++i) {
if (running[i].pgrp == cpid) {
if ((w == 130) && running[i].stopping &&
(strcmp(status, "exited") == 0)) {
/* The child received sigint, but
* did not trap for it? Compensate
* for it here.
w = 0;
ret--; /* undo */
if (Debug & Drunning)
"pan(%s): tag=%s exited 130, known to be signaled; will give it an exit 0.\n",
panname, running[i].cmd->name);
if (logfile != NULL) {
"tag=%s stime=%d dur=%d exit=%s stat=%d core=%s cu=%d cs=%d\n",
running[i].cmd->name, (int) (running[i].stime),
(int) (t - running[i].stime), status, w,
(stat_loc & 0200) ? "yes" : "no",
(int) (tms2.tms_cutime - tms1.tms_cutime),
(int) (tms2.tms_cstime - tms1.tms_cstime));
if (running[i].stopping)
status = "driver_interrupt";
if (test_out_dir) {
write_test_start(running+i, "ok");
copy_buffered_output(running + i);
write_test_end(running+i, t, status,
stat_loc, w, &tms1, &tms2);
/* If signaled and we weren't expecting
* this to be stopped then the proc
* had a problem.
if (signaled && !running[i].stopping)
running[i].pgrp = 0;
if (zoo_clear(zoofile, cpid)) {
fprintf(stderr, "pan(%s): %s\n", panname, zoo_error);
/* Check for orphaned pgrps */
if ((kill(-cpid, 0) == 0) || (errno == EPERM)) {
if (zoo_mark_cmdline(zoofile, cpid, "panorphan",
running[i].cmd->cmdline)) {
fprintf(stderr, "pan(%s): %s\n", panname, zoo_error);
mark_orphan(orphans, cpid);
/* status of kill doesn't matter */
kill(-cpid, SIGTERM);
return ret;
static pid_t
run_child(struct coll_entry *colle, struct tag_pgrp *active)
int cpid;
int c_stdout = -1; /* child's stdout, stderr */
int capturing = 0; /* output is going to a file instead of stdout */
char *c_cmdline;
static long cmdno = 0;
int errpipe[2]; /* way to communicate to parent that the tag */
char errbuf[1024]; /* didn't actually start */
int errlen;
/* Try to open the file that will be stdout for the test */
if (test_out_dir) {
capturing = 1;
do {
sprintf(active->output, "%s/%s.%ld",
test_out_dir, colle->name, cmdno++);
c_stdout = open(active->output, O_CREAT | O_RDWR | O_EXCL | O_SYNC, 0666);
} while (c_stdout < 0 && errno == EEXIST);
if (c_stdout < 0) {
"pan(%s): open of stdout file failed (tag %s). errno: %d %s\n file: %s\n",
panname, colle->name, errno, strerror(errno),
return -1;
/* get the tag's command line arguments ready. subst_pcnt_f() uses a
* static counter, that's why we do it here instead of after we fork.
if (colle->pcnt_f) {
c_cmdline = subst_pcnt_f(colle);
} else {
c_cmdline = colle->cmdline;
if (pipe(errpipe) < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "pan(%s): pipe() failed. errno:%d %s\n",
panname, errno, strerror(errno));
if (capturing) {
return -1;
if ((cpid = fork()) < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "pan(%s): fork failed (tag %s). errno:%d %s\n",
panname, colle->name, errno, strerror(errno));
if (capturing) {
return -1;
} else if (cpid == 0) {
/* child */
fcntl(errpipe[1], F_SETFD, 1); /* close the pipe if we succeed */
/* if we're putting output into a buffer file, we need to do the
* redirection now. If we fail
if (capturing) {
if (dup2(c_stdout, fileno(stdout)) == -1) {
errlen = sprintf(errbuf, "pan(%s): couldn't redirect stdout for tag %s. errno:%d %s",
panname, colle->name, errno, strerror(errno));
write(errpipe[1], &errlen, sizeof(errlen));
write(errpipe[1], errbuf, errlen);
if (dup2(c_stdout, fileno(stderr)) == -1) {
errlen = sprintf(errbuf, "pan(%s): couldn't redirect stderr for tag %s. errno:%d %s",
panname, colle->name, errno, strerror(errno));
write(errpipe[1], &errlen, sizeof(errlen));
write(errpipe[1], errbuf, errlen);
} else { /* stderr still needs to be redirected */
if (dup2(fileno(stdout), fileno(stderr)) == -1) {
errlen = sprintf(errbuf, "pan(%s): couldn't redirect stderr for tag %s. errno:%d %s",
panname, colle->name, errno, strerror(errno));
write(errpipe[1], &errlen, sizeof(errlen));
write(errpipe[1], errbuf, errlen);
/* If there are any shell-type characters in the cmdline
* such as '>', '<', '$', '|', etc, then we exec a shell and
* run the cmd under a shell.
