blob: b4d50f6c402a9fb95708677ecc9ccffe0d80766a [file] [log] [blame]
# These tests require the corresponding media to be present:
# stress_floppy: Requires a writeable HD floppy disk
# stress_cd: Requires ANY data CD with a minimum of 100MB of data.
# NOTE: The stress_floppy test is easily modifiable for use on any
# write device, i.e. tape drive, zip drive....etc
cd `dirname $0`
export LTPROOT=${PWD}
export TMPDIR=/tmp
mkdir /tmp/diskiopan-$$
cd /tmp/diskiopan-$$
export PATH="${PATH}:${LTPROOT}/testcases/bin"
${LTPROOT}/pan/pan -e -l /tmp/diskiopan.log -S -a ltpdiskio -n ltpdiskio -f ${LTPROOT}/runtest/io
if [ $? -eq "0" ]; then
echo pan reported PASS
echo pan reported FAIL