blob: f6a8eeeda557d74e37c1746af2c39a16ab5a9546 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) Bull S.A. 2007 All Rights Reserved.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it would be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Further, this software is distributed without any warranty that it is
* free of the rightful claim of any third person regarding infringement
* or the like. Any license provided herein, whether implied or
* otherwise, applies only to this software file. Patent licenses, if
* any, provided herein do not apply to combinations of this program with
* other software, or any other product whatsoever.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59
* Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307, USA.
* History:
* Created by: Cyril Lacabanne (
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <tirpc/netconfig.h>
#include <tirpc/rpc/rpc.h>
#include <tirpc/rpc/types.h>
#include <tirpc/rpc/xdr.h>
#include <tirpc/rpc/svc.h>
#include <errno.h>
//Standard define
#define PROCNUM 1
#define VERSNUM 1
static double *thread_time_result;
static int maxThd = 1;
int run_mode;
int progNum;
int callNb;
char *nettype = "visible";
char *hostname;
void *my_thread_process (void * arg)
int i;
CLIENT *clnt = NULL;
int sndVar = 0;
int recVar = -1;
struct timeval total_timeout;
if (run_mode == 1)
fprintf(stderr, "Thread %d\n", atoi(arg));
total_timeout.tv_sec = 1;
total_timeout.tv_usec = 1;/**/
//First of all, create client using top level API
clnt = clnt_create(hostname, progNum, VERSNUM, nettype);
if (clnt == NULL)
exit (5);
for (i = 0; i < callNb; i++)
clnt_call((CLIENT *)clnt, PROCNUM,
(xdrproc_t)xdr_int, (char *)&sndVar, // xdr_in
(xdrproc_t)xdr_int, (char *)&recVar, // xdr_out
total_timeout); /**/
pthread_exit (0);
int main(int argn, char *argc[])
//Program parameters : argc[1] : HostName or Host IP
// argc[2] : Server Program Number
// argc[3] : Maximal number of threads
// argc[4] : Number of calls per thread
// other arguments depend on test case
//run_mode can switch into stand alone program or program launch by shell script
//1 : stand alone, debug mode, more screen information
//0 : launch by shell script as test case, only one printf -> result status
run_mode = 0;
int test_status = 1; //Default test result set to FAILED
int i,rthcreate;
long j;
int threadNb = atoi((char *)argc[3]);
int curThd = 1;
//Thread declarations
pthread_t *pThreadArray;
void *ret = NULL;
pthread_attr_t thread_attr;
int ssz = 0;
//Time measurement declarations
struct timeval tv1,tv2;
struct timezone tz;
long long diff;
double rslt;
//Program initialization
progNum = atoi((char *)argc[2]);
callNb = atoi((char *)argc[4]);
hostname = (char *)argc[1];
maxThd = maxThd << (threadNb - 1); //Set the maximum threads number
pthread_attr_init (&thread_attr);
if (run_mode == 1)
pthread_attr_getstacksize(&thread_attr, (size_t *)&ssz); //For debug purpose, get default thread stack size
fprintf(stderr, "Server #%d\n", progNum);
fprintf(stderr, "Calls per thread : %d\n", callNb);
fprintf(stderr, "Instances : %d\n", threadNb);
fprintf(stderr, "Max threads to create : %d\n", maxThd);
fprintf(stderr, "Standard thread stack size in bytes %d\n", ssz);
pthread_attr_setstacksize(&thread_attr, 40000); //Set thread stack size to 40 KB
//Init results table
thread_time_result = (double *)malloc((threadNb) * sizeof(double));
memset(&thread_time_result[0], (double)0, (threadNb) * sizeof(double));
//Create all threads
//Run all threads
pThreadArray = (pthread_t *)malloc(maxThd * sizeof(pthread_t));
for (i = 0; i < threadNb; i++)
if (run_mode)
fprintf(stderr, "Threads for pass %d : %d\n", i, curThd);
gettimeofday(&tv1, &tz);
for (j = 0; j < curThd; j++)
//Create thread using defined parameters (stack size = 40 KB)
if (pthread_create (&pThreadArray[j], &thread_attr, my_thread_process, (void *)j) != 0)
fprintf (stderr, "pthread_create error for thread %d\n", j);
exit (1);
//Clean threads
for (j = 0; j < curThd; j++)
if ((pthread_t *)pThreadArray[j] != NULL)
(void)pthread_join (pThreadArray[j], &ret);
fprintf(stderr, "pThread Join Err : %d\n", j);
gettimeofday(&tv2, &tz);
//Calculate and store delay to table results
diff = (tv2.tv_sec-tv1.tv_sec) * 1000000L + (tv2.tv_usec-tv1.tv_usec);
rslt = (double)diff / 1000;
thread_time_result[i] = rslt;
curThd = curThd * 2;
//Check if all threads results are ok
test_status = 0;
for (i = 0; i < threadNb; i++)
if (thread_time_result[i] == 0)
test_status = 1;
//This last printf gives the result status to the tests suite
//normally should be 0: test has passed or 1: test has failed
printf("%d\n", test_status);
//Print scalability results
curThd = 1;
for (i = 0; i < threadNb; i++)
printf("%d %lf\n", curThd, thread_time_result[i]);
curThd = curThd * 2;
return test_status;