* Otherwise, break the cmdline at white space and exec the
* cmd directly.
if (strpbrk(c_cmdline, "\"';|<>$\\")) {
execlp("sh", "sh", "-c", c_cmdline, 0);
errlen = sprintf(errbuf,
"pan(%s): execlp of '%s' (tag %s) failed. errno:%d %s",
panname, c_cmdline, colle->name, errno, strerror(errno));
} else {
char **arg_v;
arg_v = (char **)splitstr(c_cmdline, NULL, NULL);
execvp(arg_v[0], arg_v);
errlen = sprintf(errbuf,
"pan(%s): execvp of '%s' (tag %s) failed. errno:%d %s",
panname, arg_v[0], colle->name, errno, strerror(errno));
write(errpipe[1], &errlen, sizeof(errlen));
write(errpipe[1], errbuf, errlen);
/* parent */
/* subst_pcnt_f() allocates the command line dynamically
* free the malloc to prevent a memory leak
if (colle->pcnt_f) free(c_cmdline);
active->cmd = colle;
/* if the child couldn't go through with the exec,
* clean up the mess, note it, and move on
if(read(errpipe[0], &errlen, sizeof(errlen))) {
int status;
time_t end_time;
int termid;
char *termtype;
struct tms notime = {0, 0, 0, 0};
read(errpipe[0], errbuf, errlen);
errbuf[errlen] = '\0';
/* fprintf(stderr, "%s", errbuf); */
waitpid(cpid, &status, 0);
if (WIFSIGNALED(status)) {
termid = WTERMSIG(status);
termtype = "signaled";
} else if (WIFEXITED(status)) {
termid = WEXITSTATUS(status);
termtype = "exited";
} else if (WIFSTOPPED(status)) {
termid = WSTOPSIG(status);
termtype = "stopped";
} else {
termid = 0;
termtype = "unknown";
write_test_start(active, errbuf);
write_test_end(active, end_time, termtype, status,
termid, &notime, &notime);
if (capturing) {
return -1;
if (capturing) close(c_stdout);
if (!test_out_dir)
write_test_start(active, "ok");
active->pgrp = cpid;
active->stopping = 0;
if (zoo_mark_cmdline(zoofile, cpid, colle->name, colle->cmdline)) {
fprintf(stderr, "pan(%s): %s\n", panname, zoo_error);
if (Debug & Dstartup)
fprintf(stderr, "started %s cpid=%d at %s",
colle->name, cpid, ctime(&active->stime));
if (Debug & Dstart) {
fprintf(stderr, "Executing test = %s as %s", colle->name, colle->cmdline);
if (capturing)
fprintf(stderr, "with output file = %s\n", active->output);
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
return cpid;
static char *
subst_pcnt_f(struct coll_entry *colle)
static int counter = 1;
char pid_and_counter[20];
char new_cmdline[1024];
/* if we get called falsely, do the right thing anyway */
if (!colle->pcnt_f)
return colle->cmdline;
snprintf(pid_and_counter, 20, "%d_%d", getpid(), counter++);
snprintf(new_cmdline, 1024, colle->cmdline, pid_and_counter);
return strdup(new_cmdline);
static struct collection *
get_collection(char *file, int optind, int argc, char **argv)
char *buf, *a, *b;
struct coll_entry *head, *p, *n;
struct collection *coll;
int i;
buf = slurp(file);
coll = (struct collection *) malloc(sizeof(struct collection));
coll->cnt = 0;
head = p = n = NULL;
a = b = buf;
while (*b != '\0') {
/* set b to the start of the next line and add a NULL character
* to separate the two lines */
if ((b = strchr(a, '\n')) != NULL)
*b = '\0';
/* If this is line isn't a comment */
if ((*a != '#') && (*a != '\0') && (*a != ' ')) {
n = (struct coll_entry *) malloc(sizeof(struct coll_entry));
if ((n->pcnt_f = strstr(a, "%f"))) {
n->pcnt_f[1] = 's';
n->name = strdup(strsep(&a, " \t"));
n->cmdline = strdup(a);
n->next = NULL;
if (p) {
p->next = n;
if (head == NULL) {
head = n;
p = n;
a += strlen(a) + 1;
b = a;
/* is there something on the commandline to be counted? */
if (optind < argc) {
char workstr[1024] = "";
int workstr_left = 1023;
/* fill arg list */
for (i = 0; optind < argc; ++optind, ++i) {
strncat(workstr, argv[optind], workstr_left);
workstr_left = workstr_left - strlen(argv[optind]);
strncat(workstr, " ", workstr_left);
n = (struct coll_entry *) malloc(sizeof(struct coll_entry));
if ((n->pcnt_f = strstr(workstr, "%f"))) {
n->pcnt_f[1] = 's';
n->cmdline = strdup(workstr);
n->name = "cmdln";
n->next = NULL;
if (p) {
p->next = n;
if (head == NULL) {
head = n;
/* get an array */
coll->ary = (struct coll_entry **) malloc(coll->cnt *
sizeof(struct coll_entry *));
/* fill the array */
i = 0;
