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<title>autoltp readme</title>
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<div align="center"><big><big><big><b>LTP Automation README<br>
using autoltp</b></big></big></big></div>
<li>All LTP installation prerequisites must be met<br>
<li>Perl modules Net::SFTP and Net::SSH::Perl <b>must</b> be <a
on MASTER machine. (<a href=""></a> for instructions/downloads)</li>
<li>MASTER and TARGET machines must have sftp and ssh capabilities.<br>
<li>IP addresses may replace hostnames in this document if name service
is unavailable.<br>
<big><big><b>Install files</b></big></big>
<li>Go to <a href="" target="_top"></a>
-&gt; Downloads -&gt; Download latest version of LTP</li>
<li>Login as root on MASTER machine</li>
<li>Untar ltp-xxxxxxxx.tgz in /root</li>
<li>tar -xzvf &lt;filename.tgz&gt;</li>
<li>mv ltp-&lt;yyyymmdd&gt;.tgz ltp <i>(&lt;yyyymmdd&gt; should be replaced
with the drop date you are using</i></li>
<big><big><b>Setup/Edit config files</b></big></big>
<li>edit and modify the run line to include the PAN_LOG
<li>ex: <i>${LTPROOT}/pan/pan -l $PAN_LOG -e -S $instances $time -a
$$ -n $$ -f ${TMP}/alltests</i></li>
<li>tar up the ltp directory (<i>this is the ltp.tgz that is copied to
the TARGET machines</i>)</li>
<li>in the root directory of MASTER type tar -czvf ltp.tgz to tar up
the testcases</li>
<li>copy the resulting ltp.tgz to /tmp on MASTER (<i>autoltp will look
for /ltp.tgz in the tmp directory</i>)<br>
<big><big><b>Run LTP</b></big></big><br>
<li>cd to /root/ltp/auto on MASTER</li>
<li>create a config file that contains the list of hosts (TARGETS) to
run LTP against</li>
<li>example config file:<br>
host1,username,password,number of instances,time<br>
host2,username,password,number of instances,time</li>
<li>host is the hostname of a TARGET machine<br>
<li>username is usually root or a root privileged account</li>
<li>number of instances is how many copies of LTP you want running simultaneously</li>
<li>time is the duration of the ltp run where 10m = 10 minutes, 2h =
2 hours, etc</li>
<li>run ./autoltp -f &lt;config file&gt;</li>
<li>autoltp will then attempt to make ssh/sftp connections with your TARGET
machines and run the LTP testcases<br>