n = head;
while (n != NULL) {
coll->ary[i] = n;
n = n->next;
if (i != coll->cnt)
fprintf(stderr, "pan(%s): i doesn't match cnt\n", panname);
return coll;
static char *
slurp(char *file)
char *buf;
int fd;
struct stat sbuf;
if ((fd = open(file, O_RDONLY)) < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "pan(%s): open(%s,O_RDONLY) failed. errno:%d %s\n",
panname, file, errno, strerror(errno));
return NULL;
if (fstat(fd, &sbuf) < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "pan(%s): fstat(%s) failed. errno:%d %s\n",
panname, file, errno, strerror(errno));
return NULL;
buf = (char *) malloc(sbuf.st_size + 1);
if (read(fd, buf, sbuf.st_size) != sbuf.st_size) {
fprintf(stderr, "pan(%s): slurp failed. errno:%d %s\n",
panname, errno, strerror(errno));
return NULL;
buf[sbuf.st_size] = '\0';
return buf;
static void
check_orphans(struct orphan_pgrp *orphans, int sig)
struct orphan_pgrp *orph;
for (orph = orphans; orph != NULL; orph = orph->next) {
if (orph->pgrp == 0)
if (Debug & Dshutdown)
fprintf(stderr, " propagating sig %d to orphaned pgrp %d\n",
sig, -(orph->pgrp));
if (kill(-(orph->pgrp), sig) != 0) {
if (errno == ESRCH) {
/* This pgrp is now empty */
if (zoo_clear(zoofile, orph->pgrp)) {
fprintf(stderr, "pan(%s): %s\n", panname, zoo_error);
orph->pgrp = 0;
} else {
"pan(%s): kill(%d,%d) on orphaned pgrp failed. errno:%d %s\n",
panname, -(orph->pgrp), sig, errno, strerror(errno));
static void
mark_orphan(struct orphan_pgrp *orphans, pid_t cpid)
struct orphan_pgrp *orph;
for (orph = orphans; orph != NULL; orph = orph->next) {
if (orph->pgrp == 0)
if (orph == NULL) {
/* make a new struct */
orph = (struct orphan_pgrp *) malloc(sizeof(struct orphan_pgrp));
/* plug in the new struct just after the head */
orph->next = orphans->next;
orphans->next = orph;
orph->pgrp = cpid;
static void
copy_buffered_output(struct tag_pgrp *running)
char *tag_output;
tag_output = slurp(running->output);
if (tag_output) {
printf("%s", tag_output);
/* make sure the output ends with a newline */
if (tag_output[strlen(tag_output) - 1] != '\n')
static void
write_test_start(struct tag_pgrp *running, const char *init_status)
if (!strcmp(reporttype, "rts")) {
printf("%s\ntag=%s stime=%ld\ncmdline=\"%s\"\ncontacts=\"%s\"\nanalysis=%s\ninitiation_status=\"%s\"\n%s\n",
running->cmd->name, running->stime, running->cmd->cmdline, "",
"exit", init_status,
static void
write_test_end(struct tag_pgrp *running, time_t exit_time,
char *term_type, int stat_loc, int term_id,
struct tms *tms1, struct tms *tms2)
if (!strcmp(reporttype, "rts")) {
printf("%s\nduration=%ld termination_type=%s termination_id=%d corefile=%s\ncutime=%d cstime=%d\n%s\n",
(long) (exit_time - running->stime),
term_type, term_id, (stat_loc & 0200) ? "yes" : "no",
(int) (tms2->tms_cutime - tms1->tms_cutime),
(int) (tms2->tms_cstime - tms1->tms_cstime),
/* The functions below are all debugging related */
static void
pids_running(struct tag_pgrp *running, int keep_active)
int i;
fprintf(stderr, "pids still running: ");
for (i = 0; i < keep_active; ++i) {
if (running[i].pgrp != 0)
fprintf(stderr, "%d ", running[i].pgrp);
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
static void
orphans_running(struct orphan_pgrp *orphans)
struct orphan_pgrp *orph;
fprintf(stderr, "orphans still running: ");
for (orph = orphans; orph != NULL; orph = orph->next) {
if (orph->pgrp != 0)
fprintf(stderr, "%d ", -(orph->pgrp));
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
static void
dump_coll(struct collection *coll)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < coll->cnt; ++i) {
fprintf(stderr, "coll %d\n", i);
fprintf(stderr, " name=%s cmdline=%s\n", coll->ary[i]->name,
wait_handler( int sig )
static int lastsent = 0;
if( sig == 0 ){
lastsent = 0;
} else {
rec_signal = sig;
if( sig == SIGUSR2 )
if( lastsent == 0 )
send_signal = sig;
else if( lastsent == SIGUSR1 )
send_signal = SIGINT;
else if( lastsent == sig )
send_signal = SIGTERM;
else if( lastsent == SIGTERM )
send_signal = SIGHUP;
else if( lastsent == SIGHUP )
send_signal = SIGKILL;
lastsent = send_signal;